65. Diary

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I wake up and look around. Billy wasn't in the room. I sit up and look at my arms. "I see it's starting to disappear" i think. I get out of bed and grab my towel. I head to the bathroom then get in the shower. I let the water run down my body. "Still can't believe i got to hang out with the band" i think. I wash my hair. I finish then get out. I wrap my towel around my body. I go back to my room. Billy walks in "hey" billy says "hello" i say back. Billy sits on my bed and i look for clothes. I get dressed and walk over to billy. I see a bra of mine on my chair. I grab it and throw it on billy. He holds it up "is this supposed to mean something" billy says "maybe" i say back. He stands up. I flip him off. He pulls me closer to him by my belt loop. He kisses me. "Since you try to get involved in my lab life would you want to be a accomplish" i say "what do you have in mind" billy says. I open my bedside table and take out a diary. I hand it to him "there should be files on me in the lab and i want them" i say. Billy looks thru the book "how the fuck did he get away with this shit" billy says "i don't know" i say back "have you called the police on him" billy says "he has the police wrapped around his finger" i say back. He puts it on my bed "first you need to know how to shoot a gun" i say "I know how to do that" billy says "good" i say back. Billy looks at my hair confused "what" i say "your hair is turning black at some parts" billy says. I look at my mirror "ok i need those files sooner" i say "what could cause that to happen" billy says "i afraid to know" i say back. We go downstairs. I pull dad into his room. "Whats wrong" dad asks "my hair is changing" i say back. Dad looks at my hair "Brenner did something" dad says "I'm going to the lab and I'm getting my hands on the file on me" i say back "fuck, I'll come with you" dad says "no you stay where your safe i got this" i say back. We hear the phone ringing. We go to the kitchen. Dad answers it. Dad quickly hangs up "what" i say confused "Brenner" dad says "it's like he knows then his names mentioned" i say back. Billy goes home. "I'm going to the lab and I'm taking either Sadie or billy" i say "go with Sadie" dad says "smart" i say back. A few hours pass and it was getting dark out. Me and Sadie get ready. We go downstairs. I hug dad "please be careful" dad says "i will" i say back. Me and Sadie go to my car. I drive to the lab. "What are you on the look for" Sadie asks "anything about me" i say back. We arrive. I see moms car. We get out and make are way inside. I put the code in and we go inside. We make are way around trying to find Brenner's office. We hear crying. We see a kid running down the hall behind us crying. I pull Sadie behind a corner. Sadie try's to talk. I cover her mouth. The kid passes us. A worker runs after the kid. We keep looking for the office. We find it and i look thru the window. I didn't see anyone. "Your on look out" i say "be quick" Sadie says. I go in and start looking around. I look thru the desk. I find flies on every kid. I find mine. I put it in my bag. I see one that had 001 on it "wait there was a number one" i think. I put it in my bag to. I grab elevens and eights to. I find another one that was hiding at the bottom. It had 006 on it "he has two on me" i think. I put it in my bag. I hear a loud bang outside. The door swings open and i see mom with Brenner behind her. "So your fucking Brenner now" i say "you left me no choice" mom says "didn't think the last choice was to fuck someone" i say back "i see my test is working" brenner says "fuck you mean" i say back. Sadie gets Brenner out of the doorway. I run past mom and we get out of there. We see the same kid. We slow down. I see 006 on her wrist "the fuck" i think. The kid sees me "help" she says. Brenner starts running to us with workers. I hold onto her and Sadie stays behind us "glam we have a problem" Sadie says. I look behind us and see more workers. "Kid what's your power" i say "time control" she says "fuck" i think. "Glam you know every power it's up to you" Sadie says "no shit" i say back. The workers get closer to us. The kid screams. me and Sadie cover are ears. everything cracks. I grab the kid and we all run before the workers could get up. We make it to my car "thank you" she says "no problem" i say back "i hope to see you again" she says "you to" i say back. The kid goes to the woods. We get in my car and i drive home. We make it home and we get out. Sadie goes to a friends house and i run inside. i see dad at the table. I take the files out of my bag and put them on the table "let's get to work" i say. Me and dad read them. I read my file "fucking dick" i say "what did you find" dad says "he put different DNA In my body" i say back "what do you mean" dad says "he injected me with someone else's DNA" i say back "did he put who" dad says. I keep reading. I throw the file to dad "it's someone by the name of Mary Eric" i say "i know that last name, but I can't remember how" dad says "then figure out how you know" i say back. I get up and go outside. I sit on the back porch. "Why did this happen to me" i think. I look at my wrist "mark me, lock me in a building then treat me like hell, fuck six" i think. I see a beer bottle. I pick it up and throw it at the fence making it shatter "fuck you Brenner" i say. Dad sits beside me. We sit in silence. "He had another six" i say "so that's why there's two files on sixes" dad says "just another kid that had to be treated like hell" i say back. We go back inside. I open the freezer. I grab a container of ice cream. I find a spoon and sit on the counter. "Feel better" dad asks "yes" i say back. I eat it. "You don't have to worry about clover anymore, her and her dad mike moved to a different state" dad says "good" i say back "oh and your coach called and said the performance was canceled" dad says "good i didn't want to be seen by people" i say back.

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