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Even though you knew you shouldn't fall for it, you couldn't help it. Sometimes you found how much you cared about certain people end up fucking you over.

"Mira, I'm only going to watch one recording or live video. I will refuse to stay any longer than that." You made it clear to her.

She only sent you another one of her crazed smiles. "Let's see about that."

You followed her as she turned a corner to a new hallway. This one was much shorter, but still had the incredibly light pale walls. At the end of the hallway was a half opened room that was full of screens. You weren't able to see what they were showing, but it seemed that at least 75% of them were on, the others were just completely black.

While you followed Mira's footsteps, there was no conversation between the two of you. Even if there were, you would be rather quick to shut it down.

"You can go in first." The long haired woman opened the door wider.

She didn't seem to have any intention of anything bad, so you stepped foot into the room. Once you were inside the room, you realized that it was just a bit darker than it appeared from outside.

"Wouldn't you like to see how your dear Chishiya is doing?" The game master cooed, closing the door as she entered the room.

You looked at all the screens. Most of them didn't show any people. It was probably because no one had shown up in the game sites yet.

Mira pointed at a group of 4 screens. "There he is."

You turned your head and looked at the specific screen that she pointed at. He was buckled to a chair, along with 4 other people. On top of each person's head was a black scale.

Other than Chishiya, you managed to identify another person. It was the number 2 at the Beach. You found it strange how he had survived, you thought that all the people who lived through the 10 of hearts game were all grouped together watching as the building burned.

"Is he a citizen?" You asked Mira.

"You managed to figure it out!"

Confused, you looked back to face the screen. The game seemed too simple at a glance, but since you didn't quite catch the instructions to the game, you weren't sure what the game was.

"What are they playing?" You asked aloud.

Mira laughed. "Does it really matter? Chishiya is guaranteed to win."

The tone behind her words seemed a bit too forced. You weren't sure if the words were even reliable.

On the topic of reliability, since you were with Mira, you might as well see if you could ask her a few questions that have been sitting on the top of your head for a bit.

"Could I ask you a few questions, Mira?" She looked at you, her head tilted. "Do you think it would be possible to change the person I chose?"

Even you were surprised that that was one of your questions. Years ago, you would've never thought that you would choose anyone else to survive death games than your best friend. Yet, here you are now.

Mira's exaggerated hand gestures stopped for a moment. "That's new. Did something happen between the two of you?"

"Is it a yes or a no?" You didn't want to give her more information that was needed.

She had a smug expression on her face. "No."

"Are all the kings, jacks, and queens in these games citizens?"

Her entertained expression slightly faded. "They all decided to stay after they beat these games."

"How are all of you so fucking twisted?"

"No, we aren't. We just think that this world is a lot better than the normal world."

Your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion before turning back to the screens in front of you. It was then that you noticed the video was mute. There was an unmute video button on the bottom left. The audio of the video didn't really catch your interest, so you had no problem watching the live recording in silence.

In the time that you had talked to Mira, it seemed that 2 people had died. The way that they died definitely didn't seem painless. It looked like they were killed with something corrosive. Some type of liquid had definitely burned or corroded their entire body to the bone. You never really paid attention in any science classes you took, but you took a wild guess that it was sulfuric acid.

Another round of the game ended, and you noticed numbers appear on the big screen under everyone's profiles. Under the middle aged woman's profile, you noticed that her number had increased by 1, to 10. The woman started panicking; she was grabbing onto her belt and aggressively tried to get out, but to no avail.

The scale on top of her tipped and all the acid spilled over her body. As she was being burned down to the bone from the corrosive liquid, Chishiya raised a brow as she screamed.

Kuzuryu on the other hand kept a stern gaze, his eyes stayed glued to his screen.

The screaming of the woman in pain didn't last long. She was now only bones, and the blood from her body was all over the screen that was in front of her. Even though you were behind the screen, you couldn't help but cringe at the sight.

"Can I just go now?" You turned away from the horrifying scene that just played out before your eyes.

She smirked. "I'll drop you off, but it won't be long before we meet again."


I forgot how many chapters left 😭😭

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