19. The house

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⚠️ warning ⚠️
This chapter refers to rape

I got rafe to drop me down the road from the chateau. I had to sort out everything with the pouges, I missed them already even though it hasn't been long. I hated when they were mad at me.

I walked up the dirt drive way that leads around the back to the entrance of the porch.

"Finally! We found it!" I hear johnb yell inside

I walk inside with my head down, opening the thin fly screen door, all eyes were drawn to me.

"What are you doing here?" Asks John b

"Jb chill let's give her a chance to explain." Kiara says sticking up for you.

"Talk." Jb demands

"I'm sorry. I want thinking. It will never happen again I promise" you say lifting your head up a little

"And how do we know your not just bullshitting us?" Pope says

"You will just have to wait. I won't talk, see or even look at rafe. Please I'm sorry" you beg

Kiara comes up to you and hugs you, pope and Sarah lead behind her.

Jj and John b a bit hesitant.

"Please don't remind me of this again I don't want the vision of my brother fucking my best friend" Sarah says jokingly.

Jj gives in and gives you a hug.

"I missed you" he admits

"John b get your ass over here" you joke

John b slumps into your arms giving you a hug.

2 nights pass and you remember jj calling out something when you came back to the chateau, you go out and ask the pouges what it was about.

"Sooo... what were you guys talking about before? Like when I entered the house YeH other day I heard jj call out that you guys found somthing" You ask

"We found the royal merchant gold!" Jj says excitingly

"What? How? Where?"

"Well when you were gone, John b found his dads compass and then that lead us to the Cameron's house, which is leading us to the gold" pope explains

"And where is this gold?" You ask

"Well... uhm we are going in and getting it tonight and we need your help" John b says

"Where is it?"

Everyone goes quiet.

"Guys? Where the fuck is it?"

"Uhm.. it's at the old lady's house in the woods, where uhm you know you got.." jj stops at the end of his sentence

You go quiet.  When you were 13 years old you and kiara went to play hide and seek there and you got trapped in the old lady's house but the old lady wasn't home and some random guy was and he wanted to teach you a lesson to not fuck around with anyone's houses so he... raped you. He let you out of the house 3 hours after kiara went to the police and the cops did nothing about it.

"So are you in?" Pope asks

"No." You say bluntly, it looks like all your life has been drained from you the moment jj said that.

"Hey I'm sorry for bringing it up" jj apologises

"It's ok"

" y/n this would really mean a lot to me if you helped us, I know it's hard but your part is quick in and out" John b says

"Ok... but can I get my phone back?"
It was a long time ago that it happend the man was for sure dead by now. I need to let it go.

"Yea sure." Jb says handing you your phone

You go place your phone on charge and you go through it to see what you have missed out on.
You see multiple missed calls from rafe and lots of unread texts from him, you ignore them and walk back out to the patio.

"I'm in, what do I have to do" you say

"You have to go around the back of the house to turn of the power which will stop the motion sensor lights going off when we go under the house" pope says.

"Yup." Kie says

"Ok! That's easy".


It's dark out and you and the group have packed your bags with tools like flashlights, a small shovel, hoodie just incase we get caught and we need to cover ourselves and more, you start driving to the house

John b pulls the Twinkie over and you put on your dark blue hoodie, "your time to shine cupcake" jj says opening the slide door of the van.

You jump out and pope wishes you luck, they drive off

💭 ok so, go around the back turn the power off then meet at the bush with spikes on it next to the water fountain 💭

you jump and latch onto the concrete wall and haul yourself over landing on a patch of leaves.

"What was that noise?" You hear a voice say.

💭shit. Duck💭

You leap behind a hedge trying not to make any noise

"Who knows, probably a stray cat, come on we have to get the stuff". Another man's voice says, sounds like a old man and the other voice sounds young.

You see both of them walk up to the door and knock, you can't quite see who it is as there is a small light shining on them from inside the house, bows my chance to run.

You run around the side of the house to the back. You find the power operator and you open the little square door and there is no on and off button nor a leaver.

What the fuck? You think to yourself

You gaze around the outside of the power box and you find a wire leading up the wall then down the wall then under a window and into the house.


You slowly side the window open, and creep inside

Where the fuck is the power operator

You hear some chitchat happening at the front door so you make your trip quick.

You turn to enter the room with the power box but a man is standing there a tall figure.

You try run but then he grabs onto your arm and stops you

"Let go of me you fucking rapist!" You yell getting out of the man's grip

You go to make a run for it but you feel the flash backs come back to mind and you blackout.

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