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The three men would end up spending the next 4 hours in the hospital. At the two hour mark they discharged George but he didn't leave the hospital.

Him and Sapnap sat outside of Dreams room for an hour before being allowed to see him. He was awake but struggling.

Dream sat in bed under the blankets. He was plugged up to an array of machines and monitors. As Sapnap and George entered the room Dream flinched. He didn't want the two others to see him like this.

His body tensed.

"Dream! Thank god you are okay." Sapnap said, Rushing to his side. George walked with Sapnap over to the blonde. George leaned down and gave Dream a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less.

For the two hours that Dream had been in this room the nurses had hooked him up to a feeding tube. Something he didn't want or think he even needed. Every second that was passing felt like hell knowing he was practically having calories pumped into his stomach.

He felt gross when George walked in. He felt as if George would think he was disgusting. The three sat in silence for a while. Sapnap hugged the blonde tightly, not willing to let go for even a moment. George sat in a chair a few feet away, exhausted.

Dream watched George  from across the room trying to take in what the brunette may be feeling in the moment.

"Nick can you ask George to leave for a moment.." Dream whispered to Sapnap as they hugged.

"Yeah- sure."

After a moment George was convinced to leave just for a few minutes.

Dream started crying as he hugged Sapnap tightly.

"Am I disgusting? Be honest with me Nick! Please..!"

"Dream, you arnt disgusting why would you ever think that?"

"This fucking thing! It makes me feel gross I hate it!" Dream gestured to the tube in his nose as he spoke.

"You've gotten over this before. You will get over it again."

"I can't Nick- please- can you get them to stop it. I don't want it."

"I can't do that Dream I'm sorry."

Dream didn't answer.

"I won't do it because I care about you. And if this is what the doctors say you need then we need to trust that."

Dream disregarded the others comment, "I feel nauseous."

"Here." Sapnap handed Dream a glass of water that had been set on the table next to them. "Also, the nurse gave me this." Sapnap handed Dream a small book of meal plans for the next couple months. Dream read the title and tossed it to his side.

"That's dumb."

Sapnap sighed at the blondes remark. "I'm going to let George back in okay?"

"Okay." Dream slowly took sips from the glass waiting for Sapnap to return with their friend. George entered the room and Sapnap followed after him, closing the door behind the both of them.

"Are you feeling okay?" George asked, making his way over to Dreams side, holding his hand.

"Yeah.." Dream muttered. He couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety being around his lover. He felt as though he was being judged harshly by the other. Dream shook faintly, his body tensing and relaxing over and over again.

"The nurse said you will be okay to leave whenever you feel you have enough strength." Sapnap said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. George sat down on the edge of the bed, only on the other side and closer to the blonde. Dreams hands shook as he tried to take another sip of water. After some struggle he set the cup back down on the table.

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