70. Car work

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I open the driver door. I get all my cigarette buds out of the cup holders. I go thru my glove box. I find pictures of me and mom. I throw them away. I crawl to the back seat. I find beer cans and old cigarette packs. I throw them away. I find my spare clothes. I throw them in the yard "I'll get clean clothes later" i think. I get out and open the trunk. I find my stuff from the last time i went to the upside down. I close the trunk. I tie the bag then throw it in the trash can. I grab my clothes and go inside. I throw my clothes down the basement steps. I go to my room. I grab a shirt shorts and jeans. I go back to my car. I put my clothes on the back seat. I close all the doors. I feel water on me. I look and see dad with the hose "might as well clean the outside of it" dad says "me or the car" i say back "the car" dad says laughing. I take the hose and clean off my car. I wait for dad to get close. Dad walks pass me and i spray him with the hose "pay back" i say "hey i needed a shower" dad says "your gross" i say back laughing. I finish and put the hose back. I look and see billy working on his car. I walk over "what you fixing today" i say "my car doesn't feel right" billy says "have you changed the oil" i say back "i don't remember how long ago" billy says "then you might want to change the oil" i say back "good idea" billy says. Billy looks thru his trunk and i go back home. I go inside and grab my coloring stuff and the work sheet. I sit in the yard. "Now who to draw" i think. I look for dad but he was in the backyard. I look at billy "perfect subject" i think. I start drawing billy. After about an hour i finish. I take my stuff back inside. I look around the house "something seems different" i think. I walk into the living room. I see a vhs on the stand in the corner. I pick it up. It said concert. I put it into the tv. I sit on the floor and wait for it to start. It starts and it was parts of the concert. It showed me and Sadie in the mosh pit. Then violet getting me on stage and playing. It ended with me and billy kissing. I take it out and put it back on the stand. I go back outside and see max walking inside. I sit on the steps. After a few minutes Neil walks outside "fuck sake don't see me" i think. Neil walks to me "fuck" i think. "Hey glam" Neil says "hi Neil" i say back "where's your dad" Neil asks "back yard" i say back "thank you" Neil says. Neil walks away "he's never that nice to me" i think. I see billy run across the road. Billy runs and hugs me "gross!" I yell feeling that Billy's wet "it might be water" billy says "i hope" i say back. I see that Billy's hairs wet "you showered, that means it's water" i say "maybe" billy says. Billy let's go of me. We sit on the steps. are dads walk up to us "we're fucked" i say "definitely" billy says. "Glam do you have something to say" dad says "no" i say back "you sure" dad says "definitely" i say back "i can tell you are hiding something" dad says "i haven't gotten any tickets lately so I'm sure" i say back "why didn't you say you were invited to dinner at the Hargroves" dad says "i thought i told you" i say back "well i don't remember" dad says "that's on you" i say back. We see a white van drive by "wonder who go kidnapped" i say billy laughs "hopefully Jason" billy says "we're not that lucky" i say back "how do you guys get distracted by the same thing" Neil says "easy" i say back. "Do you think that slut at the bar got to see her kids yet" i whisper to billy "most likely not" billy whispers "i feel like you guys are talking shit" dad says "kinda, it's about the slut at the bar" i say back "you mean summer" dad says "fuck sake her names summer no wonder she's a slut" i say back billy laughs "language" dad says "billy be nice" Neil says. Dad and Neil look at each other. They put there hands out "what" i say "lighter" dad says. Me and billy give them are lighters. They walk off "wait they took are lighters" billy says "you now just realize that" i say back "yeah" billy says. I take a lighter out of my back pocket "i keep two on me at all times" i say. I light it and use my powers to make the flame bigger "i can tell that's your favorite power" billy says "yep, i never got to have my own power so i made fire control my main power" i say back. "Hopefully that Jason guy leaves you alone tomorrow" billy says "i fucking hope" i say back. "I've been meaning to ask you this but what makes Sam be high on a daily basis" billy asks "she had a sister that was 16 at the time, Sam would have been 9, her sister shot herself in front of Sam, Sam's dad tried to shield Sam from it but it didn't work, then her mom ditched her and now she has a step mom that she calls her biological mom, getting high is like Sam's way of escaping the world" i say back "that took a turn" billy says. Dad and Neil come back "ready to be nice" dad asks "maybe" i say back. They give us are lighters back. "We should head home" Neil says "I'll be over in a minute" billy says. Neil goes home and dad goes inside. Billy kisses me "see you tomorrow" billy says "you to" i say back. Billy goes home and i go inside. Dad sits a giant stack of files on the table. Me and dad sit at the table and try to piece together some of the information that we have to get answers.

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