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"Arisu, what do you think?" Chishiya asked the third male.

The youngest looked terrified. "What do you mean?"

"Come on, don't play dumb. I know you've got a bone to pick with me. We might as well deal with it right now. We can settle things once and for all."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

You couldn't help but let out a sigh as you watched the three men talk. "Are you guys fucking serious? The 'prize' over here is kind of bleeding, and I'd really like to enjoy some sort of entertainment before my last breath."

As if on cue, Niragi aimed at Arisu and shot. He missed, his bullet going into the broken concrete.

Then Chishiya shot, once, and then twice. He missed both.

Arisu took the time to his advantage and ran to hide behind a car.

It might as well be a 1v1 at this rate.

Niragi climbed on top of a car to get a better view as he tried to shoot Chishiya. You weren't able to tell if the bullet hit the doctor, but he jumped right beside you and groaned when he made impact with the car's frame.

"Well things don't seem to be going the way I expected to say the least." You kept your gaze forward, avoiding looking into Chishiya's eyes.

He took a moment to regain his breath. "Just wait."

Gunshots echoed through the area.

"Niragi! Stop this!" Arisu hollered.

You turned your head to Niragi who was still standing on top of an old rusty car. He seemed much more intimidating from this position.

"I'm just acting like you guys. Doing whatever I feel like. Every time you open your mouths, it's just to talk about yourselves. I had to listen to your bullshit the whole time. Stop acting like you're better than everyone else because you've seen people die. And don't say you're trying to survive for someone else, because I know that deep down, you're just as selfish!" The militant rambled on. "The only thing that matters is that we come out on top!"

The words that came out of his mouth were definitely something that he had to scramble all his last fried brain cells on. There was no other way that he would be able to come up with such an intellectually composed dialogue.

"Yeah." Arisu decided to go along with it. "You might have a good point. Maybe we're all just supposed to kill each other in this place."

Niragi aimed the gun at the relative source where his voice came from. "Now you're starting to make sense."

You leaned your head back onto the old red automobile, and looked into the sky. You weren't quite sure what was going to happen next. Maybe a hellfire of bullets would rain over the area, and you'd get shot up even more. It would be the worst case scenario, but you didn't want to risk it.

Pushing yourself up, you stayed silent while trying to evacuate the area. You weren't sure if Niragi was distracted enough to notice you, but it was worth a shot.

Following your leaving steps, Arisu stood up and proclaimed how he gave up. He no longer wanted to partake in the game. He said that he no longer wanted to act weakly and selfishly.

Niragi backed out right after. "Thanks a lot, asshole."

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about you." Niragi's raspy voice spoke.

'Ah, fuck me.'

The militant chuckled. "We can't have you leaving the game arena."

"Stop shooting! She's got nothing to do with this!" Arisu did his best trying to convince Niragi.

The shaggy haired pointed his gun at Arisu. "Games need prizes for the winner, or else the players won't stay."

"What the hell do you mean!?" You weren't even able to fully turn your back when Niragi shot.

You fell to the ground once again, but quickly recovered.

Niragi lowered his gun. "If I could kill you now.. I would be able to make another one of the two vulnerable... I could win the last game."

You thought that it would be the end for you, so you closed your eyes.

Then he shot right when Arisu shot. You heard the sound of Niragi's body falling from a few meters away.

You opened your eyes and found out that you hadn't been shot, but Chishiya was the one who had. He fell forward onto the hard concrete ground.
If you guys want a sequel, comment on this so I can get an idea of how many of y'all want it


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