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2.5 (ish) years after 'ceaseless'


"Where's my brother?"

"He's in the other ambulance miss, I need you to stay calm,"

"I need my brother,"

"You need the doctors before your brother,"

"Son of a bitch!"

"Yep that's definitely broken,"

It was like a wave of pain suddenly hit me across my body, and I gasped, taking short and fast breaths. I didn't know the state of me right now, it was like I could feel all the pain in the world and nothing at the same time.

I could barely remember what had happened. Some sort of explosion or fire or goodness knows what. We didn't live with our parents, we lived with our cousins- blood was blood and they let us stay. I mean they did dodgy shit but Axel and I just needed a roof and food and they were adults so they gave us that, and had since we were little. I owed them.

But whatever had happened, it had hurt like a bitch.
And I wanted to know where Axel was.

"Trauma room one,"

"It's too bright,"

"Young girl, kitchen exploded, definitely a broken shoulder, got lucky with the burns considering ,"

"What's your name, miss?"


"Okay Alyssa, we are gonna take care of you,"

"I want my brother,"

"We will find an update on your brother soon,"

"You're hurting me,"

"That's some medicine. Okay everyone, we need all hands on deck, someone stabilise that shoulder,"

"I need an xray on that,"

"Someone tend to the burns on her leg,"

"All hands on deck includes you, Miss Hemmings,"

"Can I check your throat?"


"Miss I need to check your throat,"

"Get off me,"

"Let me do it, has anyone ordered the xray? Miss can I check your throat?"

I stared at the man infront of me and scowled, then let him check my throat and looked round with just my eyes.

"Miss Hemmings I said all hands on deck, I know it's day one but come on,"


I watched as this girl shuffled closer to me, pressing gauze onto my head.



She looked younger than me, and I was 15, so that was concerning. Clearly she was an amateur, my head now hurt more than anywhere else in my body, and she looked more scared than me.

"That needs stitching,"

"I've never done stitching on a real person,"

"Go and order the xray,"


"I want my brother,"

"What's his name?"


"We will get an update, we need to get you to xray now,"

I wanted to scream every curse at them when they moved the bed, then moved me onto xray, then off the xray machine. I wanted to cry and shout but I couldn't bring myself to.

They decided I needed surgery and then I was out. Well, I was out of it before but I was out out. I needed the rest I supposed, but that stupid doctor, or fake doctor, whatever, was there when I woke up so it didn't feel very restful in the end.

I felt like absolute crap. My shoulder hurt, my throat was dry, and I wanted my brother.

"Miss Hemmings is going to listen to your chest,"

"No she's not," I said, quickly coming out of the grogginess. My heart rate picked up too, I heard it. I didn't like it here. It made me scared.

"I know you're in some pain, but it's important," she said, "I heard you did well in there,"

She listened, then tried to have me sit up and it hurt so I let out a scream. I didn't mean to, but then she jumped back and let me fall back onto the bed, so I screamed again.



"Here, I will listen,"

"Are you a proper doctor?"

"I am, Miss Hemmings why don't you go and get Alyssa some water?"

I watched her leave- she rushed away and bumped into the doorframe on the way out, making me sigh.

"I don't want her to touch me again she keeps hurting me,"

"I am sorry, she is a medical student so she is learning, and unfortunately your body is going to hurt,"

"She can't touch my brother," I said, my lip trembling.

"Your brother is being looked after by someone else. What is your last name? We need to call your parents,"


"Social services are already on their way,"


"Here's your water,"

"I don't want water!"

"Miss, everything will be okay," the real doctor said, nodding for the fake one to put the water down beside me. She didn't look that well, she looked like she should probably be in the bed instead of me, but maybe I was just being harsh.

"Get off me, I want my brother,"

"You need to rest,"

"I don't want to rest,"

"Have a nap, it always makes things better," she said.

"You don't know what will make me feel better otherwise you would get me my brother. Has something happened to him? I need him,"

"Your brother is in good hands,"

"I need him," I cried, "I need my brother,"

"Your brother is in surgery,"

"Miss Hemmings,"

"That's why you can't see him. Let us look after you for now, then we will get an update,"

"Surgery for what?"

"I don't know,"

"Is he gonna die?"

"He is in good hands," the real doctor said, "You made it out of your surgery, didn't you? And now you need to rest,"

"Get me an update,"

"Miss Hemmings can you get an update since you started this,"

They helped me get comfy under the covers and helped me have some water, gently wiping my tears with a tissue as I began to cry. I was scared, about Axel, and where we would go. They wouldn't let us stay at our cousins now, no chance. What if they split us up? We were technically half siblings, but our birthdays were exactly one day apart. We were practically twins- I wasn't sure anyone else saw us that way. Different last names, different appearances, different family.

I needed him to be okay. He made sure I was okay all the time.

"They just finished and he is going to rest,"

"Brilliant. Both of you rest, and you will see each other soon," the real doctor said.




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