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George and Dream put their shoes on, said their goodbyes to the two other men and went on their way.

Sapnap and Karl sat in the living room in silence.

"You doing okay?" Karl asked

"Yeah I guess." Sapnap muttered. Karl grabbed the others hands holding them tightly.

"Nick you can tell me anything."

"I know- I just feel like an asshole. I really do want to be happy for them but they're just hurting themselves."

"It's going to be okay. Everything will work out, and it's not your job to help them." Karl said. "Please just promise to take care of yourself first."

"I can't Karl!" Sapnap shouted and then calmed down. "Dreams eating disorder is coming back and he can't get through it alone."

Karl sat in silence for a moment. "What?"

"He won't eat anything! I'm so scared! I don't want to lose him!"

"Shhh. You won't loose him. I just need a minute to think."

Sapnap nodded and hung his head. He held Karl's hands, grasping them harshly. The two sat in silence for a few minutes.

"How do you know it's back?"

"At the hospital yesterday-" Sapnap started to explain

"He went to the hospital?!" Karl raised his voice slightly, interrupting the other.

"Well, Dream had a panic attack and George went to go kill himself, so I brought George to the hospital. they stopped him from overdosing, and then I called Dream and when he got there he had another panic attack and he passed out. And then the doctors told me about how malnourished he was and stuff." Sapnap explained

"Holy shit." Karl said in shock.

"The Nurse gave me the meal plan thing but Dream won't listen to me about it. He didn't the first time, and he won't now."

"I'll talk to him."

"You don't need to do that.."

"No, I'm gonna have a talk with him..."

George and Dream had been walking for a while. They were far past their neighborhood and were now in a more  business aligned part of town. Stores aligned the streets on one side while cars rushed by on the other.

"You wanna stop by the store before we go back home." Dream asked.

"Yeah sure." George replied, following closely behind the blonde as they walked into the store.

"Meet back here in 5? I need to go check for this hair thing Quackity recommended me." Dream said.

"Sounds good," the two men walked in opposite directions. George, fully aware of what he was doing, walked straight to the alcohol section. Scanning the shelf he found himself trying to decide between the same beer he had last time or this other brand he had enjoyed in the past.

His phone rang in his pocket,

'Incoming call from Dream <3'

George picked up the phone.

"Where are you?" Dream said.

"Oh had it already been 5 minutes, sorry I got caught up in something I'll be right there. Grabbing a random case he rushed out of the isle and to front area of the store.

The two men spotted eachother as they finished shopping.

"Check out?"


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