11. Grounded

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You get rafe to drop you off around the corner from the chateau just so the pouges won't see who you were with, you take off the helmet you borrowed from rafe and lift one leg over the other to slide off the motorbike seat.

"It was good seeing you again y/n" rafe says, as he gets off the bike and goes in to give you a hug but you dodge the hug and give him a kiss on the cheek instead, you catch him blushing the slightest as you pull away and start walking off.

"I hope to see you again princess" he shouts


You enter the chateau to see jj, pope, kiara and John b sitting down outside on the deck.

"Hi.." you say nervously, you know you will be interrogated by the boys so you try and avoid them and walk inside, but kiara stops you.

"Where have you been?" Kiara questions as everyone's eyes are glaring at you.

"I was just stayed the night with a friend" you say, it's the truth rafe was just a friend so you wouldn't be lying but then again you slept with him.

"Why did you not answer any of my texts nor the rest of the groups either" jj interrogates.

"My phone died" you say as you pretend to stretch your neck hoping pope wouldn't catch on that your lying.

"Your grounded y/n" John b says, "do not question me you are grounded for a week, no party's, no seeing friends, and no surfing." John b says as he cuts to the chase.

"What no- John b please I was safe I didn't die Atleast!" You say, "jj? Pope?" You say looking at them hoping they would back you up but they both look away.

"Don't look at them, we didn't know where you went and you wouldn't answer us so your grounded" John b says.

"Oh so I'm grounded but your not?" You smartly say

"What do you mean" asks John b

"The pouges didn't know where you were either pope texted me wondering where you were aswell, so care to share where you where with all of us?" you say

"I'm old enough to look after myself and it doesn't concern you where I was" Jb says

"I'm old enough too!!" You shout

John b ignores your comment and jj, poor and kie walk out to the tree, "your grounded ok y/n? Don't try to argue it will only make it worse" jb says.

You don't say anything and walk straight to your room, you occupy yourself with your phone watching everyone's instagram stories and playing games and texting rafe.

Later on jj walks into your room, "what" you demand

"Look I'm sorry, we didn't know where you wer and you weren't letting us know you were safe we thought Barry got you again.." jj apologies

"No I'm sorry I should've charged my phone or even texted you off my friends phone, but I don't understand why I have to be the one grounded when John b was with Sarah Cameron" you argue

"Sarah Cameron?" Jj scrunches his eye brows confused, "why was he with her? And how do you know he was?"

"Oh- uhm on the way back from my friends we drove past the Cameron's and I saw John b with Sarah" you cover

"That son of a bitch" jj says as he barges out of your room


You hear arguing going on in the living room for a while, then it stops and your room door swings open rattling as it slams onto the wall.

"Give me your phone!" John b demands

"What no- your not my dad nor mum and it's my phone." You snap

John b then walks up to you and snatches it from your hand and walks out of your room locking the door.

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