36. One line

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I wake up to Billy's head on my chest. "Well I'm not getting up any time soon" i think. I look at the clock it was 12:47 pm. I lay there waiting for billy to wake up "I'm board as I've ever been" i think. After 20 minutes billy wakes up "sleep well" i ask. Billy looks at me then closes his eyes again "your not going back to sleep" i say. He lay's down beside me letting me free. I get an idea. He was laying on his back. I get on top of him and put his hands above his head. "Your not sleeping anymore" i say. He opens his eyes "try to stop me" billy says. I start to kiss his neck leaving marks. I look back at him. He was finally awake "stay awake" i say "fine" billy says. I let go of his hands. I go to get up but he grabs my waist and flips me on my back. He gets on top of me "two can play at that game" billy says. He kisses my neck "your a dick" i say. He leaves marks on my neck. "I have plans today I'll fuck to later" i say "who said i wanted sex" billy says smiling "i can tell by your body language" i say back. Billy let's me up "what's your plans" billy asks "going to hang out with Sam" i say back "i feel like your going to get stoned" billy says "maybe" i say back "don't get to the point that you forget how to get home" billy says "that was one time" i say back "it was 3 in the morning and you crawled thru my window thinking it was the woods" billy says "ok next time I'll think it's a gas station" i say back billy laughs "you do you" billy says. I get dressed and walk downstairs billy followed. "Do you own double of every clothing piece you have" billy says "only some of it i have two of" i say back. Billy pulls me closer to him by my belt loop. "Wow needy much" i say laughing. He kisses me. "Just be happy you can still walk" billy says "you are a kinky bastard" i say back. The door opens and Morgan comes in "I'm i interrupting something" she says "nope what's up" i say back. She walks over to the table and sits down a book and a bunch of paper that had stuff written on them. "What's this for" i ask "it's all the stuff i have about the upside down" she says. I pick up the book and look thru it. I freeze seeing the figure drawn on the one page "billy" i say. Billy looks at the page "it's him" billy says. Morgan takes the book "he's believed to be the king of the upside down" she says "great I'm dealing with the king of hell" i say back "how can we stop him" billy asks "i don't know yet" she says. "Put your arm out" she says. I put my arm out and she looks at my number "how long have you had it" she asks "all my life" i say back "that's weird it should of faded some over the years since I'm guessing that brenner used dangerous ink" she says. We talk for a few hours "I'll call you if i find anything" Morgan says before leaving. "We're dead" i say billy looks at me confused "how are we going to stop someone that made the upside down" i say "we'll think of a way" billy says hugging me. A hour had passed and billy went home. I put my boots and jacket on. I grab my bag that had my swimsuit in it. I lock the door and head to my car. I get in and drive to Sam's. I make it to her house and park. It was getting dark outside. I grab my bag and go inside. I look around for Sam. I see that her bedroom door was closed. I open it and see her laying on her bed. Her bed was a loft bed she had her desk below the bed. She had a couch and a glass table in the corner of her room. "Hey" i say "oh hey" Sam says getting down from her bed. She hugs me "ready for the night of are lives" sam says "you bet" i say back. We sit on the couch "here's the real question" sam says. She holds up and bag of white powder "so were doing cocaine again" i say back "hey we haven't done any in a few months" sam says "we will do that when we get back from the pool" i say back "works for me" sam says hides the drugs. "What should we do about what happened between us yesterday" i ask trying not to sound awkward "keep it between us" she says i nod. We put are swimsuits on. We head to my car and get in. I drive to the pool. Me and sam light cigarettes and blast music. I park at the pool then we get out "how are we getting in" sam asks "jumping the fence" i say back. We walk around back. I step back and run and jump onto the fence "coming" i say looking at Sam. I get over the fence and wait on her. She makes it over. We walk around to the pool "do they not turn the pool lights off" sam asks "i guess not" i say back. She gets in "get in it feels amazing" sam says. I jump in. We swim around for a bit then we go to the side. "So you ready for California next year" sam asks "yes and no" i say back "I figured you would be happy has fuck to leave" sam says says "i cant wait to leave its just the leaving apart of my life behind, like yeah ash died here and clover lives here, but i have you dad and other family that live here" i say back "don't worry we will visit you" sam says "thanks" i say back. We swim for a hour "we should head home" sam says "yeah we should get the real fun going" i say back she smilies. We get out and change. We jump the fence and go to my car. We get in and i drive to Sam's house. "We can never let billy know that we did this" i say "got it" sam says. We make it back to her place. I park and we run inside. We go to her room. She gives me a shirt and shorts. We changed and she locks the door. She hangs the key on the door handle. We sit down "ready to be in are happy place for the first time in months" sam says "hell yeah" i say back. Sam puts the powder on the table and makes two lines. "Forgive me billy" i think before doing the line. I lean back and watch Sam do the other line."billy would kill me if he found out i did this" i say "stop thinking about what he would think, it's your life" sam says leaning back on the couch. We lay on the couch. "I think it's kicking in" i say "i think so to" Sam says. "Just remember to get the powder off your nose before you leave tomorrow" sam says "will do" i say back. We lay there talking till we fall asleep.

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