87. Butterfly (smut)

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We make are way back to Billy's car. "excited for Fiona and Jay to be your family tomorrow" billy says "I'm already kinda relayed to Fiona because she's my moms sister, but Jay can drown in a lake" i say back "you really hate people" billy says "your the only person i truly care about, even over Skyler and friends" i say back "good to know" billy says. We make it back to Billy's car and get in. Billy drives home and i take the shells out of my pockets. I put one on the dash then put the rest back in my pockets. We make it home and billy parks. We get out then go inside. I go to the sink and clean off the shells. "How many did you fucking get" billy says "a lot" i say back. I dry them off then take them upstairs. I place them around upstairs. I look out the window and see that it was raining "feels like i haven't seen rain in forever" i think. It starts to thunder and i hear billy run up the stairs. Billy comes into the bedroom "you good fucker" i say "I'm not a fan of thunder" billy says "me either" i say back. Billy sits on the bed and i sit beside him. "New Conversation, what's your fears" i say "thunder and butterflies, what's yours" billy says "needles" i say back. I get an idea. I wait for billy to lay down then i use my powers to make him see a butterfly. I watch it land on his chest. Billy looks at it then quickly looks at the ceiling "glam get it the fuck off" billy says "nope" i say back "glam, get, it, off" billy says "i could but i won't" i say back. Billy puts his hands in fists and closes his eyes "you have to over come this fear" i say "no i don't" billy says "when you pick it up then I'll get rid of it" i say back "mother fucker" billy says. Billy try's but can't do it "i can't" billy says "fine" i say back. I swat it away and it fades. "Never do that again" billy says "nah" i say back "glam, never do that again" billy says "fine, I'll never do it again" i say back. Billy gets on top of me "just know you asked for this" billy says unbuttoning my jeans. He takes them off then slides his hand across my clit. "Your a dick" i say "watch what you say" billy says smiling. He moves my panties to the side then slides two fingers into my entry. I throw my head back as he starts sliding his fingers in and out. I try to not let the feeling get to me. "You can't fight it darling" billy says. I cover my mouth keeping me from moaning. Billy kisses down my neck keeping the same pace. I feel the knot in my stomach get ready to release then billy stops. He takes his fingers out and i whine needing his touch. "Bad girls don't get to cum" billy says "billy, please" i say back billy smiles "never though you would beg" billy says "this is the only time I'll ever do it" i say back "we'll see about that" billy says. He slides his fingers back in and i moan. I feel the knot build up again. Billy keeps the same pace. Billy kisses my neck and i wrap my arms around his neck. I feel the knot release and i arch my back. Billy let's me ride out my high "what have you learned" billy says "don't use my powers to make you see butterflies" i say back catching my breath "good" billy says. Billy gets up and folds my jeans then puts them beside me. He kisses my forehead "see you downstairs" billy says before leaving the room. I wait a few minutes then put my jeans back on. I go downstairs and see billy in the kitchen. I walk up to him and warp my arms around his neck. "Forgot how needy you get after sex" billy says smiling "fuck you" i say back billy laughs. He puts his hand on my shoulder. He kisses my neck "your evil" i say. I feel him bite my neck a little. I cover my mouth hoping billy wouldn't hear me moan. Billy laughs "good to know i just have to that and you moan" billy says "your an ass" i say back. I let go and start to leave the room. I make billy see a butterfly again and i smile. I leave the room and hear billy scream "glam!" Billy yells i laugh. Billy runs up to me and stands behind me. The butterfly flys into the living room. It lands on my hand and i hold it up to billy. I take Billy's hand and let it go onto his hand. "See it won't hurt you" i say back "why do you do this to me" billy says "pay back for calling me needy mother fucker" i say back. It fades away and billy picks me up "now for my pay back" billy says putting me over his shoulder. Billy goes upstairs and into the bedroom. He puts me on the bed "we'll see how many rounds you can go" billy says i laugh "more then you" i say back. We get undressed and billy puts me on my hands and knees. I lower my upper body making it so my ass was in the air "forget I'm a slut" i say "kinda" billy says. Billy starts to thrust and i let him take control. He keeps ahold of my waist thrusting faster. I bury my face into a pillow making my moans quiet. Billy wraps his hand around my throat pulling my head up. He leans down "being quiet never works darling" billy says breathing on my neck. I feel the knot in my stomach grow. Billy flips me on my back and puts my leg on his shoulder still keeping the same pace. I gave up on trying to be quiet. Billy puts my leg down then wraps his hand around my throat again. We keep eye contact as the knot releases. I throw my head back and moan Billy's name. I feel warmth fill my body. Billy pulls out and moves my hair out of my face. He kisses me "didn't think you would last as long as you did" billy says "it takes talent" i say back trying to catch my breath. Billy gets up and goes to the bathroom. I hear the shower turn on then billy comes back. He helps me up and we get in the shower. I put my head on his shoulder and he warps his arms around my waist. "We should do that more often" i say "definitely" billy says. We finish and get out. We get dressed and someone knocks on the door. Billy goes downstairs and i sit on the bed. I light a blunt then hear billy yell my name. I get up and go downstairs. I see billy and his mom. I hide my blunt behind me. "Oh sorry didn't know it was that time yet" billy says "it's ok" i say back. Billy's mom talks to us. "You guys should come over for dinner tomorrow" she says "billy can but i can't" i say back "why not" she says "i have a wedding to crash" i say back "who's wedding" she asks "my dad" i say back "I'm going to be honest with you, i was never fond of your dad" she says "no one was" i say back. We talk for a few more minutes then she leaves. "Well now we both have plans" billy says "now you won't be lonely" i say back smiling "shut up" billy says i laugh. "Also how dose the house not smell like weed" billy says "it's a big house plus your used to the smell" i say back "didn't think of that" billy says. "I feel like your mom doesn't like that i smoke weed" i say "last time she saw you, you were an innocent child" billy says "you have a point there" i say back. We go to the living room and sit on the couch. I lay down and put my head on Billy's lab. "I wonder how the shot queen is doing" billy asks "who" i say back acting confused "in Hawkins there was a girl that could do a shot of anything, and it wouldn't effect her, main reason i went to party's" billy says i try not to laugh "what" billy says. I get up and go to the kitchen. I grab a bottle of tequila then put it into two shot glasses. I grab them then go back to billy. I sit beside him and hand him one. Billy dose his then i do mine. "You just fucked the shot queen" i say "wait, you were her all this time" billy says confused "yep, the shot queen was part of my reputation" i say back "how did i not know this" billy says "no idea, how do you think i can down a bottle of vodka and it not effect me" i say back "so you can do a shot of anything and it won't effect you" billy says "yep" i say back "ok I'm getting you drunk to test this" billy says getting up "works for me" i say back getting up. We go to the kitchen and billy puts different alcohol in shot glasses. He puts a shot of rum on the counter in front of me. "If you really are the shot queen you'll know your party trick" billy says. I put my hands behind my back and pick up the glass with my mouth. I throw my head back then swallow. I take the glass and put it on the counter. I wipe my mouth "bow bitch" i say "you really are her" billy says "told you" i say back. Billy slides me a bottle of vodka "your reward" billy says "getting fucked by the hottest guy i know then getting stoned, then the same guy gets me drunk, is probably the hottest thing" i say back billy laughs. I kiss him then take a sip of the bottle. "How do you get the alcohol since your not the age to buy it" billy says "fake ID and i know the guy that's works at the store" i say back "wait you have a fake ID" billy says "yeah I've had it for years" i say back "ok now i need to see it" billy says. I take my cards out of my back pocket then put them on the counter. "You have like three" billy says "the one is from when i went by august, the other is my real one, and the other is the fake one" i say back "wait so they think your 23" billy says "yep" i say back "and how long have you had it" billy asks "since two years ago" i say back "well fuck" billy says. I put them back in my pocket "there's a lot you don't know about me" i say back "like how many charges you have on your record" billy says "i have paper work of it" i say back. We go upstairs and to the bedroom. I look thru my jacket pockets. I find it then hand it to billy. He unfolds it and reads it. "How are you not in jail right now" billy says "they got tired of arresting me" i say back "5 counts of trespassing, 2 assaults, you throw a bottle at a guy, graffitied a shit ton of buildings, ran from the cops, a shit ton of speeding tickets, and more, how the fuck!" Billy says "I've actually trespassed like 30 times, the cops got called because i beat the shit out of a girl and her friend, the guy grabbed my waist as a party so i throw the closest thing at him, i ran from the cops which lasted for a week because i hit a girl that was talking shit about me, and i suck at following speed sighs" i say back "Jesus Christ I'm dating a psychopath" billy says "hey you drive like a crazy person to, you graffitied building with me, and trespassed with me" i say back "those were one time things" billy says "yeah yeah sure" i say back. I put the paper back. "I'm letting you pick my outfit for tomorrow since your good at pissing my dad off" i say "easier said then done" billy says looking thru the dresser. I sit on the bed and billy throws clothes at me. "Now you have to try them on" billy says. I hand him my bottle and get changed. I look in the mirror. Billy picked black jeans and his Metallica shirt. He throws me my California jacket "and don't forget your boots" billy says. I try it all on together. "I forgot how hot you look when your going to crash a event" billy says "if Fiona and Jay want to become family then they need to see how the family is" i say back. I change and fold my clothes then put it on top of the dresser. Billy puts my headphones on top of the stack. I take my shirt off then get in bed "do you sleep with your necklace on" billy asks "yep" i say back "good to know I'm not the only one" billy says. Billy puts shorts on then gets in bed. We lay there and talk about random shit.

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