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"What the fuck.." You winced as you pushed yourself against the car. "As if I haven't been dealing with enough pain recently."

Chishiya was already up against the car when you managed to sit up.

Right as the sound of footsteps growing closer started, the doctor put a hand over your mouth. This led you to soon realize that the king was approaching. As he got closer, you could hear your heart skip a beat. The fear of being caught was enough to even make you hold your breath.

It took the longest 3 seconds for him to walk past the car and find a new group of alive players. You were able to hear him jump on top of the metal automobiles before he shot 4 bullets. By this time, he had already been a safe distance away from you and Chishiya.

"..Thank you." You mumbled.

He took your thanks while he checked the side of your body that you landed on. "Are you hurt?"

You moved the jacket that was around your waist. "I think I'm fine. There's probably just going to be a bruise."

'I'm actually not going to be fine because I just missed my chance to escape.'

Chishiya turned his head to make sure that the coast was clear. He wanted to make sure that the king was far enough so that the two of you would be able to run to a new location; a different game arena.

It wasn't reasonable for him to only check the road for only a second. You could take this time as an opportunity for you to run away. Of course you weren't able to think it through, you were too focused on the idea of finally being free and away from Chishiya. If you were able to run away now, there would be a high chance that you wouldn't have to see him again for a while. It was a good enough gamble for you.

You tried your best to stay silent as you pushed yourself up onto your feet. With one last look at Chishiya, you ran into an alley.

The fact that the male didn't do anything to stop you put a bit of worry into you. Usually it meant that he had already had a solution to the problem. And the problem with that was that he always had a way to go through with it in whatever way he wanted.

You guessed that you had run about a mile to two when you stopped. Chances were that it was more like 2 miles. With the adrenaline that you had, there wasn't a way that you had run any less than 1.75 miles.

"I am so done in this world." You panted, using a street sign pole to hold onto.

That's when you remembered what the drugs had done to you earlier. Instead of your original goal to find an easier game to play, you decided to find a few things to replace what you'd lost.

'First aid kit, water, food, weapons, and caffeine. I need the bare minimum to last at least this night.'

You looked at the nearest street sign. It turns out that you were near the outskirts of Tokyo. That should mean that there would be a lot of small convenience stores or something of the sort. You also remembered that it's been a while since you've been in this part of the city. It wasn't something that acted to be convenient at the moment.

While jogging around the city, you always made sure to take stops. It would help you make sure that there wasn't anyone that was trying to approach you.

"Finally!" You groaned in relief.

It took you half an hour before you were able to locate any type of store. The building in front of you was fairly clean. The place was probably new, and you lucked out with the whole store being full. There had to be at least something in the store that would serve as useful to you.

Pulling open the door, you walked into the store. You were instantly hit with the smell of rotten food. As you took more steps into the small shop, you made sure to cover your nose with one hand while carrying a basket with the same arm.

While walking through each aisle, you always looked thoroughly at each shelf. There were many things that you could take, but you made a point to yourself to only take things that could fit into your pockets. It proved useful that you had 3 pockets; one of them was on the inside of your jacket too.

At the end of your little shopping spree, you managed to find enough things for the night. Your haul included three bottles of water, a pack of bread, some jam, and a purse sized first aid kit that somehow managed to fit into one of the pockets of your jacket.

Luckily for you, you also managed to find a handgun behind the counter under the cash register. Not only that, but there was also an extra box of ammo with 50 untouched bullets.

You set the gun on the counter and took out the gun magazine to refill it with bullets. There should be a total of 18 bullets in the magazine when you finish.

Taking one of the bullets in your hand, you pushed it into the magazine one by one, each one becoming increasingly harder to push in as it began to fill up.

"That took me an unnecessary amount of time." You muttered in frustration.

You looked up at the clock on the wall. It took you around 10 minutes to fill the magazine.

'I'm going to blame that on the inconsistency of how much I would reload the gun magazine.'

After finishing loading the gun, you put it into the inside pocket of your f/c windbreaker. Then you wiped off your hands with a sanitizing wipe.

Twisting the cap of the ham, you managed to open it. You used a plastic knife to take a bit of it out and spread it onto the sliced bread that you laid on the napkin. Then you topped your bread with another slice of bread to turn it into a jam sandwich.

You brought it outside and looked up at the sky that had slightly darkened. The airships were still in the sky. It's been about 2 or 3 days since your last game, so you decided to renew your visa. All the choices were in the sky.

Since you were already participating in the king of spades, you decided to play something not as physically challenging. You didn't really want to partake in a game of clubs at the moment. That leaves you with 2 choices: hearts or diamonds.

You decided to look up and choose whichever game's arena was closest to yours.

Jack of Hearts.
I've started drafting another ff but like idk how it's gunna end 😭😭

Love you all ❤️

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