4. drunk thoughts

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You show up at the party and see the Twinkie on the side of the road.

💭what mother fuckers💭

you get to the bonfire and topper walks up to you, "y/n wth? I thought you said you were going to keep you being here on the low" he says,

"I was but then I wanna live life and the pouges arnt letting me so I snuck out and I'm here to see Sarah have you seen her?" You say, top shakes his head then walks off, you go get a shot and decide to get sh!t faced so you take 4 more shots.

you can feel the back of your throat aching from the shots as you see Sarah skulling a beer in the distance and you walk up to her.

"heyyy girlllllllll" you say,

"oh y/n your so drunk" she says, you both laugh and get another drink.

As your walking back to the spot you found Sarah you see jj talking to a girl and you decide to walk past him to see if he notices you, but half way walking up to him a random guy approaches you

"hey you looking hella fine wanna come back to mine?" The guy asks.

"uhm no thank you" you mumble still drunk asf.

"oh come on you will have a amazing time" he says while grabbing onto your arm tight,

"let go of me!" You yell, no one hears you because the music is up to loud and everyone is focused on something else,

"I will give you 1 more chance, come with me for a good time" the guy says,

"no!" You shout as you get out of his grip and run over to all the commotion happening over by the bonfire.

It's a fight, you go closer to see who is fighting and you see it's jj and rafe

"Get off eachother" yells kie,

"let go rafe!!" You scream, rafe looks up to see who yelled that and sees you, he continues fighting,

"oh I gave you one chance and you blew it princess" a guys voice says, you turn to see who it is and it's the man from before, he grabs you by the arms and pulls you away from the crowd, rafe sees what's happening and goes to help you buy jj puts a gun to rafes head and everyone goes quiet.

the man shoved you in his car which is parked next to the crowd, "AHHHHHH HELLLPPP!!!" you scream.

everyone turns to the car your in and sees you trying to open the door but the guy starts driving off with you in his car, everything goes black.


You wake up tied to a concrete hook in the corner of the house, you recognise the house but can't put your finger on who owns it, you can hear talking in the room next to you,

Guy 1-"you got her right?"
Guy 2- "yeah I did, it wasn't easy but I want my money"
Guy 1- "yeah you will get your money after he pays what he owes"
Guy 2- "yeah ok but I want it soon"

A man then walks into the room your in, "you remember me right princess?" Asks the man,

💭oh shit.💭

"yeah, the look on your face shows that you definitely know me" says the man,

💭 no no no no, it's Barry rafes dealer.💭

"your little kook boyfriend owes me money, and alot of it, I'm going to keep you here untill he pays up!" Barry yells

Addicting Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora