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"I'm just saying, maybe if you treated me like a normal person I wouldn't leave you." You sarcastically shrugged. "That's just what I'm trying to say."

"I'm treating you better than I would a normal person. I couldn't care less if other people got hurt during a game."

You looked at the wounds that Chishiya had treated weeks ago. It was thanks to him that they were able to heal that quickly.

A sigh escaped your lips. "Look, if you could just not be so obsessed with whatever your definition of 'keeping me safe' and 'not interacting with other people,' I would be perfectly fine with being with you. But it seems like you can't do that, so I'm sorry, but I'll be parting ways with you for now. It's not like you don't always have tabs on me anyways."

While you walked away, Chishiya couldn't help but clench his jaw. His mind wasn't able to grasp around how you just walked away for the second time. Did he not show how much he cared for you?

The thoughts lingered in his head as your figure walked off.

You roamed the stress of Tokyo, unsure of where to go. You knew for sure that you had at least half a week left on your visa with the games you've played. As you walked down the empty roads, you noticed that the further you walked, the more abandoned the city looked. There were parts of the city that were nearly completely overtaken by nature. Vines would be everywhere and plants would cling onto cars and such. This was definitely new territory for you.

Being in a place like this meant that there probably weren't any other people around. Not only that, there would be few resources as well.

"Shit." You cursed under your breath.

You decided that it wouldn't be the best of your interest if you continued to go further into the plant infested area of the city.

After one last look at Mother Nature's work, you turned around and started heading the other way.

"Y/n." You heard someone call out from behind you.

Cautiously, you turned around, only to find Mira standing only a few yards away from you. "What are you doing here?"

She smiled and kept her hands together. "I'm just here to talk with you."

"Let's talk about why you started this borderland then. Why?"

"Nothing really, I just really want to study how humans would act if they were put into a world like this one. It's so thrilling and entertaining watching everyone's true nature come out!"

"You're fucking insane."

"Oh Y/n, you just don't get it."

"What don't I get Mira?"

"The mysteries of the human mind! It's truly such a wonder; the brain."

"You should at least let people consent to something like this first!"

"That ruins the purpose."

"No it doesn't."

"This is why you're my favorite player Y/n. You're so interesting to observe! Whenever you're near the breaking point, you always find a way to avoid it."

"Do you have a fetish or something? The way you're talking about it is so fucking creepy."

Mira laughed. "I want to show you just what I mean. Maybe then you'll understand."

A cloth covered your nose. You were only able to struggle for a few seconds, and even still, the person behind you was much stronger. It only took 4 seconds before your body went limp in the arms of Mira's assistance.

"Good morning Y/n." Mira's voice echoed.

You opened your eyes and a bright light. Looking around you, there was no one in sight. The walls of the room that you were in were white. The ground and ceiling was also white.

'Oh wait. OH SHIT.'

You pushed your body off of the ground and looked around you. There was nothing, a lot of plain old nothing but white.

Then Mira's voice appeared again over a speaker. "I want to show you all the things that make this experiment so worthwhile."

You could almost see her crazed smile.

Two people walked through a disguised door and you immediately backed up. Not only were they both tall men, but they were incredibly built tall men. Men that were twice your size quite literally.

"You're coming with us." One of them said

The other seemed to grow impatient. "If you don't listen, I'm afraid we'll have to use force."

Begrudgingly, you walked over to the two men who led you out of the room. Now you were in a narrow hallway, one that you'd find in a normal museum.

"Where are we going?" You asked the man to your right.

No answer.

Then you turned to the person on your left and asked them the same question.

No answer.

'Well this situation sure is great.'

"Y/n! I've been expecting you!" Mira exclaimed from the end of the hallway.

She was dressed in all black, but instead of her beach swimsuit, it was a dress. Nothing else about her changed.

The two men walked beside you as you followed them up to Mira.

"What did you need me for? And where am I?" You went straight to the point.

She smiled. "I'm glad you asked! I'll be showing you all the videos of how people behave in this world. It's fascinating to say the least."

You stared blankly at her. "How would watching people die in games be fascinating?"

"The feelings that you all experience while in these games. Why do you guys bury people out of respect? Why do you feel the need to push on and live? All the face cards are past survivors of these games, and I stayed just to fulfill my curiosity." She looked at you. "Do you not have the same curiosity?"

"No.. I don't think that usually people have that curiosity." You soon realized. "I think you're only feeling that way because you can't personally feel emotions like the rest of us. Putting it shortly, you're just a psychopath."

Mira's smile grew larger. "But what if we're both psychopaths?"

"You straight up manipulate people to do your shit, and you're here enjoying watching people die right in front of you." You snarled.

"Have you not?" The neurosurgeon dismissed the two males who had brought you to her. "I've seen instances where you had no trouble putting other people's life to an end."

"It was in self defense."

She crept behind you and put her cold hands onto your shoulder. You could feel her breath against the skin of your neck.

Mira moved to the side of you and put a hand on your chin.Are you sure that it wasn't just you all of a sudden being out for blood?"

"No, I'm not like that." Your words were firm despite the amount of discomfort you felt.

The last thing that you wanted to do was become influenced by whatever words came out of Mira's mouth. You knew that she would do all that she could to get you to mess up.

A laugh came out of her mouth. "You're so stubborn. You haven't even wavered a bit."

"Can I leave?"

"Oh, but you haven't seen any videos yet. Wouldn't you be interested in seeing the conditions of your friends at least?"
Countdown until the end of the book?

My math teacher makes me wanna ;&:"/!,


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