24. Cafeteria sene

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I wake up with the noise of a engine running, I open my eyes to find myself laying in the back seats of rafes car.

"Rafe?" I ask

"Hey, sorry you fell asleep at the party so I'm just dropping you home" rafe says sweetly.

"Oh.. ok" I say, sitting up I notice I have a big headache. "Owch" I say as I rub my head.

"Oh yeah, after we left the coke room you drunk some more alcohol and then fell asleep" rafe let's me know.

"Oh aha..." I say.

We pull up to the chateau and I hop out of the car, "thanks again rafe" I say.

"No problem see you tomorrow"

I walk up to the chateau porch and walk inside.

"Shit hide it!" Jj says placing his hands on a sheet of paper John b is holding.

John b quickly hides the piece of paper behind one of the pillows on the couch.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask.

"Just show her." Kiara says turning to john b.

"We don't even know if it's true!!" John b argues.

"Show me what?"

I walk up to John b and I hood my hand out for John b to put the piece of paper on it.

John b sighs then gives in, he reaches behind the pillow and pulls out the paper.

"Just know it might not be true." John b says in a low tone as he hands me the paper.

I turn it over so I can see what's written on the paper. As soon as I see the big red writing my mouth drops open. I don't know what to say.

The big writing says-
Certificate of adoption
Y/n y/L/n

I just stand there. "It might not be true y/n" jj says trying to comfort me.

At this point I want the ground to swallow me whole. Was my whole life a lie? Big John isn't my dad....

"John b is it true?" I say my voice ratting from being on the verge of tears.

"I don't know.. we opened dads safe and found it" John b explains.

"YOUR DADS SAFE. not my dad. Not anymore" I say, I scrunch up the paper and walk to my room.

Kiara try's to come in a couple of times but I locked the door.

I sit on my bed, Feeling drained, at this point I never want to leave my room, but I know I have to go to school tomorrow.

It's the next morning, I had stayed up all night crying.

I wash my mascara that had run down my face off, brush my hair and get changed.

I walk out of the chateau and find the pouges sitting on the couch like they were waiting for me to come out.

I walk past them and jj goes to say something but I interrupt him, "No. Just don't."

I walk out of the chateau and I have asked Sarah for a ride to school, she pulled up in the driveway and wished me a good morning..

I stayed quiet the whole ride to school, Sarah ran her mouth like always but I wasn't bothered by that, I want something to take my mind off things, and I knew just the thing.

I walk into science the first class of the day and rafe is sitting down with a smile on his face. I sit next to him and he sees how quiet I am.

"What's up?" Rafe asks.

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