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Taking a deep breath, you followed right behind the woman into the elevator. After a few seconds, everyone else began to load into the elevator.

"You're Y/n L/n right? My older brother is such a big fan of yours! He watches you play pretty often! The schoolgirl talked to you.

You nodded. "It would be a pleasure to meet him if we are able to make it out of here alive."

The elevator dinged again once it reached the designated floor. The doors opened and you peeked inside. The ground was in a checkered pattern and the walls were ashy gray.

Everyone's phone chimed. "The time limit for this room is 2 minutes."

A timer appeared on everyone's phone in red characters. For a few seconds, you watched the timer tick down before reality struck you. You muttered a few words before turning to everyone and making your way out the elevator with the other people.

You realized that there wasn't much head clearance or space to walk around nor was there much space to move around in general. Other than the elevator entrance, there were two closed black doors. One had a poster of an anime girl on it that was ascending to the heavens with the word 'live' while the other was a picture of a skeleton with the word die written across the poster.

"What is this..?" You heard someone ask.

The older woman read the posters."Alive... or dead."

Everyone looked around in confusion, no one was quite sure how the game worked yet.

The shortest of all the guys pulled out his phone and began recording everything. "Is this really a game? I think... this is really getting exciting. I'm sure these must be doors to an art gallery."

You further examined the room as they continued talking and discussing.

"I want to go.. Home." The girl said, her voice quivering slightly.

The cameraman softly chuckled. "It'll be fine. You're with us. We'll play the game, get our prize, and go home. Okay?"

"You sound like such a creep when you say that." You couldn't help but tell him.

As you walked away from them, to see what the other two guys were up to, an announcement was made. "One minute remaining."

No one seemed phased by the announcement. Everyone just continued on with what they were doing.

"Arisu. Which door do you think it is?" You heard the yellow haired man ask one of his friends.

Arisu only chuckled in response.

The cameraman moved over to face the door that says 'die.' "Well, it can't be the skeleton, right?"

The messy haired male turned to the woman, seeking her help. "And if we choose the wrong door?"

"You'd probably die." You guessed. "It would only make sense."

"The answer is 'alive.' Open the door that says 'alive.'" She blurted out.

You couldn't help but turn to her like everyone else. 'How does she know?'

SLIDE ; Y. CHISHIYAWhere stories live. Discover now