89. Lies

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Billy finally falls asleep and i get up then leave the room. I change into the clothes that i keep hidden downstairs then grab my keys. I put my jacket on and put the hood up trying to hide my face. I step outside taking in the feeling of the night. Everything was quiet and calm. It was weird since back in Hawkins nothing was quiet. I get in my car and drive off heading to the beach knowing that Jay would be there. I wasn't letting Jay leave without a fight even if the cops got involved. After a few minutes i make it to the beach and see a guy walking along the shore. I park then get out walking up to him. "Hey dick head" i say getting his attention. He turns to look at me "what do you want" Jay says "i know you have information about shit that my dad won't tell me" i say back "no idea what your talking about" Jay says "don't play dumb or I'll drown you in this ocean" i say back "you wouldn't" Jay says. I grab him by his shirt and push him closer to the water "you sure about that" i say back "ok fine, he's working with someone" Jay says "who" i say back "some doctor i don't know his name" Jay says "what else" i say back "that's all i know" Jay says "what did we just go over" i say back "I'm serious that's all i know" Jay says "fine" i say back starting to walk away "bitch" Jay mumbles and i turn around "really fucker" i say back walking up to him. I grab him by his shirt "you really want to do this again" i say "people will see you" Jay says "i don't care, won't be the first" i say back. I let go "your still just a punk" Jay says. I look around before punching Jay making him fall. He holds onto his face and i stand over him. I grab his shirt making him face to face with me "how about go back to your piece of shit Hawkins because you don't fit in bleeding on the beach, one last thing, don't fuck with a punk" i say before pushing him back down. I go back to my car then drive off. I make it home and park. I turn off the car then sit there in silence for a few minutes. I look at the house and see lights turned on "shit" i think. I get out then go inside. I see billy walking down the stairs and i hide my hand in my pocket. "Where were you" billy asks "just needed some air" i say back "you sure" billy says not believing me "yes" i say back. Billy takes my hand out of my pocket "why dose your hand have blood on it, what did you do" billy says "nothing" i say back putting my hand back in my pocket "glam i know your lying" billy says "it's nothing to worry about" i say back "who did you punch" billy says "no one" i say back "glam stop lying" billy says raising his voice "just some random guy" i say back "it's never a random stranger" billy says "fine it was Jay, happy now" i say back "why" billy says "i needed answers and since my dad wouldn't give me them i went to the next person, which i got them, so i have to go back to hiding in the shadows" i say back "why do you have to hide in the shadows, what's going on" billy says confused "my dad's working with a new doctor with the lab since brenner was killed" i say back looking at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with billy. "I won't let him get near you" billy says "if you try you'll most likely be killed" i say back "how do you know" billy says confused "it's not the first time, if anyone tried to escape the lab they would be killed if they were caught, this new doctor won't be afraid to kill anyone that try's to keep one of his subjects from him" i say back "that won't happen" billy says "as long as i stay hidden i won't be found, I've done it before" i say back "i hate that you can't do anything without the fear that you'll be hurt" billy says "that's just how my life as always been" i say back. I quickly go upstairs before billy tried to ask more questions. I go to the bathroom and wash my hand off then go to the bedroom. I change then get back in bed then billy walks in. He lays beside me and warps his arms around me. I fall asleep quickly. I wake up and see that billy was still asleep. I get up and get dressed then go downstairs. I go outside and light a cigarette then go check the mail. I grab the mail then go back inside. I look thru it "how much fucking mail comes in Billy's name" i think. I open the one thing that had my name on it. I read it and realize that it was written in dads hand writing. It was information on the new doctor for the lab "well i didn't need to punch Jay last night" i think. I feel billy wrap his arms around my waist "morning fucker" i say billy rests his head on my shoulder "i got information on the new doctor" i say. Billy lifts his head looking at the paper "so you didn't need to punch Jay" billy says "it was still fun" i say back billy rolls his eyes "I'm going to slap you for the fun of it" i say "you already punched me before" billy says "you deserved it that time" i say back "whatever" billy says. Billy leans against the counter and i hide the paper. I hear a car outside and Panic fills my mind. I grab Billy's hand "it's ok, it's most likely my mom" billy says "you sure" i say back. Billy walks up to the front door not letting go of my hand. "It's my mom" billy says looking thru the window. I let go then go upstairs to the bedroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Somehow my face wasn't fucked up from yesterday. I hear billy yell my name. I go downstairs and see Skyler. She grabs my hand and takes me outside. "What's going on" i say "you have to stay safe, people are on the look for you, they found out your not dead" she says "fucking grate" i say back "right now there only looking for you in Hawkins, so hopefully they won't come here" she says "let's just hope that this doctor is an idiot" i say back. "What are you going to do if they catch you" she ask "try not to die" i say back "that shouldn't be hard" she says. "Listen if they catch me i need you to make sure billy is safe no matter what" i say "why" she says "Skyler, please just keep him safe" i say back "i promise" she says "thank you" i say back. We go back inside and Skyler leaves before anyone try's to talk to her. I sit on the counter beside billy. Billy's mom turns my arm over and looks at my number. "Why did you get a tattoo of a number" she asks. I look at billy and he had a scared look on his face. I try to think of a lie "oh, it's just my lucky number" i say back trying not to sound nervous "that's new" she says letting go. After a few minutes she leaves. "You ok" billy asks "yeah why" i say back confused "i know you don't like some people talking about your number" billy says "it's a number not a life style" i say back "just asking" billy says. I get off the counter "why do you get paranoid over the sound of a car" billy asks "brenner's vans" i say back "but you never got paranoid over the sound of my car" billy says "because you always had music blasting" i say back. "What did Skyler want" billy asks "wanted a reality check from yesterday" i say back "you sure" billy says "what is it with you not believing me" i say back "she has a coffin tattoo with the number six on it, i know she knows about the lab stuff" billy says "she's also my sister, so she's knows about the crazy shit that happened in my life" i say back "you also have been lying a lot lately" billy says "and after i get tired of you asking questions i give you the truth" i say back "when you stop lying then I'll start believing you" billy says "fine" i say back "then you won't care answering questions with the truth" billy says. I cross my arms and lean against the wall "ask away" i say back "last time you got in trouble with the police" billy asks "a few days ago" i say back "last time you talk about something important behind my back" billy asks "last time i went to the lab" i say back lying "you sure" billy says "yep" i say back "last time you did drugs" billy asks. I wanted to punch billy for bringing that up "months" i say back "i need a date" billy says "fine!, the day we went to the concert" i say back "wait what" billy says "hey you wanted the truth" i say back "more details" billy says "when me and Violet went back to her car at the end of the night, i may or may not of did a line for the hell of it" i say back waiting for billy to flip out on me "why" billy says "that's all I'm saying" i say back before walking away. I put my headphones on then go to the back porch. After a few minutes billy sits beside me. I take my headphones off waiting for billy to say something. "What made you start doing drugs" billy asks "the feeling, it makes you feel numb, i started it was when my dad would spend most his time at the bar, that's why I turned to weed" i say back "so this is your dads fault" billy says "yep" i say back "anything else" billy asks "nothing that you need to know" i say back putting my headphones back on. Billy kisses my head then goes back inside. "I need to get better at lying again" i think. I wait a few minutes then go inside and take my headphones off. I walk upstairs and hear the shower "at least billy will be going to work soon" i think. I go into the bedroom and sit on the bed. I open my bedside table and take out dads journal that i had been added more information to. I fill in stuff and add in information about the new doctor. I hear the shower turn off so i quickly hide the journal. Billy walks in and get dressed. "I have a few minutes to kill before i have to leave" billy says sitting beside me "listen if you think you can handle the more serious lab stuff, I'll tell you" i say back "try me" billy says "i was trained to be a form of weapon for fights against stuff, if i get caught as long as i keep my mind focused i won't get hurt, i just have to lose control of my powers at the right moment" i say back "how can i help" billy asks "just stay alive, since ash ain't here i need you" i say back "easy" billy says. I look at the clock "now you have to go to work" i say smiling "I'll see you later, don't leave this house unless it's an emergency" billy says "i hate people why would i leave" i say back. Billy kisses me before leaving. "Now for me to piss someone off" i think getting up walking to my dresser.

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