3. Protective

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It's the next day and you all agree to go out on the boat for a day out, you and kie are getting ready and you hear the boys talking, "she is your sister you can't treat her like a baby anymore she is younger by 1 year" pope says

"yeah I know but she has been through so much and I need to protect her" John b reply's,

"no we need to protect her" jj adds, me and kie walk out in our bikinis and get on the boat, the boys follow.

As you guys are driving through the river you spot another boat coming our way and you spot rafe, topper and kelce on it,

💭oh shit duck!💭

"uh I'm going to get a beer" you say as you bend down to cover your face while getting a beer.


(On the kooks boat) "Who's that on the boat with the pouges is that chick new or something?" Asks kelce,

"no she's not new-" says topper,

"wait do you know her?" Rafe questions,

"uh no i- I was just assuming" topper says trying not to make it look like he is lying,

"anyway she's got a damn hot body" kelce says, 

"yeah it looks familiar" says rafe.

It's nearly night and Sarah comes over the chateau after you guys just got back from the boat, "y/n don't freak out" John b says,

"about what" you say and you rase a eyebrow, Sarah walks in, "omg heyyy!!!" You go and hug her

the pouges look shocked they didn't expect you to be all chill with Sarah being here, "she's now appart of the group!" Says John b,

"you macking on a kook John b rotladge?" you say and laugh

"ahah yeah... Sarah's my girlfriend" says John b,

"oh.. uhm" you mumble,

"hey y/n can I talk to you?" Sarah asks, you nod and follow her outside.

"Omg I have missed you!" Says Sarah and gives you a big hug,

"I have miss you too" you say,

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the bonfire party later with me to catch up on what I missed!" asks Sarah,

"sure!" You say, you and Sarah head back inside and Sarah leaves to get ready for the party, you get changed and ready, you put your shoes on and are about to walk out the door,

"and where do you think your going?" Asks John b,

"I'm going to the bonfire with Sarah" you say

"no your not your to young to even drink what will you even do there?" Says jj,

"oh come one like you guys weren't drinking when you weren't aloud to, besides I will be with sarah" you say,

"no you are not going, your staying home" John b says, you know there is no point in arguing with them so you storm back into your room.

You get a message on you phone it's from Sarah-
Sarah- "hey girl where are you"
Y/n- "sorry the boys arnt letting me go x"
Sarah- "cmon sneak out!!"
Y/n- "Omg yeah! I'll be there in 30!"
Sarah- "ok see you there"

You hear the pouges leave the chateau, you walk out "and where are you guys going" you ask,

"none of your business, stay home and don't open the door to strangers" says John b as he gets in the Twinkie, once they left you put your shoes back on and leave, you see jj hasn't taken his bike so you decide to ride it to the bonfire.

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