32. Adventure

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we all rest on the seats in the boat while rafe drives, kiara explains my life from start to finish and it actually sounds good, better than working for a psycho.

"Did you actually kill that man?" Kiara asks, remembering that I has brought my gun out infrount of them to shoot mr fisher.

"Yes" I respond.

"We have no choice" Cleo says.

"Why?" Rafe speaks up with his hands leaving the wheel.

"If we don't do what he says he threatens to kill us, and he looks at me and kat like we are teenagers that need to be taught a lesson" Cleo explains.

"Are we actually going to have to call you kat?" Kiara asks.

"I mean I don't really mind, call me whatever honestly" I say.

"I like y/n better" Cleo says.

We all burst out in laughter.

"So you really don't remember anything?" Rafe asks sounding sad.

"No sorry, where we... together?" I ask.

"Sorta.." rafe replies

I nod and Cleo changes the subject.

"Why where yous wanted from Mr Singh because he made it obvious you guys ment alot to him" Cleo asks

"He wants a diary from some guy that John b is obsessed with, just to find 'the Eldorado ya know?'" Kiara chuckles when she repeats his words.

"He's got some Habbit on that" I laugh

"We are close" rafe says as he points out towards the ocean.

I can slightly see some trees, land and other boats.

"I'm scared..." I say to Cleo.

"Don't be, new life new you" Cleo starts.

"I think I have had way to many life's to count" I joke.

Soon enough we have made it to the outerbanks boat marina.

"Wow.. it's not as beautiful as I thought it was" I say gesturing to all the poor houses.

"Just wait till you come to figure 8" rafe says.

Kiara told me about the cut, figure 8, and the things about kook and pouges. I personally think it's stupid to decide people about how much money there is but I guess other people don't.

We all come to a stop and I leap off the boat looking around like I have never seen a building or grass before.

"So where's the group?" I ask kiara.

"They must be at the chateau"

"Yeah no I'm not going there because you know what happened last time" rafe says to kiara.

"Let's go! I want to explore!" Cleo says as she walks into town.

We are walking  around for a bit before Cleo grabs me and yanks me into a bush.

"What the fuck?!" I yell at her trying to get up but she has ahold of me.

"Mr Singhs guards!!" She says and kiara and rafe join us behind the bush.

"What are they doing here?" Kiara asks.

"Hmmm let me think.. Mr singhs 2 favorite guards so missing aswell as the 2 prisoners" Cleo says.

"Carlos said if I did anything he would kill me! I cannot be spotted!" I say to the 3 of them.

"Well let's go!" Rafe says as he grabs my hand and starts pulling me away from the guards.

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