81. Training

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"I'll see you soon" billy says before walking home. I go back inside. I hear dad and Jay yelling. I sneak into dads room. I find the letters mom was talking about. I keep looking and i find a Journal. I quickly leave the room and go to my car. I get in and look thru the letters. Some of them were dated 10 years ago. The one talked about how mom got clean and wanted to see me. The others were about how mom missed me. I put them on the seat and open the journal. It was all the lab information. I keep reading. "Wait why did they do the tests they did on me on mom" i think. I turn to the next page. "Why did they erase some of my memories, what the fuck are they hiding" i think. I put everything in my glove box and make my way back inside. I see Jay "where's my dad" i ask "looking thru my room" Jay says. I go upstairs to jays room. I see dad "what the fuck are you hiding!" I say "what are you talking about" dad says confused "why the fuck did you erase some of my memories!" I say back "how do you know about that" dad says "answer my question" i say back getting closer to dad "it was for your safety" dad says "not a clear answer" i say back "fine, it was memories of your mom, and some of ash" dad says "why the fuck did you erase memories of ash!" I yell back "because she told you to much about the upside down" dad says "i don't care if you fuck with shit i know about mom, but you ever fuck with ash, I'll make sure you can't do it again!" I say back "then i want my journal back" dad says "nope, that fucking thing will be going to California with me!" i yell back walking away. I walk into my room and dad walks in "what do you mean it's going to California with you, your not 18 yet you can't leave" dad says "you'll see" i say back "you even try to leav-" dad says i cut him off "you'll what, I'm leaving and your not stopping me!" I say back "i will lock you in this room if you try to leave" dad says "I'll love to see you try, i pick locks for a living, and if that fails I'll use my powers!" I say back "your not leaving" dad says "I'm not dying in this town, when the forth person dies, the town is being taken over, if you want to die here, then so be it but I'm not!" I say back. I look at my clock it says 12:28 pm. I grab my bag and try to leave "your not leaving this house" dad says "watch me" i say back. I get past dad and go downstairs. Dad follows behind me yelling at me. "You used to be a good kid!" Dad yells "well I'm not anymore, you destroyed the good in me, I'm not your happy little kid, I'm 17 not 10 anymore, I'm not a kid anymore, you need to realize that the shit you let me go thru as a kid destroyed me, I'm taking my life back and it doesn't involve you, not you not mom not Brenner no one!" i yell back. Dad try's to think of what to say. I walk outside and see billy leaning against my car. "Let's go, I'm done with this place" i say walking up to billy. We get in my car and i drive to the address i was given. We arrive at a barn in the middle of a field. I see august outside. We get out and walk up to her "ready" she asks "yep" i say back. We go inside and see David. "Hello glam" David says "hey" i say back "ready" David asks "ready as I'll ever be" i say back. Billy and august stand against the wall and me and David get in the middle of the room. David throws random stuff in the air and I use my powers to catch it. After a few try's David has me take a break. I sit on the ground and Everything goes black. I look around and see that I'm in the void "the fuck" i think. I turn around and see Vecna. "I see your trying to break the deal" he says "what deal" i say back confused "your supposed to help me take over not leave the town" he says getting closer to me. "You know what happens when you break a deal" he says "no i don't" i say back "don't play dumb six, you know what happens" he says. He lifts my head up to look at him. I try to move my head but i can't. "You don't want to do this do you" he says "let me go" i say back "you made the deal" he says "I'm trying to help you" i say back. his nails get closer to my face. "You did this yourself" he says before i wake up. I look around and see that i was laying on the ground. Billy was holding onto me. I try to speak but i couldn't. "Hey it's ok, your safe" billy says. I sit up and look at my hands. I was shaking and couldn't think. "What did you see" David asks "the deal" i say "what" billy says confused "he thinks I'm trying to break the deal" i say back. Everything goes silent "we need to go" billy says. We get up "get to safely" David says i nod. We run to my car and i drive. "Why's he after you" billy asks "i broke the deal" i say back "what deal" billy asks "the deal that i wouldn't leave Hawkins" i say back. I pull into the driveway "get home" i say "we need to leave" billy says "agreed" i say back. We look at the sky it was filled with smoke and was red. "We're fucked" i say "what do we do" billy says "i don't know" i say back. I run inside. I run to my room and grab my stuff for the upside down. I run back downstairs and dad stops me "not now" i say "what's going on" dad asks "I'm fighting death right now, i have to go!" i yell back walking out the door. I go to my bike and drive off. I drive to Eddie's trailer. I park and go inside. I see the gate "who was here" i think seeing that people made it so you could go thru. I clime up the make shift rope. I get thru the gate and fall on the mattress. I get up and go outside. I hear people. I make my way to the voice. I see Eddie and Dustin. I walk up to them "why the hell are you guys here" i say "hey glam, fighting bats" Eddie says "why" i say back "we're on the look for Vecna" dustin says "fuck sake, I'll help" i say back. We walk around and see the house that me and billy went into a few months ago. "You guys stay here" i say before walking up to the house. I walk in and walk upstairs. I find robin. "Robin what the fuck" i say "hey glam come to help" she says "kinda" i say back. I see Steve "oh hey" he says "i know where he's at" i say back. I see Nancy "grate" i think. We to the attic. We see Vecna "you guys go i got this" i whisper "we're not letting you die" robin says. Nancy throws a bottle that's on fire at Vecna. "Yep we're fucked" i think. I watch them try everything to kill Vecna. Vecna falls out the window. We look over and didn't see him "he was just there" Nancy says "you can't kill him that easy" i say back "what would you know" Nancy says "fuck you" i say back. I jump out the window and use my powers to keep me from hitting the ground to hard. I see bats flying over the trailer. I hear music. I run up to the trailer and don't see anyone. I hear yelling. I look and see dustin running up to Eddie on the ground. I step back seeing the bats leaving Eddie's body. I run up to dustin. I hug him "he's gone" he says crying "dustin it's ok" i say back. I couldn't look at Eddie "dustin you and the others get out of here" i say. I help dustin back to the trailer. I look and see billy "glam what the fuck" billy says walking up to me. I get Dustin back to the other side. "Eddie's gone" i say "what" billy says. "I'm ending this place" i say back. We walk back outside and see the others. They go in the trailer. I take out my lighter and light it. Billy takes the lighter out of my hand "it's not going to work" billy says "you don't know that" i say back. The ground shakes and billy grabs ahold of me. "Fucking again" billy says "let's go" i say back. We get thru the gate. We walk outside and see that the town had cracks in it "it's happening" i say "then who was the forth person" billy says "i don't know" i say back. I get on my bike and drive off. Billy follows behind me. We see People trying to leave the town. We make it to my house. "Let's get out" billy says "I'm not letting him win" i say back.

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