71. Eddie

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"We suck at piecing these together" i say "definitely" dad says. I pick up a file and read the front of it. Something falls out of it. I pick it up. It was a picture of Mary "This is the woman" i say "finally something we can work with" dad says. I look at the clock it said 9:18 pm. "I'm getting in the shower then going to bed have fun with this" i say "i will" dad says. I go upstairs and get my towel then head to the bathroom. I get in the shower. The water gets on my hand and it stings. "The fuck" i say taking my hand away from the water. I turn the cold water on "it shouldn't have been to hot" i think. I finish then go to my room. I get dressed and put my stuff in my bag. I hear something hitting my window. I walk over and look outside. I see august. I open the window and she holds up papers. I run downstairs and go outside. She walks up to me "got more for you" she says "how do you keep getting this stuff" i say "the worker helps me" she says "well thanks" i say back "no problem" she says walking off. I go back inside and give dad the papers. I go to my room "now for sleep" i think. I lay down and try to sleep. I wake up to my alarm. I get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. My nose was bleeding. I get it to stop. I pull my hair up and brush my teeth. I go back to my room and get dressed. I put black jeans and a band tee on. I put my Converse on and jacket. I grab my bag then go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen. Dad was asleep at the table. Dad had stuff hung on the wall "hopefully no one comes over" i think. I put a bottle of water in my bag. I go to my car. I drive to school. I park and look around. I see the same white van from yesterday. I put my headphones on and light a cigarette. "I hope i have another pack" i think seeing that i have one cigarette left. I open my glove box "thank god" i think. I put an unopened pack in my bag. I see people start walking inside. I get out and lock the doors. I didn't see Billy's car. I make my way inside. I go to my locker. I open it and a piece of paper falls out. I pick it up and look at it. I read it "come to the empty class room after class please- Dustin". I put it back in my locker. I close my locker and go to walk away but the principle stops me "morning mrs northwest" he says "morning to you to" i say back "have you seen billy Hargrove or max mayfield" he asks "nope" i say back "do you know if they're coming today" he asks "no, i haven't talked to billy since yesterday and I don't talk to max a lot" i say back "well if you hear from them let me know" he says "no problem" i say back. I make my way to class. I stop when i see a picture of ash on the wall. Someone had drawn exes on her eyes and a rope around her neck with red marker "new task find who did this" i think. I take down the picture and throw it in the trash. I make it to class. I give the teacher my drawing for the work sheet. I go to my desk and sit down. I put my headphones away. Jason sits down. "Why do you always have headphones on" he asks "it's my way of telling people to fuck off" i say back. Jason turns back around to face the teacher and i smile "that works" i think. The lesson starts. After an hour the class ends. I get my stuff and leave the room. I walk down the hall looking for billy. I hear someone walking behind me "fucking Jason" i think. I see Tommy. I walk up to him "hey" i say "hey glam" he says "have you seen billy" i say back "last i saw him he was at his car" he says "thanks" i say back. I make my way outside. Jason finally stoped following me. I see Billy's car. I walk up to it but didn't find billy "it's like trying to find a child" i think. I go to my car "i have like an hour and a half to kill" i think. I sit in my car and light a cigarette. "I need to go to more classes so i don't waste so much time sitting here" i think. I hear someone walk up to me "fuck off Jason" i say "who" someone says. I look and see a guy "names Eddie" he says "glam" i say back "like your name" he says "thanks" i say back "I'm guessing your a metal head" he says "I'm more of a rock and roll chick" i say back "what's your favorite band" he asks "ac/dc, what's yours" i say back "Metallica" he says "you have good taste" i say back "thanks" he says. I get out of my car. "You look familiar" he says "you've probably seen me on the news" i say back "you were the girl that was on stage with flower child" he says "didn't think anyone remembered me" i say back "your good at guitar" he says "only took me my entire life to be good at it" i say back "your cool, uh want to be friends" he says "sure" i say back. I see Jason walking to me "well i need to go before dick head try's to talk to me" i say "oh Jason yeah he kinda is a dick" he says. I make my way back to the front of the school hoping Jason wouldn't see me. I hear yelling coming from the side of the school. I look around the corner and see billy and two guys. The one guy punches billy. "Hey fuckers!" i yell walking around the corner. I walk up to them and stand in front of billy. "Stay out of this bitch" the one says "fuck no" i say back. He try's to push past me but i don't let him past. "You trying to start a fight with me" he says "maybe" i say back "i wouldn't fight her if i was you" billy says. He grabs me by my shirt "your fucking with the wrong person" he says "get your hands off of me" i say back "what would you do" he says. He lets go "you did this yourself" i say. He looks at me confused. I punch him. Billy pulls me back. I look at billy "i would ask you if your ok but you know" i say "are you trying to get arrested" billy says. The guy try's to grab me. I use my powers to stop him "what the fuck are you" he says "a northwest, so don't fuck with me" i say back. I see a red marker by his shoe. I pick it up and see that it's the same color that was on ash's photo. "So your the one drawing on pictures of dead people" i say "i don't know what your talking about" he says "yes you do" i say back. I grab Billy's hand and walk to my car. "You ok" i ask "kinda" billy says "do you know those guys" i ask " they're friends with Jason" billy says "well now i hope Jason try's to talk to me, because I'll flip out on him" i say back "just don't go to jail" billy says "fine" i say back. I clean up his hands and face. I kiss him "ready" i say "yes" billy says. We walk inside and find Tommy. "Tommy keep an eye on billy I'm going to find Jason" i say "ok" Tommy says "i don't need a babysitter" billy says. I walk down the hall looking for Jason. I find Jason talking to his friends. The one sees me "miss me dick" i say "this again" he says "hey Jason tell your dick head friends not to fuck with me or my friends" i say "i have no idea what happened between you guys" Jason says putting his hands up in defense "just because you know a vance doesn't mean you can act like one" he says "remember that fucker" i say back. I find the principals office then walk in "what can i do for you" he asks "can you call Sadie Vance" i ask "i sure can" he says "thanks" i say back. I go back to billy and Tommy "you didn't kill anyone right" billy asks "not me but Sadie might" i say back "I'm scared to know" billy says "hey they wanted to talk about me being friends with a vance so why not let them meet a vance" i say back. After a few minutes i see Sadie walk thru the doors. She hugs me "i was called what happened" she says "some guys were fucking with me and wanted to meet you" i say back smiling "bet" she says. We find Jason and his friends again. "Someone wanted to meet me" she says "we don't want any trouble" he says "what's your name dick" Sadie says "Kyle" he says "well kyle since you want to fuck with my friend that means your fucking with me" Sadie says. The principal walks up to us. "What's going on" he says "hey" Sadie says "hello Sadie" he says "she punched me" Kyle says "i don't believe that" he says "it's true" Kyle says "it this true glam" he asks "nope" i say back "she's lying" Kyle says "Kyle please, Jason Kyle and whatever your name is my office now" he says. They follow the principal. "Thanks" i say "anytime" Sadie says. The bell rings "i should go home" Sadie says "probably" i say back. Sadie leaves and i go back to my locker. Billy walks up to me "see you later" billy says "you to" i say back. Billy leaves and i look for the class room that dustin was talking about. I find it and open the door. I see mike Dustin and Eddie. "Hey guys" i say "you made it" Dustin says "what the fuck is this place" i say back "it's are dnd club" Dustin says "you should join" Eddie says "i don't know the first thing about this game" i say back "you can just come and hang out after class" Eddie says "fine why not, i don't do anything after my only class" i say back. Eddie throws me a shirt. "Welcome to hell fire" Eddie says "thanks" i say back. "can't you control fire" Dustin says "yeah why" i say back "you should show Eddie" Dustin says "fill me in on how you have these powers he's talking about" Eddie says "long story short i was tested on as a kid and now i have powers" i say back "well then let's see these powers of yours" Eddie says. I take out my lighter "try not to catch anything on fire" mike says "yeah yeah" i say back. I light my lighter and make the flame bigger. "What else can you do" Eddie asks "many things" i say back. Dustin throws a dice in the air. I use my powers to catch it. I sit the dice in front of Eddie. "That's pretty cool" Eddie says. I help them clean up "thanks, talk to you later maybe" Eddie says "sure" i say back.

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