75. Step mom

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It's the next morning and i wake up to the sound of rain. I sit up and look beside me. Billy had spent the night since it was Saturday. He was still asleep. He had his one arm above his head and the other on his chest. I look around the room. It was weird not seeing the sun shining thru the window. I get up trying not to wake billy. I see myself in the mirror "good to know I didn't put clothes back on" i think. I get dressed. I look around for a shirt. I look behind me and see billy looking at me "morning" i say billy groans and turns his head to look at the ceiling. I put a shirt on and walk over to billy. I get on top of him and put my hands on his bare chest. "The hell happened last night" billy asks "we you know then kinda passed out" i say back "must of went hard on you last night, since I never sleep this long" billy says i laugh. My door starts to open. I quickly get off billy and lay beside him. I end up some how missing the bed and fall on the floor. Dad walks in "um you ok" dad asks "yep" i say back. Billy leans over the bed and puts his hand out. I grab his hand and get up. "When you guys are done doing whatever your doing i have someone for you to meet" dad says "another woman you met" i say back annoyed "this one i think you'll like" dad says "sure" i say back rolling my eyes "why don't you like meeting woman I bring home" dad asks "because" I say back "because why" dad asks "because it's always just been you and me most my life, I feel like if some woman comes it are lives, then I feel like I lost my dad to some bitch" i say back annoyed. Dad gets a guilty look on his face and leaves. I feel like i made dad upset "sorry" I whisper. Billy pulls be beside him. "i think you have competition now" i say "gross" billy says i laugh. Billy gets dressed then we go downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and see a woman. I freeze the woman looked like mom. She had really light brown hair to the point it looked blond, it came passed her shoulders, she had hazel eyes, she looked to be in her mid 3os, she was wearing light blue jeans and a black shirt. "I'll be right back" i say grabbing Billy's hand and take him on the back porch. "What the fuck, how dose she look like your mom" billy says "i don't know, I'm freaking the fuck out" i say back "I'll distract your dad and you can get her name" billy says "now if i can speak to her without sounding nervous" i say back. We go back inside to dad. "Why don't i let you guys get to know each other" dad says "yes" i say back. I look at billy and he nods. Dad and billy leave the kitchen. I sit on the counter "just act normal" i think. The woman walks up to me "hello" she says "hi" i say back "what's your name" she asks "glam" i say back "I'm Fiona" she says "what's your last name" i ask. She looks around then puts a note in my pocket. I take it out and read it price was written on it. I didn't know what to say "she has moms last name" i think. I put the note back in my pocket and knock on the counter two times. "Sorry to run but i have to use the restroom real quick" i say getting up. I go to the bathroom. After a few minutes billy walks in. He locks the door and turns the sink on. "She's related to my mom" i say "wait what" billy says "her last name is price" i say back "hold on, that's your last name" billy says "when i was born mom went behind dads back and had me take her name being price, then when my parents got divorced it was changed to northwest to match my dad" i say back "well fuck, now what" billy says "i don't fucking know, wait my mom had two sisters" i say back "fuck" billy says realizing "fucking christ" i say back "let's just go along with it for now" billy says "it's the only choice we have" i say back. We go back downstairs. "May i speak with you father in the next room" i say dad nods. We go to his room. I close the door "ok what the fuck" i say "what" dad says confused "that woman is a price" i say back "how do you know" dad asks "you can tell just by how she looks, she's identical to mom, plus mom has two sisters" i say back "glam they died years ago" dad says. I try to proses what dad said "wait your telling me they died, yet that woman looks like mom" i say back "it's just dumb luck" dad says "no, no this is fucked up" i say back. Dad puts his hands on my shoulders "just please give her a chance" dad says "fine" i say back. We go back to them. I stand beside billy. Dad talks to Fiona "this is fucked up" i whisper "seriously fucked up" billy whispers. "Ok so glam Fiona i want to set some roles" dad says "Fucking roles" i think. "Glam i would like for you to only smoke outside or in your room, glam no using your powers as a threat, Fiona is aware of how you act so don't worry about that, Billy is still welcome here anytime, and for the love of god try not to get in as many fight as you do" dad says "I'm good with all those, but i won't listen to the fight one" i say back "good enough" dad says. Dad and Fiona go to the living room. Billy spins his keys on his finger "wanna go for a ride" billy says "like i would say no" i say back. We head to Billy's car. We get in and billy drives. I lean back onto the seat "are you going to give this woman a chance" billy asks "i honestly don't know, i want to but, she just looks so much like mom, maybe if I give her a chance dad will get off my case" i say back "you just have to deal with this till April 10th" billy says "then we can say fuck you to this town" i say back "don't you want to stay till your 18" billy says "billy i have nothing to give a fuck about in this town, the only thing i care about is coming with me" i say back "what about your dad and friends" billy asks "to be honest my dad and go to hell, Morgan and Chloe know how to protect themselves, and Sadie will most likely go back to Montana, and Jamie and Nate will just make the trip to visit me none stop and so they can see family" i say back "if you don't mind me asking but what is it with Sadie being how she is" billy asks "her parents were lawyer's here, her mom was strict with stuff, but her dad let her live her life how she wanted, her mom wanted her to go to college, so Sadie dropped out of school at 16, after her dad died her life fell apart, her mom married a dick, which she divorced a few years ago, then Sadie and her mom moved to Montana to be closer to family" i say back "so everyone here has a fucked up life" billy says. "I shouldn't tell you this but" i say "what did you do" billy says "i made a deal" i say back "what kind of deal" billy asks "a deal that will put a shit ton of lives in danger" i say back "glam what did you do" billy says "i made a deal with vecna, since I'm as powerful as him, he wanted me to help take over Hawkins" i say back "you did what!" Billy says "i shouldn't have told you" i say back "glam, how" billy says "i don't even know how" i say back "let me get this straight, you made a fucking dangerous deal with a mind demon thing, that means you and him are taking over Hawkins, what the fuck" billy says "it was the only way to save people" i say back "who the fuck were you trying to save!" Billy says raising his voice. I look at him "me and max!" i yell. Billy doesn't respond "I'm sorry" i say. Billy just looks at the road "just another fuckup, nice going glam" i think. I hold onto myself. Billy puts his hand on my thigh. Billy drives to the woods and parks. He turns the car off. "Why was he after max" billy asks "the mall incident, he goes after people with trauma" i say back "why was he after you" billy asks "to many things to name" i say back "how do we get rid of him" billy asks "there's no way" i say back "we can find a way" billy says "we have no information to work with" i say back "we can find some" billy says. I open the door "come with me, I want you to see something" i say. Billy gets out and we walk to a empty part of the woods. We sit against a rock. I hold Billy's hand and use my powers to go into the void. "What are we doing here" billy asks "you'll see" i say back. I get the void to become a memory. It was me in the lab as a kid in the rainbow room. "What" billy says looking around "rainbow room, it was a play room in the lab" i say back. I walk up to a kid and sit beside her. She was looking at her number. Billy stands in front of us. I put my arm out "that's you" billy says "yep" i say back "he shaved your head" billy says "yep, why do you think I hate cutting my hair" i say back. Papa walks in and all the kids get in line. "Follow me" i say. We get in line. We follow papa down the halls. Billy looks around "welcome to my childhood" i say. We walk into a room. We line up against the wall. Six and two get in circles. "What's going on" billy asks "training" i say back. I walk up behind six. "This is when papa learned i was stronger then the others" i say. Six throws two into the wall. I put my hand on her shoulder as she wipes the blood off her nose. The room fades and changes to the room papa would lock me in. We see six in the corner covered in bruises "This room i spent most my time in" i say "why" billy asks "if i didn't do something right or anything papa didn't like, i would get dragged to this room and locked in for hours at a time" i say back. It fades and goes to my room in the lab. Six was sitting on the floor with a worker. Six was working on her powers. They stand up and I get beside the worker. "want to guess who this worker is" i say billy looks at the worker. The worker pulls up his sleeve to reveal 001 on his wrist "meet vecna, before he killed all the kids here, some of them escaped but not a lot, the ones that died papa replaced" i say "this place is sick" billy says "imagine living here most your life" i say back. It changes to the day I was tested on the most I had ever been. Six was strapped to a chair with stuff hooked up to her "this day almost costed me my life" i say "what's he doing to you" billy asks getting closer "he was seeing how far he could push my powers" i say back. It changes to when I was put into the tank. We could hear sixes screams from the tank "i hated this tank" i say. It changes to the day hell broke loss. Blood was everywhere kids were dead, workers and security were dead. I see six with a kid. They were running down the hall. They run passed us "that's me and el, we had escaped together, this was the last day I ever saw her, papa then rebuilt the lab and caught me again and again" i say. They get out of the building. We go into the rainbow room. "The first gate ever opened" i say "how did you stay here as long as you did" billy asks "no idea, i was brought back here about 10 different times over the years, I was first brought here when I was a toddler" i say back "so it's just been never ending" billy says "basically" i say back. The room fades away now it was just darkness. Peter appears and walks up to me. He holds onto my arms "papa can't hurt you now" he says before fading away. I look back at billy and We leave the void. "Never say you never got to see my childhood" i say. Billy hugs me "what's this for" i say confused "you literally lived in hell" billy says "that was normal to me" i say back. We go back to Billy's car. Billy drives. We see smoke fill the sky. We see the lab in the distance "fuck" i say.

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