30. Dealer

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I then get my gun and I stand next to mr Singh who starts to talk to me.

"We are having a visiter so I want you to go put this dress in mrs carrera's room, then come back out here" Mr Singh demands, a maid comes up to me and hands me a dress to go put in the room, the dress is absolutely gorgeous, one day I will be able to live like a queen.

I walk up stairs and into mrs Carreras room, she is sleeping soI place the dress up in her cupboard, as I go to walk out she speaks.

"Why didn't you text back?" She asks

I turn to see tears in her eyes. I ignore her question, "Mr Singh will see you in 10 minutes be ready." I say as I leave the room shutting and locking it behind me, mrs Carrara trying banging on the door for me to let her out but I just leave.

Soon after i get called in to see mr Singh, "I want you to protect me and if this dealer try's anything on me shoot him" he demands, I nod in response, I pull up my scarf to cover my mouth and nose so the dealer cannot see my identity, mr Singh always says to do that when he has visitor's.

The dealer walks in, he's dressed in a suit that is tight around his arms but fits very well for the rest of his body, he has a buzz cut and not going to lie he is fine.

I find out that mrs Carreras first name is kiara, kiara walks down the stairs and I adjust my gun in my arms.

When she enters the dining room, the dealer is turned to the wall and pouring himself a drink, she asks a question, "uh excuse me?".

The dealer turns around to see who spoke and they both looked shocked when they look at eachother.

"No, I knew you and ward were behind this shit." Kiara spits at the man.

The dealer puts his drink down and starts walking up to kiara, "what are you talking about? You trying to weasel yourself into my deal? Is that what's going on??" He asks.

"What?" Kiara asks.

"You fucked up my life and now your trying to fuck it up even more?" The dealer asks kiara.

"Look I did not do anything to y/n! Neither did any of the pouges so stop blaming that shit on us!" Kiara shouts.

"I wondered if ya little reunion would cause sparks, ya know" Mr Singh says as he walks into the room and chuckles, I join mr Singh and stand in the doorway so no one can make a run for it.

"Who are you?" The dealer asks.

"Me?" Mr Singh asks as he points his finger to his chest, "ma name is Carlos Singh"

"It's a pleasure to meet you rafe, or should I say mr Cameron?" Mr Singh continues, "and ms Carrera, I do apologise for the rough tactics in bringing you here. But please, come sit down"

They both follow me Singh into the seating room, "why are we here" kiara asks crossing her arms across her body.

"Well, mrs Carrara, Mr Cameron, we share certain interests, you know, objectives" Mr Singh answers.

"Is this not about the cross?" Rafe asks getting impatient.

"It is" Mr Singh says as he points to rafe, "tangentially, it is about the cross, but it's also about something much much bigger than the cross, by orders of magnitude.." Mr Singh goes on and on and on about the Eldorado theory.

"What do you need from me?" Kiara asks

"I have come to believe you and your friends are in possession of something that can help me get what I want." Mr Singh answers.

"Which is?"

"A old manuscript" Mr Singh says, "a diary actually.."

"I have no idea what your talking about.." rafe says.

"This sounds ridiculous, I don't know anything about a diary" kiara says

"Well how else would you know the cross was on the royal merchant?" Mr Singh asks.

"Look, I want to help you but I can't when I have no idea what your talking about" kiara says.

"I was hoping you wouldn't say that, ya know.." Mr Singh says, "get her!" He demands.

I walk up to kiara and grab her arm to drag her away, "don't touch me you bitch!" She says as she pulls down my scarf to reveal my face.

I quickly turn my face away and grip onto kiara's arm tighter and drag her out of the room.

Rafe stands up to come after me because he saw my face but Cleo points her gun at him, "I wouldn't try anything pretty boy" Mr Singh says.

I push kiara in the guest room and she shouts at me, "why are you doing this??? What's wrong?" She shouts.

I lock the door behind me and my walkie-talkie goes off, "Katrina you there? Over" a man says in the walkie talkie.

"I am here, over" I say as I bring the radio to my mouth.

"We have some intruders coming from your back section we need help, over"

"Coming, over" i say

I run to the back of the house and I spot a couple of teenagers sprinting through the grass field. I run after them, "stay right there missy, I wouldn't try anything" I say as I bring my gun up to one of the teenagers head.

"Turn around" I demand

The girl turns around and her eyes widen at the sight of me.

"Y/n?" She asks

I turn to see who she was talking about but when I turn back 2 other boys grab her arms and they start running again.

I run after them but they lift eachother up over the fence and they run away.


Hi guys just wondering if you guys like where this is going or if you would like me to change the story line to be different?

Thank you for reading, I'm trying to post more.

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