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You woke up the next morning in even more pain than you were in yesterday. It was almost as if you were being punished for nearly dying for your friends.

Knock knock

Kicking off your covers, you threw your legs over the bed and struggled over to the door.

"Hello?" You opened the door and greeted the person who's told in front of you.

To your surprise, it wasn't Kuina or Chishiya. Instead, it was one of the high ranking executives. She had long black hair that reached her breasts and bangs that covered part of her eyebrows. Her two piece swimsuit was completely black; her top revealed her shoulders and for her bottom piece was a long skirt.

The executive walked through the door without an invitation. She pulled out a chair and sat on it.

"Come, sit." She pointed at the seat across from her.

You thought the way that she behaved was rather strange. She acted as if it was her room, and you were the visitor. Despite her weird actions, you listened to her. You could tell that she was someone of high power just by her aura. Not only that, she also seemed incredibly off.

Yet still, you sat down across from her, waiting for what she was going to say.

Before she started, you noticed that she crossed her legs. "I'd like to start off by introducing myself; my name is Mira and I was a psychiatrist and a neuroscientist in the old world. I've had my eyes on you for quite a while Y/n. You are rather an interesting player to watch. It seems like you haven't even acknowledged the consequences in this world when you mess up in even the slightest. The way that you have carried yourself through each game is interesting. It's almost as if you have a new version of yourself for each game that you play in, just like how you always create a new strategy when you play someone in a tennis match. This makes you overall rather entertaining to watch you participate in games."

At this point, so many questions swarm through your head. "How did you watch me in games?"

"I am the game creator." She gave you a disturbing smile. "And don't even think about telling the others. There's not a single place in this world where I don't have cameras or people watching."

You could feel yourself sinking further back into the chair, unsure of how to take this newfound information.

"I'd love to see how you handle the rest of the games and watch as they slowly eat away at your mental stability. From what I've observed, you have a rather strong will and you seem to be the least affected by this environment, making you the hardest to crack. How much longer can you handle living in this world?" A laugh fell from her lips.

You became incredibly uncomfortable and disturbed in her presence as she continued speaking. "I'll make a deal with you. Since I know that you have people you care about in this world, I'll guarantee you that one of them will live. In exchange, you'll be the main puppet in this big experiment. Of course you won't be killed, but I'll drag you with me to watch when other people get killed. By watching and participating, I'm almost sure that you'll eventually break down. It'll be quite a show to be able to watch a professional athlete like you break."

Even after all she said, you didn't understand how you out of hundreds if not thousands of people would have caught her eye. There was no way that you were the only professional athlete in this world either, was there?

"How crazy do you have to be to make such a horrific experiment?" You aimed the question at her. "What's even more messed up is that you're trying to bring out the worst in people. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Mira didn't answer your questions, she only asked you one. "Who would you like to keep safe, Y/n?"

You couldn't ignore this question like how she did to yours. Now the fate of someone else rested in your hand. You could be sure that at least one person will make it out of the world with this opportunity.

As you sat there, deep in thought, Mira was in her chair. She was laid back and completely relaxed, it wouldn't even be a stretch to say that she was amused all the while you tried to think of who you should save.

Bro this chapter was so bad, but I couldn't think of anything else. I'm sorry guys 😭

Thoughts? Opinions?

SLIDE ; Y. CHISHIYAحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن