Chapter 30

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Word Count: 2821

Nobody's POV

In the past two weeks a lot of changes have happened for the small Olsen family. First and foremost, they officially moved into the new house. It was quite a fight to get Alexis fully transitioned and she hasn't slept on her own all week but that's still progress.

Alexis continued to attend her therapy sessions but now Lizzie doesn't have to sit in the room with her. Alexis has even taken a great liking to Lindsay and now she's eager to share more of what she's thinking or how her week was. They have yet to talk about Josh in depth but they just started talking about how Alexis ended up in the hospital a few weeks back. The important thing was that Alexis is making an effort which was more than enough.

On the school front, Alexis has only attended two days so far as they're working up towards a full week slowly. Todays another school day and it's Wednesday which means Lizzie only has a handful of days before she leaves for Utah. She is planning to fly out midday Sunday to get settled.

Lizzie struggled to wake Alexis early for another day of school. It was only day three of in person school and her little girl was struggling to get back into the routine.

"Come on, Lex. You've got to get up, I laid out your clothes in the bathroom. You know the ones you picked out last night, but you've got to get out of bed to go get dressed," Lizzie nudged the sleepy preteen who was still barely awake.

The new school was a lot nicer than her old one. There was definitely a lot more funding for the small K-12 school, which only had about 1000 students in total. Unbeknownst to Alexis, this private school also costed about $38,000 a year and required usually a year on the waiting list. Luckily for Alexis, the Olsen family name carries a lot of weight and played a major role to get Alexis enrolled quickly.

Last night they both slept upstairs in Alexis's new room. Lizzie is hoping that Alexis will get used to her new bed and hopefully feel comfortable enough to sleep alone. In the entire time they've been there, Alexis has slept on her own once for a few hours. Lizzie had left her to nap after a particularly grueling therapy session. Lizzie just wasn't too sure about the twins co-sleeping with Alexis so she is really trying to get Alexis adjusted to the new house.

"I'm tired," Alexis replied grumpily. She didn't want to go to school.

"I know. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I know it's tough but you've gotta get up. I promise I'll lay down with you after school for a quick nap. Hmm how does that sound?" Lizzie slowly coaxed Alexis to get up.

"I guess," Alexis mumbled still unhappy to be awake.

"Good morning," Lizzie greeted the tired preteen in the kitchen.

"Hi," Alexis returned the greeting.

"I made you some eggs and fruit, they're at the table," Lizzie motioned to where Alexis's plate was set.

"Thanks," Alexis yawned before taking a seat and forcing herself to at least eat a little.

Lizzie continued to rush around the house getting ready for her day before packing Alexis's lunch. Lizzie zipped the popcorn filled ziploc bag closed before approaching Alexis, who had just put on her shoes, pulling her into a tight hug.

"I love you so so much," Lizzie whispered to her daughter's ear as she held Alexis closer.


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