Chapter 14

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Word Count: 1896

Lizzie's POV

As soon as my shoes hit the icy pavement, I heard Alexis whimper, "Please just don't let go of me," into my ear.

I kissed the side of her head softly, knowing I'll have to let her go once inside. She must've known also or else she wouldn't have pleaded. "We're almost there sweetheart," I told her.

"Please, please don't let them take me," she begged again as her tears started to coat my winter jacket.

"It's okay, you're okay, I'm right here," I reminded her gently while we headed through the doors, "I've got you."

"Excuse me! My niece needs help!" MK shouted towards the staff.

"What's wrong?" A very young doctor asked.

"Mmm," Alexis hummed in pain as she tried to dig her head into me.

"She's sick with something. She's been saying her stomach has been hurting for days, she's pale, vomiting, and seems to have a head cold," MK explained quickly as Alexis whimpers of pain fill my ears.

"Okay, any shortness of breath or chest pains?" Alexis nodded her head no as I tried to calm her rising panic. She hates hospitals and doctors.

"Okay, I'll have you sit in the waiting room until we have the staff available," the doctor says pointing us in that direction.

"Is there any way she could be checked now? Her stomach is in a lot of pain. She's a strong kid so an eight for her means it's really really bad," MK talked to the doctor while I worked on calming Alexis.

"Mama, it really hurts," she whined into my ear.

"I know, I know. It's okay," I said focusing all my attention on her as I sway back and forth. She grunted in pain so I instantly stopped moving her and just continued to soothe her another way.

"Ma'am we don't have the staff," the doctor dismissed us again.

"Please, she's really hurting," MK motioned to us, desperately.

"I'm sorry we can't unless it's life-threatening and her symptoms sound a lot like the flu," he decided before walking away.

"What a d***!" MK cursed under her breath.


We had been waiting for about twenty minutes when Alexis started to cry again. It was much more than before and I wasn't sure how to act. She was laying with her back against me and I was rubbing her stomach, under her shirt, trying to ease her pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly.

"It hurts so much even when you touch it," she cried before taking my hand off her stomach and just holding it with her own.

"It's okay, I've got you," I remind her before motioning to the twins to grab a doctor. This is ridiculous! My daughter is in pain and they just keep dismissing us. What if it's something really bad?

The twins managed to find a new doctor and they came running over. We gave them the run down before they ask Alexis some questions. She didn't reply much just a few head shakes as she tried to calm her tears.

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