Chapter 5: Interference (Part 3)

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Chloe's first thought was if dresses had always been so restricting. Compared to the adventurer's wear that Mask had bought her, she felt like she had been tied up by a dozen ropes. In regards to appearance she looked like a delicate flower child raised by nobility, to that point she was. Just wearing the blue dress ordained in flowers and lace reminded her of her actual life and instinctively her manners shifted back to the prim and proper stiffness of a central noble.

"Chloe you look amazing!" Lana squealed at her own handiwork.

"Thank you for your kind compliment," Chloe curtsied respectfully.

"And you can act the part as well. At least we know you won't offend anyone. Still," she turned to Mask, "Stay safe tonight and make sure to keep Chloe warm."

Mask who had changed into a suit smiled, "I would have done so regardless."

"Then off you go," Lana said with mixed feelings. "See you tomorrow." Her tone betrayed her nervousness.

"Yes, we shall meet again tomorrow," Chloe replied pleasantly.

"You heard the little miss," Mask was much more relaxed and opened the door for Chloe as they exited through the back of the guild to lessen the attention on them. While the sun had already set, the Guild had become a rather popular place to drink and eat once more. If it weren't for the new hires Lana had quickly found, she'd never get a break at all.

"It is quite chilly this evening," Chloe noted the weather. Mask waved his hand over her and the air suddenly became warmer. "Thank you kindly."

"Are you going to speak like that all evening?" Mask had to ask as they began to walk towards the Upper district.

"Ah," Chloe realised what she had been doing. "No well...."

"Just speak however you feel most comfortable, though once we arrive at the mansion I suggest you only speak when spoken to. I suspect we might find some old friends."

"Old friends?"

"We'll see," he faced forward and led the way with Chloe beside him.

The Upper district, while it housed only 1% of the population made up about a fifth of the city and was blocked off by its own walls. On its outer edge and connected to the wall was the council building which neared the fancier side of the market district. The council building was meant to stand as a bridge between the common people and those who descended from the upper class, it was a space for both sides to come to a consensus. The past few years however, it was clear that one side had much more power.

The pair arrived at the edge of the market district, the council building in view and not far, a large closed door embedded into the stone wall. The wall to the Upper district was well looked after and though smaller, it was sturdier than the wall on the outside of the city. Armed guards stood by the door and halted them as they approached.

"Stop there, what business do you have?" the guard in finer armour than usual questioned.

"My name is Corvis Kane and this is my niece Chloe. We have been summoned to meet the Lord," Mask took out his invitation.

The guard gave it a look and quickly backed down, "Open the door. Have a pleasant stay."

"Thank you," Mask led Chloe through the door as it groaned open. It soon shut as they reached the other side.

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