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You were slightly taken aback and caught off guard with this question. "Wait what..? No I don't. I barely know the guy."

The only response you received was a short satisfied hum from your friend.

Out of nowhere, fanfare music began to play. You noticed the male next to you pull out his phone to check it, only to tuck it back into his crossed arms seconds later.

From where you stood, you heard the faint sound of the elevator going up. The sound of the elevator going up added onto your anxiety level with each floor it went up. To your relief, it stopped on the floor right below yours, floor 6.

You heard the sound of the door opening, and you couldn't help but stare at where the tagger should be walking out. The complex building was completely silent with everyone hiding on a floor, trying to keep themselves from getting tagged.

Distant faint footsteps could be heard by those that were far from the tagger. Everyone was wary of their surroundings in case the tagger would just randomly appear.

On floor 6, you spotted the girl from earlier hoist herself onto the edge of the ledge before jumping off.

"She seems like someone who either does parkour or climbing. That was impressive." You said aloud, amazed by how she was able to land such a risky jump.

Chishiya seemed to notice the girl too. "She's definitely a climber."

Moving on to the people on the other floors, you noticed that most of the people were walking door to door, trying to open every one of them. They were cautious to stay silent while twisting every room's doorknob.

"Three minutes have passed."

Following the announcement, you heard gunshots. The sound surprised you, causing you to grab tightly onto Chishiya's jacket and shrink yourself behind him.

"You look cute when you're scared." You heard the blonde snicker.

Before you could reply, the sound of more gunshots started.

Scared, you slowly peeped your head over the edge to find Arisu, Karube, and an older aged man running through the hallway screaming. Behind them was a man that was wearing an outfit that seemed to be completely cargo with a horse head mask over his head.


"Outta the way!"

"Go down!"

"Hurry! Go, go, go!"

"Don't look back! Go!"

"Move, move!"

"What are you doing? Hey!"

"Karube, wait!"

The voices were hard to differentiate as they were screaming over each other, rushing one another to move faster and escape the tagger.

You could hear your heart racing, and it wasn't as much for yourself as it was for them. After the three rushed down two flights of stairs, you saw Arisu rush Karube off the stairs. He led him behind a half wall to hide. The two of them stayed quiet as the tagger walked down the stairs, following the noise that the other man had created.

Another man was in panic. You could tell by how he was rushing and carelessly shaking while trying to open the doors on his floor. Unfortunately for him, the man that was previously screaming and running for his life on the 5th floor was now on the floor with the already panicked man. That meant that the tagger would be right behind him.

"They're both dead." Chishiya observed.

You agreed, there was no way that either could survive in this situation.

SLIDE ; Y. CHISHIYAWhere stories live. Discover now