Chapter 29

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Word Count: 3573

Lizzie's POV

It's been a few days since Alexis hurt herself. After she calmed down, which took nearly an hour we were able to kind of talk through things. She apologized profusely to Scarlett and myself. She didn't really know how to explain herself just that she was feeling upset and need to get it out. She then proceeded to tell us it felt like she deserved to be hurt because she was so mean to us.

I didn't know who to process that, in fact I'm not sure I'll stop regretting not being with her that evening instead. I knew she was hurting and I knew she had a plan to do so but I still left her alone and regrettably so.

Since that day, we have gone to the hospital to get her checked out. Thankfully she has no record of anything like this so they didn't check her into the psych unit. They instead let me bring her home. She's going back to therapy, a new therapist was recommended by the hospital. She has her first in person session today actually. She's still my same quiet Alexis but now I know more about the war that rages on in her head. And there's so much more anger than I think I realized. I think I often mistook her anger for sassiness.

Before therapy we are going to her new school, my old school, Campbell Hall. It's a private school and will cost a good amount of money but I trust them a lot more than I do the public schools. They've been one train wreck after another.

Alexis is sitting at the kitchen counter reading a book while I finish making us some breakfast. I haven't been able to leave her for longer than ten-fifteen minutes, even when she showers I make her crack the door open. I haven't confiscated whatever she cut her legs with because the doctor said it needs it be her choice to give it up.

If I knew what it was I probably would've removed it already. Today feels like deja vu, we've been here before. New therapist, new school, new routine, maybe she was right? We are constantly changing and that's really hard for her especially when she never had so much change while she was kidnapped.

"Bon Appetite!" I cheer as I pass her a few pancakes.

"Thanks," she hurries to finish her page before accepting the pancakes.

I sit next to her with a plate of my own after passing her a glass of juice and grabbing my green juice.

"How are you feeling about today?" I ask as causally as possible.

"Not well," she answers unwilling to share.

"How so?" I try to get her to dig a little deeper.

"It's a lot of new things," she replies shortly.

"I know but you'll get through it," I try to assure her.

"Yeah, okay, sure," she dismisses sassily.

"Eat up so we can go please," I usher her seeing as she's barely had more than a few bites as she's spread the melted butter across them.


We walked into the school hand in hand. Alexis carried her folder of school reports while I carried my purse and a few other psych notes to help explain why I don't want her to start right away.

"Hi, my names Elizabeth Olsen and this is my daughter. We have a meeting with Principal Arnett?" I buzz us into the locked front door.

Alexis tightens her grip on my hand as we head through the doors and into the main office. I softly rub my thumb across her hand to try and encourage her.

The main office lady directs us to the principals office who eagerly greets us.

"Hi! I'm Principal Arnett, nice to meet you two. I've heard a lot about you Alexis, all good things," she smiles warmly at us moving over to her desk and motioning for us to sit on the couch across.

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