12. boogie man

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"Why are you doing this?!" You yell, banging on your door

"Y/n this isn't the first time you disappeared into the night and you also when to the bonfire when I told you to stay home!" John b reply's raising his voice, you know there is no point on arguing back to him to open the door so you decide to just stay quiet.

💭fuckkk what if he goes through my phone and sees the messages to rafe?!!💭


Later that night John b and the group lets you out of your room and they signal you to sit out on the porch with them, kiara hands you dinner which is fish and chips and you thank her.

It's quiet and everyone is eating, once your done pope speaks up "John b tell her."

"Tell me what?" You ask

"We are going out tonight and your staying home, I'm locking your door again, you need to learn to actually Listen." He states

"What no wtf?! You just locked me up in my room for 3 hours I have nothing to do! It's like I'm getting kidnapped again!" You argue

"It's just for tonight ok?" Jj speaks up

"Your in on this too? Wow.. what great friends, I would rather be re-kidnapped by Barry then me cooped up in my room for any longer" you protest

"Don't say that y/n.." jj says softly

"Well I'm not staying in my room!"

You get up and put your plate in the dishwasher, John b then grabs you (not to rough but enough so you can't get away) and then puts you in your room, walking out and locking the door behind him.

"Let me out you son of a bitch!!" You yell,
"I wish you guys were never my friends and you John b I wish you were never my brother!!!" You yell while banging on your door .

You hear no response and it's all quiet

30mins later your scribbling on some paper and you hear the Twinkie pull out of the driveway and leave the chateau.

💭wow.. they did it again they just left me!💭


You decide to go to bed to you get up and close your curtains and get changed into your pj's

As your laying in bed about to fall asleep you hear tapping on your window

💭what the fuck is that.. it's a fucking monster or murderer or the boogie man!!💭

You duck under your sheets and you hear a voice

"Y/n? You home?"

It's rafe.

You get up and slide your curtains open and the window.

"What are you doing here?" You ask

"I saw your group at a beach party and I couldn't see you so I figured you would be here at home" rafe reply's

You blush

"You came to see me why?" You ask

"I just wanted to see you"

"Oh you miss me that much" you say joking around.

"Care to let me in the frount?" Rafe asks

"Cant John b locked me in my room for sneaking off last night but just climb through the window" you say

You take the fly screen off your window and help rafe inside your room.

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