92. Mark

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"I feel like your up to something" billy says "I'm not" i say back "it's just weird that all of a sudden you want to go back to the upside down" billy says "I've had this planned out for months" i say back "it just feels like I'm losing another person in my life" billy says "well your not, no matter how far we are away from each other i can still contact you" i say back "how" billy asks "idiot my powers" i say back "forgot" billy says i roll my eyes "roll your eyes at me again and i won't sleep here with you" billy says "you wouldn't" i say back "you'll see" billy say getting up. I see a smile grow on Billy's face before he leaves the room. "Fuck" i think. I change then go downstairs. I find billy watching tv on the couch. I walk up to him then stand in front of him. I get on my knees and cross my arms on his lab then rest my chin on my arms. Billy doesn't pay attention so i get up and walk behind the couch. I wrap my arms around him and kiss his neck. Still nothing was working. I let go and try to think of something. I take my shirt off then unclip my bra and throw it on billy's lab. "Two can play at this game fucker" i think. Billy finally notices "so this is what you'll do to get my attention" billy says "maybe" i say back. Billy gets up and walks up to me. Billy lifts my head up by my chin with his finger to make me look up at him. "That counts as begging" billy says smiling "worth it" i say back. Billy kisses me then picks me up "it's weird to think in a few weeks i won't see you every second" billy says "don't over think it" i say back "how are you going to protect yourself there" billy asks "i have combat skills you know" i say back "you do" billy says confused "yes" i say back "i might have to see them to believe you" billy says "figure" i say back. Billy puts me down and i put my bra back on. "Do you have a tattoo on your back" billy asks "no why" i say back "there's an x in what looks like black ink at the top of your back" billy says a chill goes down my spin "your kidding" i say back trying not to sound scared "no why, what dose it mean" billy asks "nothing" i say back "glam what dose it mean" billy says "it means i have been accepted" i say back "accepted to what" billy asks "the upside down, now that i have the mark nothing will try to kill me" i say back "there's a mark for that place" billy says "yeah, didn't you notice when the town cracked it made an x" i say back "ok now it makes sense" billy says. We go back upstairs to the bedroom. "How did you get the mark" billy asks "vecna" i say back "more detail" billy says "it's hard to explain" i say back. I go to the bathroom to get ready for bed and billy follows. "What if you change so much that i don't recognize you" billy says "billy I'm still going to be me, nothing will change" i say back "what if you change your mind half way thru the mission" billy says "then I'll leave and find you" i say back "but you'll be stuck there" billy says "I'm not going to be stuck there, this is my choice, i can leave there anytime i want" i say back "are you sure your ready" billy says "yes I'm sure!" I say back starting to get annoyed "bu-" billy says i cut him off "billy if i didn't think i was ready i wouldn't be doing it, i get your worried but seriously get over it!" I say back "glam" billy says "what!" I say back "I'm just scared you'll get killed in there!" Billy says raising his voice. I just give billy a blank stare trying to figure out what to say "billy" i say wishing i could take back everything i said. Billy looks at the floor trying to hide the tears that fell down his face. "Billy i won't get killed" i say cupping his face "how do you know" billy says "i just know" i say back. I wipe the tears off Billy's face "this mark keeps me alive in there" i say "can't you wait for a few more months to leave" billy says "faster i get this mission done sooner we can be together all the time again" i say back "right" billy says. We go back to the bedroom and i get a bag out from under the bed. I throw it on the bed "all my equipment for this mission" i say. Billy looks thru it while i look for my sketch book. I find it then turn to the page that had what i was looking for. I walk up to billy and put the book on the bed. Billy looks at it "is that you" billy asks "yes, i drew that about three years ago, it's me as what i call the warrior of the upside down" i say back "do you actually have that outfit" billy asks "yep" i say back "i need to see it" billy says "I'll be back" i say back. I walk to my music room and change. I walk back into the bedroom and billy's face lights up "the spikes on the shoulders on the jacket will protect me from demobats" i say "and you'll still be rocking ripped jeans" billy says smiling "yep" i say back. I had put black ripped jeans a black shirt my boots and my jacket i made on. "And Eddie always said if i wanted to win a fight i had to have a sword" i say smiling "your joking" billy says. I grab my scabbard that had my sword in it. I put it on my back then take the sword out "where the fuck did you get a sword" billy says "frank made it for me, he's good at making weapons" i say back "your a true warrior" billy says "look who sounds like a fantasy nerd now" i say back smiling "whatever" billy says "i think with my powers, sword, combat skills, and make shift armor i should be safe" i say back "definitely" billy says "told you not to worry, now you'll know I'll be fine" i say back "I'll still worry" billy says. I put my stuff back and change. I get in bed with billy. "How long should your mission take" billy asks "around a month if i did my math correctly" i say back "i think i can survive that long without you" billy says i laugh "I'll invade your mind every night don't worry" i say back "lovely" billy says sarcastically i laugh. Everything goes silent for a few minutes "guess what" billy says "what" i say back looking at him "i love you" billy says "i love you to" i say back smiling. "Want to do something fun" i ask "sure" billy says "close your eyes" i say back "fuck your taking me to the void" billy says "yep" i say back. We close are eyes then open them in the void. "Say something you would like to see other then me naked" i say "fine, one of your favorite memories" billy says. The void changes to me and ash in my room as kids. "Me and ash were 12 here" i say "she looks like max" billy says "it's the hair, hers was black as a toddler then older she got it some how became orange" i say back "that's strange" billy says "mine was light brown" i say back "you also dye yours" billy says "whatever" i say back billy laughs. "What next" i ask "something from your past" billy says "get ready for a road trip" i say back. Everything changes to the woods. We see me and Eddie as teens "we didn't tell each other are real names so we thought we were Todd and Kim, little did we know this was the first time we saw each other in years" i say back "is that Eddie" billy asks "yep" i say back. Eddie gets on top of the picnic table and pretends to play guitar. "We were fantasy freaks as kids" i say "i can tell" billy says. Everything changes to my room and we see me and dad "this was the day you moved in across the road" i say "your dad looks, happy, and normal" billy says "this was before he started drinking heavily again" i say back "you guys use to be so close" billy says "he was the only parent i had in my life, just to think one lie can change everything" i say back "that's why i don't like when you lie to me" billy says "makes sense" i say back "now i want to see your combat skills" billy says. The room changes to the barn at franks farm. We see me and Jamie "i was 15 here and the same time i got my sword" i say. We watch Jamie fail at every test we did "how did you not over work your powers" billy asks "i used to be able to use them for hours at a time without getting over worked" i say back. We leave the void "it's crazy how you can do that" billy says "it's like my own little world" i say back. Billy holds onto me and i try to sleep. I wake up to billy saying my name. I sit up "are you awake enough to understand what I'm saying" billy asks "yeah" i say back "Skyler just called and said your dad died" billy says "what" i say back confused. I process what billy said "how" i ask "Skyler didn't say" billy says. I try not to cry and billy hugs me "it's ok" billy says. "Please tell me this is not real" i say "it's real" billy says. Billy let's go and i lay back down. "I'll let you have some time to yourself" billy says standing up. I grab his hand "stay" i say and billy lays beside me. I fall back asleep. I wake up and see that billy wasn't in bed. I get up and look in the mirror. I looked like a mess from last night. I hear yelling downstairs. I leave the room and go downstairs. I see billy and Skyler yelling back and forth in the kitchen. I stand at the bottom of the stairs and Skyler sees me she looked happy. She try's to hug me but i stop her "did you hear the amazing news" Skyler says "just fuck you" i say back walking passed her. I walk up to billy and he kisses my forehead "you alright" billy asks "no" i say back. "Your dad was a dick you should be happy" Skyler says "he was my dad!" I yell back "do you not remember all the shit he did to you!" Skyler yells "i do but you need to understand he might have been a dick, but i still called him dad, he was there for me when you were not!" I yell back starting to cry "because i wasn't allowed to see you!" Skyler yells. I cover my ears because i couldn't take the noise anymore. I could still hear Skyler yelling. Rage took over my mind. I put my hands in fists "just because you never lost anyone you loved doesn't mean you can talk shit about a dead person!" I yell "who have you lost that you loved, no one!" Skyler yells "I've lost almost everyone!" I yell back "like who!" Skyler yells "Ash, Sadie, Eddie, Chrissy, my dad, and who knows how many more when Hawkins went to hell, so fuck you!" I yell back. Skyler just gives me a blank stare. "Get the fuck out of my house" i say and Skyler leaves slamming the door behind her. I sit against the wall and billy sits in front of me. Everything goes black and i go to the void. I see dad and he runs up to me. Dad holds my face "glam" dad says "dad" i say back "don't believe anyone, I'm not dead it was faked, I'm in the upside down" dad says "how" i say back "mindflare it had came back after you left with billy for California, it had killed me then did it's weird make a clone thing" dad says "wait so you never was at the weeding for Fiona, and never made me call the cops, and had the new doctor try to take me" i say back "what, no what the fuck" dad says "I'll see you in a few weeks" i say back "thank god" dad says hugging me. I open my eyes and look at billy "dads alive" i say "void" billy says "he's in the upside down right now, the mindflare had came back and killed him after we left" i say back "at least you'll have someone in the upside down" billy says. We get up "Skyler can still fuck off" i say billy laughs. "So everything that happened with your dad after we left wasn't real" billy asks "yep" i say back "i hate him a little less now" billy says. I grab my cereal and sit on the counter "you truly are like owning a cat" billy says "fuck you" i say back. I get up and go to the phone. I call Jamie "hello" he says "hey dick" i say back "hey glam what's up" he says "you should go to hell and find my dad" i say back "i had a feeling he wasn't dead" he says "mindflare" i say back "god that creepy thing" he says "yep" i say back "I'm on the mission, I'll call you soon" he says "good" i say back before hanging up. "Since your not a cat you should get in the shower with me" billy says "fine" i say back. We go upstairs and i put my cereal on my bedside table. We get in the shower which was more of a make out session. We get out and get dressed "if these marks don't disappear on my neck by next week i get to tease you for the rest of your life" i say "deal" billy says.

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