13. Mad

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You place the fly screen back onto your window and rafe starts to look around admiring your room. You can hear the cars passing the house and the sound of the chickens chucking because of how quiet it is but finally rafe breaks the silence.

"So... how come your locked in here again?" He asks

"Because I didn't text the group back last night when I was with you and they thought I got kidnapped again" you say flopping your self into your bed.

"So they locked you in your room?" He asks


"Isn't that like kidnapping?" He chuckles

You laugh and nod your head

"How come you came to see me? Give me the real reason" you blurt

"I told you. I wanted to see you" rafe says, he is still standing up next to your bedroom door.

"Rafe. We both know that not the actual reason" You say, as you signal him to sit next to you, he sits on the edge of your bed.

"Ok fine, I like you." Rafe blurts as he looks down into his knees.

"Oh well that's a shame.." you joke letting out a chuckle

"Wha- what-" he says

"I'm just kidding come here" you say pulling him in for a kiss.

You stand up unlinking from the kiss and wrap your arms around his neck and sit yourself in his lap, then go back into the kiss, butterflies flood your stomach and thoughts try to take over your head but you were just focusing on your lips against rafes.

Rafe unbuttons your crop top and slides it off your shoulders and down your arms not once unlinking the kiss, you tug rafes shirt to signal him to take it off, he breaks away from the kiss and slides his shirt off smoothy then dives right back into the kiss.


(Pouges pov after they left the chateau)

"This doesn't feel right..." pope says, the rattles in the background from the Twinkie hitting small potholes in the dirt road and the setting sun glaring into the splits in the curtains from the van.

"Don't be, I just don't believe her when she said she was with a 'school friend' last night" John b admits

"Me either" jj agrees "Anyway where is this party at?" He says again

"Just around the corner it's at a kooks house but some pouges trashed the place so now they have made it a party" kiara answers

"Anyone know if y/n has spoken to rafe yet after you know.." jj asks

"No don't think so, but he is over her now" John b says

"Yeah" Sarah speaks up

"Why? And how?" Jj questions

"Well I went and visited Sarah at her place and as we were leaving we heard talking from rafes room and we went in and the girl was under the sheets so we couldn't see her but there was a black thong with some initial on it and some shorts and so on. But rafe kicked us out before we could see who the girl was" jb explains

"Oh cool" jj says, placing his cap on then proceeds to slide open  the Twinkie door as they come to a stop at the gravel drive way outside the party.

(About an hour into the party)

"Ay jb look rafes here" kie says as she taps John b's shoulder and lifts her arm up to point at rafe who is shoving through people.

"He looks odd what is he doing?" John b says

"Idk probs looking for somone" kiara says

"Yeah most likely his love interest from that morning" Sarah says, giving John b a little shove to John b in his shoulder.

"Ayooo!!! Y'all I just want to say thank you for all the free drinks and all the fun times this island has given me let's make a toast!!" Jj yells as he steps up onto the counter to get everyone's attention.

"That's the signal" pope says to the rest of the group

"Yup, he's drunk let's go before a kook gets pissed off" kie says, while grabbing jj's hand and pulling him down from the counter and pulling him to the car with the rest of the group.

As they all get in the car they see rafe speed off on his dirt bike, "he's being a naughty boy going over the speed limit" jj states as he waves his hand in the air pointing one finger up.

(Back to present which is when rafe and y/n were making out)

You and rafe are kissing and rafe has his hand up gripping on your ass, and you have one of your hands tangled through his hair and the other hand wrapped around his neck.

You hear the Twinkie breaks pull up and you leap off rafes lap and put your top back on and so does rafe.

"Did I do somthing wrong? I'm sorry if I did, I-" rafe says worried he has hurt you

"No no just shhh the pouges are back" you whisper, rafe nods as a reply.

you quickly close your curtains and you hear the pouges enter the chateau with jj singing his lungs off.

"Y/nnn!!! Cupcake we are HoOMmEe" jj yells

"Shush jj she might be asleep!" Kie says

"I'll go check on her" you hear john b say.

You quickly get rafe under your bed and you sit on your bed

John b enters not expecting for you to be up at this time and for you to be sitting on your bed seaming like you have been waiting on their arrival.

"So. Where were you? Jjs drunk so you went to a party?" You say in a stubborn voice

"Fuck off y/n honestly we went to a party so what? Your grounded because you arnt listening to me thats your fault" John b curses

You roll your eyes and push John b out of the door way and you slam the door on him

"Oooooh looks like someone's mad" you hear jj say

You slide a chair under your door handle so no one can enter and you get rafe to come out from under your bed.

"Rafe.. rafe!" You whisper "hurry up and come out"

"I'm coming" he whispers back, he slides out from under your bed and whispers "look what I found" as he holds up one of your vivid red thongs.

"Oi wtf don't touch my shit" you whisper

Rafe chuckles, you snatch the thong off him and put in in your draw

"Where did you park your bike?" You ask

"On the road so don't worry the pouges didn't see it when they drove in" rafe replies

"Y/n? What are you doing?" You hear a voice from the other side of your door say as they try open the door but the chair stops them from entering "y/n? Open up!"

"Uh- give me a minute!" You yell back, you open your curtains in a rush and lift and pull the fly screen off your window and you tell rafe to get out.

Rafe then slides out of the window and lands outside "bye y/n hope to see you soon" he says, you blow him a kiss in reply and he runs off.

"Y/n open the fucking door" the voice says

You quickly place the fly screen back on and slide your curtains close and you leap over to your door and remove the chair.

"Y/n open the-" you cut the person off

"It's open" you say cutting the person off

John b barges into the room and inspects it like there has been a murder scene

"What are you doing?" You ask

"Who the hell were you talking to. Don't play dumb you were talking to somone me, kie and pope heard it" John b says

"I'm watching a show on my laptop, what's your problem why are you so over protective?" You ask rolling your eyes back.

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