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Her eyes widened. Out of all the names that she would've guessed, Chishiya didn't even cross her mind.

The name piqued Mira's curiosity. "Are you close with him?"

"He's a friend" You bluntly answered.

"Alright then, if you even mention a word of this to anyone, expect a laser to shoot out of the sky and through your skull." Those being her last words as she got up from the chair and walked out of the room, closing the doors behind her.

'I have no idea what the fuck I just got myself into, and now I'm basically fucked for the rest of the time I have in this world. I'm going to be put through psychological torture and that's not something I really want to experience.'

Sighing, you could only accept your fate. There wasn't anything you could do about it now.

You walked over into your bathroom and unwrapped the bandages that Chishiya had tied around your arm yesterday. There was a small blood stain on the white bandage. Once you fully removed it, you looked at the wound through the mirror. It looked rather nasty, looking at it was able to make you feel grossed out. Taking the Vaseline that you were given yesterday, you dug your fingers into the thick substance and pulled out a nice chunk of the petroleum jelly. Using your fingers, you managed to lay out a thin layer of it over your wound. Then you took off the bandage around your neck and repeated the same process with the graze there.

After you managed to finish that, you changed back into your swimsuit and headed out of your room to find Chishiya. Since you didn't have any bandages with you, you figured that he would have some. The first place you decided to go to was the pool, if Chishiya wasn't there, you could probably bump into Kuina there.

While on your way there, you managed to pass by a rather interestingly dressed male. He had his black hair half up and wore a black/white giraffe print long sleeve button up with the top few buttons undone. He had a piercing on his left nostril and left eyebrow. That's when you realized that he was carrying a gun against his shoulder as well.

"Don't go yet." His voice stopped you in your tracks.

You stopped and turned around to face him. He wore an expression of pure mischief as he approached you, closing the already little distance you had between each other.

He eyed you up and down. "Do you want to try and have some fun this morning before I'm off to duty?"

"No.." You took several steps back, trying to recreate the space that was once between you two.

All of a sudden, the militant grabbed one of your swimsuit top straps and pulled you forward. "Could you repeat that?"

"She said no, Niragi." You turned your head to see Chishiya walk up behind you.

He pulled his hands out of his pockets and put one of them onto your shoulder protectively. His face remained stoic as Niragi's expressed annoyance.

"What's she to you huh?"

Chishiya's dark stare managed to get the taller male to back off and release you without having to answer the question. As the militant left, you were able to hear him scoff.

Once he was out of view, your friend's hand dropped from your shoulder. His hand fell back into his pocket.

"So.. Do you have any bandages?" You asked him.

He pulled out a roll of clean bandages. "Let's find a place for you to sit down first. Where are you heading?"

"The pool, I guess."

You walked beside him, now both heading to the pool. It was quiet between you two, and the urge to tell your best friend about what Mira had discussed was barely suppressed. Even though you didn't show it, Chishiya knew that something was up.

As you entered the open area, the sun's rays immediately shone into your eyes. "Shit."

"Let's find chairs." Chishiya said, leaving you to face the rays of the sun alive.

You scurried after him, afraid to lose him in the sea of people. There were so many people that even though you were basically running after him, you nearly lost him.

You stopped running once you found the blonde sitting on one of the chairs. "There you are."

"Y/n, you passed me while running." He pointed out.

"I couldn't find you, sorry." You brushed it off, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Chishiya waited for you to sit down before he pulled his chair closer to yours. He pulled the chair right beside yours. Then, he started unrolling the bandage. You put your arm out towards your friend. One of his soft hands held your arm steady while the other wrapped the bullet wound. He wrapped the gauze a few times over itself before tying a knot to secure it. Chishiya let go of your arm and reached a hand over to the few strands of hair that you had out of place. He tucked the hair behind your ears. The blonde tilted your head enough to where he was able to get access to the wound. After checking on the condition of it, he wrapped the gauze bandage around it.

Once he was finished, Chishiya's hand left your body. "They seem to be healing well."

"How long do you think they'll take to completely heal?" You asked him.

"It'll take a while."

You fell back into your chair as a groan escaped your mouth. "Fucking hell."

The doctor eyed you, watching you as you muttered strings of curses under your breath.

"You seem to have something on your mind, and it's not about the injury."

Help. I just realized how cringy chapters like 21+ are 😭😭

I'm so fucking worrying in advance I've never written yandere 💀

Hope this chapter was good though :)

I might update again today if I feel generous lmfao

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