82. Sister

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"Don't even think about it" billy says "you can't stop me" i say back. I start walking to town and Billy follows behind me "you can drive you know" billy says "it's easier to walk" i say back. I walk into the woods heading to the hill that over looks the town. I stop at the top and look at the town. "Where did they start at" billy asks "Eddie's trailer, the lake, the house that we went into, and the road i would take you on" i say back "can't you use your powers to see who the forth person was" billy asks "yeah, but I'm scared to know" i say back. We make are way down the hill. We walk into town. I didn't see anyone i knew "hopefully my family was smart enough to not leave the house" i say. We keep looking around. We see a fire that was spreading thru the woods. We get closer. Billy stops and i walk up to it. The fire gets closer to me. I use my powers to keep it away from me. The fire was getting bigger and closer to peoples houses. I step back "i think the fire likes you" billy says "probably" i say back. We head back to the hill and see el. I run up to her and hug her. I see that her head was shaved "what happened to you" i say "a lot" el says. I stand beside her and billy keeps ahold of my hand. We watch part of the road fall into who knows what. "You broke vecnas deal didn't you" el says "how do you know" i say back "he tried to trick me" el says "not surprising" i say back. I feel someone put there hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see hopper. "Hey hopper long time no see" i say "i see your not in jail" hopper says "i tried to stay out since you went missing" i say back Hopper laughs. I see the fire getting closer to the middle of the town. I see someone and i look closer. I realize that it was Sadie. "Billy stay here" i say before running down the hill. I run up to Sadie and use my powers to keep the fire away. "My Guardian angel" Sadie says "Sadie get out of here" i say back. Sadie gets to safety and i start to feel my powers not work. I try to get away from the fire but it had made a circle around me. "Fucking grate" i think. The fire takes over and everything goes black. I wake up and look around. "Fucking void" i think. I stand up and see a door "what" i think. I walk up to it and open it. It was my room. I walk thru and the door disappears. I see me and dad "more memories" i think. I watch as me and dad fight with each other. I open my door and it lead to the rainbow room in the lab. I see me and Chloe. We would race cars on the rainbow with are powers. I open the doors and see a lake. I walk out and look around. I see Dylan. I feel sick seeing her against a tree with her clothes soaked in blood. I look away and see another door. I walk thru and see ashes car when she crashed. I could hear her music still playing. I walk up to her car and look at the driver seat. I see ash passed out with a gash on her head. Her windshield was broken. I watch as the tree she hit falls on top of the car. I walk away trying not to hear it. I see another door and walk thru it. It lead to the mall the day billy was possessed. I walk away and see a hallway. It was the hallway in school. Every class room door was a memory. I walk down the hall looking in the doors. I keep walking and end up back in the void. I see Vecna and he gets closer to me "why are you doing this" i say "you broke the deal, now you have to pay the consequences" he says "why did you chose me, out of all the kids" i say back "i knew you would be the easiest to trick, eleven was to smart, five wasn't strong enough, seventeen wasn't good, and the rest are dead because of you and eleven" he says "i never wanted anyone to be hurt" i say back "maybe you should have thought about that before you made me kill everyone" he says "i didn't do this to you, why are you doing this" i say back "six, you believe anything, you believed your dad when he said moving here was a good idea, you believed that papa would change, you believed ash when she said she would be with you forever, you believe anything that someone tells you" he says "not everything" i say back "like what" he says "i didn't believe you when you said that you were good" i say back "you were a kid" he says "if i remember right, you said if i helped you then you would keep me safe from everyone, I may be stupid but I wasn't a stupid kid" i say back "you were 8" he says "yeah" i say back he laughs "six, it's over you made your choice, and that choice put everyone in danger, destroyed the town, hurt people you know, all because you think that everyone has good in them" he says "i don't care, i went thru a lot of fucked up shit in my life, ever since I moved here it got worse, i though you would keep the deal you made before you were killed" i say back "well I'm not Peter anymore" he says putting his hand up to my face "you kill me, and you won't have anyone to trick anymore" i say "no need, i got what i wanted" he says. I feel a sharp pain go thru my body before waking up. I open my eyes and look around. I see that I'm in the school. I see a girl siting beside me on a chair. She had black hair and a gray shirt and ripped jeans on. She looked familiar. She had her arm on the bed. I turn her arm to look on the inside of her arm. I see a coffin tattoo with the number six on it. "Skyler" i think. I try to sit up but fail. I try again and didn't fail. I look around to see if i could see anyone i knew. "Glam" she says. I look back and she was waking up. "Hey sis" i say back. She hugs me "thank god your ok" she says "what made you come here" i say back "i wanted to visit you, but this happened" she says. She lets go "it feels like forever since i saw you" she says "it's only been like 5 years" i say back "it's been to long" she says "your dad finally let you visit me" i say back she laughs "he's dead, died last night, so i took that advantage to come see you" she says "well fuck" i say back. She helps me up "everything is probably going to hurt for a little" she says "no shit" i say back. We walk around and i look for billy. "Looking for anyone" she asks "yeah billy" i say back "what dose he look like" she asks "dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, i can't remember what he was wearing" i say back "i think i saw him a few minutes ago" she says. I follow Skyler to where she said she saw billy. We walk thru the school to a class room. We walk in and i see billy and dad. I walk up to billy. He hugs me "your awake" billy says "how long has it been" i ask "only a few hours" billy says. "Just know you died for a few minutes" dad says "no shit, i was stuck in a fire" i say back "thankfully you didn't get burned to bad" billy says "thanks to my powers" i say back. Billy sees Skyler. "Billy meet Skyler, she's my sister" i say. She waves to billy "why didn't you tell me you had a sister" billy asks "i kinda forgot" i say back. Skyler slaps my arm and I laugh "just know she's not my kid" dad says. Billy looks at me confused "we have the same mom but different dads" i say "plus we're six years apart" she says "why can't i escape the number six" i say back "it's your half lucky number" billy says "did the fire go out" i ask "yeah after a few minutes of you being stuck in it, it finally went out" billy says "it probably went out when I died" i say back "you are connected to fire, so it would make sense" billy says. "Still ready for California" i ask "yep, since you were asleep i went home and finished packing" billy says "we leave in a few hours" i say back "works for me" billy says "finally going back home" Skyler says "yep" i say back. "is Sadie ok" i ask "yes, she's on her way back home to her mom" dad says "good" i say back. Me and billy leave the room "if your ready we can go back to my house and i can pack my clothes and we can be on are way home" i say "I'm always ready" billy says "figure, let me say goodbye to Skyler and I'll  meet you at your car" i say back "ok" billy says. Billy walks off and Skyler walks up to me. I hug her "come see me at home soon" i say "no problem" she says. Dad walks up to me. I hug dad "your still a dick but your my dad, but seriously fuck you" i say "yeah yeah" dad says. I wave to them then make my way outside. I walk up to billy and we get in his car. I look at the town as billy drives home. "We kinda left a mark on the town" i say "you mean you" billy says "you were there with me" i say back. Billy parks and we get out. We go to my room and i start putting my clothes in a box. I put some of my other stuff in the box before closing it. I put the envelope in my pocket and look around my room "i won't miss this room" i say. Billy hands me a can of spray paint "jays not here so" billy says "you get the best ideas" i say back. We go to jays room. I stand on his bed and write "this ain't over" on the wall and I add my signature. I jump down and look at the wall. "I never want this feeling to end" i say "what feeling" billy asks "the feeling of not giving a fuck anymore" i say back "never thought a random girl i became neighbors with a year ago, would be going to California with me" billy says "it's just the life of a fuckup" i say back before kissing him. I grab the box out of my room and we go outside. I put the box in my car and get in. I roll down my window and billy kisses me "see you soon darling" billy says smiling "you to fucker" i say back smiling. Billy gets in his car and we drive off. I blast music and look at the town. "Fuck you Hawkins" i say seeing the Hawkins sigh.

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