59. Leave

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Dad turns off the music. I feel light headed again "fuck" i say before passing out. I wake up after a few minutes. I look around. Dad was sitting on the floor beside me. My head was on Billy's lap "is that a new thing that happens" dad asks "no it's happened a few times before" i say back. I sit up and clean the blood off my face. I hear yelling coming from outside. "I'm going to fucking end her" i say walking to my door. I go downstairs dad and billy follow. We go outside. Mom was standing in the yard. I walk up to her "leave" i say "I'm not leaving without you" mom says "you take me and I'll tell everyone you kidnapped me" i say back "no one would believe you" mom says "sure" i say back rolling my eyes. Mom grabs my wrist. I try to get her to let go. Dad gets her hand off of me "don't touch her" dad says. Billy stands beside me. "I'm taking her" mom says "no your not" dad says "you don't know anything about her" mom says "I've taken care of her for 17 years, i know my daughter" dad says. "You can go home i plan on leaving" i whisper  "meet me later" billy whispers "yep" i whisper back. Billy goes home. I grab my helmet off the porch. "Where do you think your going" mom says "hell" i say back "what did i say about that word" mom says "oh wait i mean go fuck yourself" i say back dad laughs "august" mom says "augusts dead" i say back "maybe papa should take you back" mom says under her breath "fuck you say" i say back "oh now you can hear me" mom says "Brenner can burn in hell" i say back. Dad follows me to my bike. Mom stands in the yard yelling at us. I put my helmet on and get on my bike "drive safe" dad says "don't get hurt" i say back "I'll try" dad says "I'll be back later" i say back "alright" dad says. Dad goes inside and I drive off. After a few minutes i hear a car behind me. I look back and see moms car "lovely" i say. I go faster and she gets closer to me. I see the road that takes you to franks. I turn down the road and she follows. I make it to franks house and see Jamie's car. I park beside it. Mom parks and gets out. I take my helmet off. I light a cigarette and get off my bike. "Now that your dad ain't here to mess this up again" mom says "you don't want to be here" i say back "i don't care" mom says "suit yourself" i say back "i have a grate man that would love to date you" mom says "i have a man" i say back "this one is better" mom says i laugh "nothing can beat billy" i say back "I'm trying to give you a nice life" mom says "i already have a nice life" i say back "one that wouldn't involve cops and shit people" mom says "getting in trouble with the cops is how i become me" i say back. I finish my cigarette and put the bud in my pocket. Mom looks me up and down "i see you put on a lot of weight" mom says "mind your business" i say back. Frank walks out of the house. I wave at him. Frank walks over "why's she here" frank asks "followed me" i say back "I'm trying to have a conversation with my daughter" mom says "i have a name" i say back "i know that i gave it to you" mom says "nope dad did" i say back. Mom takes a necklace out of her pocket. She try's to put it on me "keep that off of me" i say. I look at it. It was a cross "i would rather be in hell then wear that" i say "it will help you" mom says. Jamie walks up to me "I would suggest leave" i say "i agree" Jamie says "you stay out of this" mom says "leave" Jamie says mom refuses "do your thing" i say. Jamie takes his badge out of his pocket then holds it up to mom. I look at frank. Frank nods. I put my helmet back on "where do you think your going this time" mom says "highway to hell" i say back. Mom looks at me confused "ac/dc reference, you wouldn't get it" i say. I drive home. I park and go inside. I see dad in the kitchen looking at a book. "What we looking at" i say "music stuff" dad says "fun" i say back. I go to the living room. I look at the walls "who thought light green was a good color for this room" i think. "Hey dad you should go to the hardware store tomorrow!" i yell "why" dad says walking into the room "i want to repaint this room" i say back "yeah no" dad says "remember i have painting rights of the house" i say back "fuck i forgot i gave you that right" dad says i laugh "that means your taking me tomorrow" i say back "fine" dad says. Dad goes back to the kitchen. I look out the window and see that it's almost dark out. "I'll be back" i say "ok" dad says. I go outside and make my way to Billy's window. Billy had his window open a little. I open it and crawl thru. Billy was laying on his bed. "Your room smells clean" i say "don't know why" billy says. I look around and see a lit candle. "Did your mom leave you alone" billy asks "i left her with frank and Jamie" i say back. We hear footsteps "shit it's my dad hide" billy says. I quickly hide in his closet. Neil walks in. They talk then Neil leaves. "Your good now" billy says. I get out of the closet "do you ever do laundry" i say "yeah" billy says "you sure, become everything smells like it's never been washed" i say back "i do laundry like three times a week" billy says "how i see you in like the same three outfits" i say back "and i see you in the same two outfits" billy says "shut up" i say back billy laughs. "My mom tried to get me to date a random guy" i say "what did you say" billy says "i said no" i say back "good" billy says "you seriously think you could get rid of me that easy" i say back. I sit on Billy's bed. "If you could get fucked anywhere where would it be" billy asks "anywhere someone named billy fucked me" i say back billy smiles "have any plans for tomorrow evening" billy asks "nope" i say back "want to come over" billy says "sure" i say back. We talk for a little. "I should head home before vecna try's to kill me" i say "don't die" billy says. I kiss him then crawl thru his window. I go home then go inside. Dad was asleep on the couch. I go upstairs to my room. I change and lay down. I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. I look at my clock it was 3:29 am. I go downstairs and answer the phone "hello" i say "glam i need you" Morgan says "why" i say back "just get here fast" Morgan says before hanging up. "Why did she sound scared" i think. I go upstairs and put my jacket on. I grab my car keys and go outside. I get in my car and drive to Morgan's. I park and go around the back of the house. I knock on Morgan's window. She opens it and i make my way thru. Morgan hugs me "wow what's going on" i say "i don't know" she says. I could tell she was crying. "I was dreaming and i woke up and saw a weird creature that looked human like" she says "wait did it look like it was covered in vines" i say back "yeah" she says "fuck" i say "what" she says "i know who your talking about" i say back "how" she says "remember that guy that's like the king of the upside down" i say back "yeah why" she says "I've been seeing him to" i say back "why is he after us" she says "i think it's because we both lost someone we loved" i say back "like ash" she says "yeah" i say back. Morgan gets back in bed. I sit beside her "try to sleep" i say. I stay with her till she falls asleep. I make my way back to the window trying not to wake her up. I leave and close her window. I go to my car. I get in and drive home. I park and go inside. I go back to my room. I turn music on and lay on my bed. I go back to sleep.

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