88. Wedding

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I shut it off then sit up and look around. "Time to be a wedding crasher" i think. I get up and see a note on my bedside table. It was from billy letting me know he was at work. I look at the clock it was 2:32. "My sleep schedule is fucked" i think. I start getting dressed then i hear a knock at the front door. I quickly put my shirt on then go downstairs. I open the door and see Skyler. She hugs me "i see you just got up" she says "shut up" i say back she laughs. "This place is about two and a half hours away, so we need to leave in 20" she says "let me tuck my shirt in and put my belt on" i say back. I go back upstairs and finish getting dressed. Skyler walks in and sits on the bed. "You might not want to sit there" i say she quickly gets up "you gross mother fuckers" she says i laugh. I put my jacket on and grab my bag then we go downstairs. I find my keys "so i heard that you and billy have the same car" she says "yeah, just different colors" i say back "I'm guessing yours is the red one that's in the driveway" she says "yep" i say back. We get in my car and drive off. "What's in your bag" she asks "cigarettes, spray paint, and other stuff" i say back "ok" she says back confused. "What's your plan" she asks "wait for the wedding to be over then tell my dad to go to hell" i say back "good plan" she says. We catch up on life and other shit. I see the place in the distance so i turn my music up. A smile grows on Skylers face. I park and turn the car off. We look around and see moms car "this is going to be good" i say "definitely" she says. We get out and i light a cigarette then we make are way to the event. We see a giant house that had flowers all around it and i sigh pointing outback. We walk to the backyard and see chairs and pictures of dad and Fiona. We see some of dads family but most of the people were from Fiona's side. "Ready to be kids again" Skyler says "fuck yeah" i say back. We walk up the middle of the yard and read the names on the chairs. We see two chairs that had me and Skylers name on them in the front. I see Jay walk onto the stage thing and pick up a microphone. "Thank you all for coming, we appreciate it, the wedding will start shortly" Jay says before walking away. "Stay here I'm going to find my dad" i say "got it" Skyler says. I get up and look around the back of the event. I make it back to the parking lot and see dad by his truck. I walk up to him and he sees me. "Didn't think you would be here" dad says "i just came to meet new family" i say back "that's new" dad says "i know" i say back "where's billy" dad asks "work" i say back dad nods "you do not look good in a tuxedo" i say "believe me i hate it" dad says. Some guy comes up and whispers something to dad. I give dad a confused look "got to go" dad says before walking away. I make my way back to the backyard. All the brides maids and the men were lined up. I go back to Skyler and sit down. "Everything ok" she asks "yeah just, I'm fine" i say back. Dad walks on stage then we hear music. Me and Skyler look at each other confused trying to figure out the song. "It's fucking country music" i say "it fucking is" she says "but dad hates country, it's Fiona's doing" i say back. Fiona walks down the aisle wearing a long white dress holding roses. Her makeup looked like a child did it. I spot mom standing on the other side of the yard leaning against the porch. "Found mom" i whisper. We turn back around as Fiona walks up to dad. Some people in the crowd started to cry "fucking drama queens" i think. Jay gets in line and dad and Fiona hold hands. "I think I'm going to be sick" i whisper "me to" Skyler whispers. They say there vows "if in any reason these two shouldn't be married may you speak up" the guy says. I quickly get up and so dose Skyler. "Why don't you think these lovely people shouldn't be married young lady" the guy says "first of all Fiona is a cunt that should be dead, her son has assaulted me plenty of fucking times, my dad just wants a bitch that won't leave his ass!-" i yell before getting cut off by Jay walking up to me. "Leave" Jay says. I put my arms out "hit me fucker, everyone can see how much of a dick you are!" I yell "you touch her and your dead" Skyler says "Jay!" Dad yells. Jay gets out of the way and i get closer to the stage. "Fuck you, I'm not a northwest anymore, your not my dad anymore, everything that happened to me and you did nothing about it is coming back to you, every time you protected me means nothing, i used to love spending time with you then you got with this whore, i wished i had ended when i was going to, fuck you dad or should i say Andrew!" I yell trying not to cry. Dad gets down and i wipe the tears off my face. "Glam i never wanted this to happen" dad says trying to hug me but i step back. "Fuck, you" i manage to say. Jay gets in front of me "just accept that your not his kid anymore, your not apart of this family so fucking leave!" Jay yells getting in my face "don't tell me what to do dick head" i say back. Jay punches me and i step back holding the side of my face. My nose starts to bleed and i laugh "just like old times" i say laughing "I'll do it again" Jay says. Dad gets Jay away then mom and Skyler hold onto me. "Shit" Skyler says "hey it's ok" mom says. Dad try's to get my nose to stop bleeding. "This wedding is over, I'm not going to let some dick hurt my kid!" Dad yells. "I'm fine" i say "you were punched your not fine" mom says "I'm going to kill this mother fucker" Skyler says. They let go and i get in front of dad. "Fuck you jay, i always win when it comes to my family" i say and Jay gets in my face again. Jay try's to punch me again but i use my powers to stop him. I punch him as hard as i could. Jay steps back and trips over the one prop. I use my powers to pick Jay up making him be stuck in the air. I get him eye level with me "you ever fucking touch me again I'll bash your head in" i say as Jay starts to cry. I drop him "Go fuck one of your side dicks!" i yell flipping off Fiona. "Anyone else want to fuck with me!" I yell looking around. Everyone stays silent. "We should head home billy will be getting home from dinner soon" i say "fuck this place" Skyler says. We walk back to my car and mom and dad follow. Dad hugs me "I'm fine" i say. Dad pulls mom into the hug then mom pulls Skyler in. We hug "it's nice to be a family again" mom says "hate to say it but it is" Skyler says we laugh. Mom and dad let go then hold hands. I look at Skyler then back at mom and dad. "Yes" dad says i laugh "how did you know what i was going to ask" i say back "talent" dad says "wait so we're a family again" Skyler says "yep" mom says "hey Skyler i have spray paint and i see jays car" i say "fuck yeah" Skyler says. We get cans of paint then start going to town at jays car. I get on top of the car and put my middle fingers in the air and dad takes a picture. Skyler throws a rock at the windshield "heads up next time" i say laughing "watch out" she says smiling. I quickly get down then she throws another rock at the window braking it. We hear someone yell and we see a guy running up to us "bail!" I yell. We get in my car and mom and dad run to there's. I quickly back up as the guy try's to hit my car. I drive off sending dirt and dust at the guy. I put the windows down and Skyler leans out the window and flips the guy off. I turn my music all the way up and flip off the guy before getting back on the road. "That was fucking crazy!" She says "best day fucking ever!" I say back. I make it home and see that the sun was starting to set. I park and hug Skyler before she leaves. I go inside and change. I look in the mirror and see that i had blood all over my face. I clean off my face then light a blunt. I go downstairs and sit on the couch waiting on billy to get home. After an hour i hear the front door open. I quickly get up and go to the door. "Hello Hargrove" i say "what the fuck happened" billy says worried "got punched by Jay so then my dad called off the wedding, then i beat the shit out of Jay and fucked up his car" i say back "that's a lot to take in" billy says "then take it in later" i say back before kissing him. "How was dinner with your mom" i ask "good" billy says. We sit on the couch "i feel weird" billy says "like sick weird" i say back "kinda" billy says "then your probably getting sick" i say back "but i don't feel fully sick" billy says "it's the start of it" i say back "I'm just going to ride it out" billy says "no your not" i say back getting up. I go to the kitchen and grab meds and water. I go back to billy and make his take them "it's better to get a head start on it" i say "my way is easier" billy says "no it's not" i say back "ye-" billy says as i cover his mouth with my hand "suck it up" i say billy rolls his eyes "did you just roll your eyes at me" i say moving my hand away "yeah" billy says "i will make you my bitch" i say back billy looks at me then looks back at the tv not saying a word "that's what i though" i say. After a few minutes i look at billy and could tell he was fighting sleep. "Bedtime" i say "I'm not tired" billy says "come on" i say grabbing his hands. I take him upstairs and make him get in bed "i can take care of myself" billy says "you take care of me so now I'm taking care of you" i say back. I turn off the light and get beside him. "Did you get a night light" billy asks "yes, i hate the dark" i say back. I lay on my side to face billy "how's your face" billy asks "kinda hurts but not bad" i say back "did you put ice on it" billy asks "no, i didn't need it" i say back "your going to have a bad headache tomorrow" billy says "how do you know" i say back "I've been punched before" billy says "forgot" i say back billy laughs "your hella weird Hargrove" i say "when do you say hella" billy says "always have, just never around you" i say back "so must be a cali chick thing" billy says "yep" i say back smiling.

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