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Your hands were now on the edge of the platform and you hung onto the edge for your life. You had managed to get a hold of one of the metal pipes that suspended the flooring, and you began swinging your body back and forth. After a few swings, you managed to swing one of your legs onto the platform and pull yourself up from there.

This was the closest you've been to death other than when the tagger nearly shot you twice.

After you caught your breath, you looked behind you. There were only three other people. One was a middle aged man that definitely went to the gym everyday, there was another girl that seemed to be a high schooler, and the last was a boy that seemed to be a young adult. They were all busy managing to hold their own ground through the obstacles.

The next obstacle in front of you was just a simple black door. On the door, there was a 3 minute countdown timer. You checked your phone and realized that you have 10 minutes left. Being left no option, you looked around the building but still couldn't find anything. The only explanation that you could come up with was that it was your partner's turn to act. Hopefully, whatever Chishiya was doing, it was something that he was strong in.

You stretched a bit more and messed with your hair.

Without warning, the door opened. The timer wasn't even over, but the door whooshed open for you.

The first thing you noticed when you stepped into the room was the smell of chlorine. You realized that there was a large pool in front of you, and the only way to get across to the other side was to swim. You checked the phone screen for any instructions, and thankfully there were. The instructions were to put your phone into one of the vest zipper pockets to keep it from getting wet while you swam the 400 meters. You checked the time one last time before following the instructions.

Now it was just you and the pool in front of you. The other people should get here soon, as long as they don't die in the other obstacles.

Inhaling as much as you can, you jumped into the pool. The water temperature caused you the shiver; you were definitely not expecting it to be this cold. The only choice was to swim if you wanted to survive. Staying here and not swimming would get you hypothermia for sure.

While swimming, you feel the temperature slowly dropping, never letting your body adjust. All you were able to do was continue pushing yourself and swim. You noticed your breathing slow down once you got closer to the end of the pool. With the least amount of energy you could muster, you quickly swam to the edge and pulled yourself out of the ice cold water. The water from your body dropped onto the ground, leaving puddles with nearly every step you took.

With no towel or anything to dry yourself off with, you couldn't warm up. Your steps were uncoordinated as you walked up to the door.

"3 minutes left."

You could barely process the words with the exhaustion that you felt. You were breathing incredibly shallowly and your pulse was dangerously weak.

Through all that, you managed to open the door. Inside the room was Chishiya standing behind a desk and device.

"..Hey Chishiya..." The last thing you saw was your friend rushing over to you, with an unreadable expression over his face.



I hope you guys enjoyed :)

I love you all  and appreciate all the support

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