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Looking in your surroundings, you came to a quick solution that the only way out was to go downstairs, so you did. The 3 boys and Shibuki followed after you once Arisu made sure that everyone was able to get out safely.

Everyone hastily made their way down the metal stairs, panting and relieved that they survived the game. Right once everyone made it to the bottom floor, they all collapsed onto the dirty, littered floor.


'Game cleared. Congratulations.'

Shibuki gave Arisu a thanks. However the moment was short lived when everyone noticed the burn on Chota's leg. It was a rather bad burn, and even though you didn't know much about medical things, you knew for sure that you had something in your bag that could help him. Rummaging through one of the pockets, you found a bandage wrap, a bottle of pain relievers, and a few packs of lotion.

Sighing, you took out a small ziplock bag and put a few pain relievers and a pack of lotion into the plastic bag before handing it to Chota. "Since this is the only time that I'll be seeing you guys, I'll give this to you as a thanks."

You zipped up your bag and threw it back over your shoulders, sliding your arms through the straps once again. Checking to make sure that you didn't leave anything behind, you walked ahead of the group of 4.

In front of you, you found a small white table. It was like a coffee table. You could see that on top of it was a card. It was a card from a normal deck of cards. Noticing that no one else had taken it, you decided to take it with you. Who knows, it may serve you to be useful later in the future sometime. You walked to the table and made sure to be quiet while sliding the card towards yourself and slipping it into your shorts pocket.

Turning to face them, you left them with a few words. "If you guys ever want to meet again, I'll probably be in a place where there's a bunch of people.. I would love to meet you all again someday, stay safe out there."

They all waved at you before you started on a journey yourself. You looked up at the sky and it was much darker than when you first made your way to the building. It didn't make sense, because according to your calculation, only around 20-30 minutes passed since you walked into the place. The math wasn't really adding up. Then again, you knew that this wasn't the real world, so who knew how this world worked.

You walked through the poorer part of the city with all the rundown buildings and littered streets. As you passed each building, you made sure to peer through windows or crevices in the wall to hopefully find a place where you would be able to stay safely as you waited for your next game.

Even though you weren't still quite sure on why you needed to play the games, you decided that the more you play, the better it'll be. However, judging by your first game, it wouldn't be easy. With each game that you play, it's just another chance to die. Maybe if you played the next couple of games no matter the days left on your visa, you'd have enough days to just take a break and find a larger population of the people who also ended up stranded. All you got was 3 days from this game, so you had 3 days left before your visa would expire. Hopefully you'll be able to find a game before that where you would gain an extra few days.

That reminded you, you needed to check the card that you had secretly taken from the 3 other people you left behind. Once you looked at it, you realized that there really wasn't anything to it. All it was was the normal 3 of clubs cards. It looked to be fresh out of a brand new deck that someone had just bought. It felt incredibly smooth and flat. Sighing in disappointment, you decided to go back to searching for a place to stay the night.

After several minutes of searching and peeking through windows, you couldn't find a single building that appeared even relatively safe. Not having a place to stay tonight would be pretty shitty. However, you didn't have the time to be worrying about that right now, especially when you felt someone following you. You also knew that you were being watched by someone. No, not watched, you felt as if you couldn't escape from their gaze. Their eyes were on you the whole time, no matter how many houses you would continue to look into down the road.

"Just come out! I know you're there!" You yelled, looking around you and pointing out your loaded gun.

A light breeze came by and blew a few strands of your hair into your face. Once you were able to tuck your hair behind your ears, someone stood in front of you. A male that seemed to be your height or a bit taller stood a few yards in front of you. You weren't able to be sure what color his hair was, but you were able to tell that he has light colored hair that reaches his shoulder. You stared at him for a few seconds before realizing something.


The male didn't say anything. He only pulled his hands out of his jacket's pockets and shrugged.

You ran up to him and threw your arms over his shoulders. You clutched him tightly and laid your head on his shoulders.

Perhaps you didn't notice, but Chishiya slightly leaned his head onto yours. He felt a lot calmer when you were with him. Ever since middle school, the two of you had been best friends, and no one has been able to make him feel the way he did when he was with you.

"It's been a while." You heard him say as he moved his arms around you.

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to get a drink with you. I had to play in the finals." You pulled away.

His face remained mostly devoid of emotion. "It's fine. I heard from colleagues that you won though, so congratulations. Good job Y/n."

You swore you could see the faintest smile on his face, but bringing it up would probably make him stop.

Growing up with him, you haven't even been able to see him smile much, and you were his closest friend. You were lucky to be able to witness the moments when he would though, especially since only a handful of other people would witness those moments as well.

"Man, you have no idea how much I missed you. If you had the day off, I would've invited you to be in my player box to watch my match today. The match is why I have my bag with me by the way. You probably already knew though."

After hearing the first half of what you said, he got upset. One of the higher ups in the hospital needed him to work an extra shift. Even though he tried to get out of it, they wouldn't let him, so he didn't have much of a choice but to decline your offer of a ticket to a show. If he'd known that he would be watching you play, he would've tried harder to get a day off to watch you.j

"You should've told me Y/n." He looked at you, eyebrows barely raised.

Patting his shoulder, you continued to walk down the road, waiting for him to follow. Noticing that you were ahead, he followed you, waiting for you to continue speaking.

"I mean, I was planning to. You were busy with your work though, so I asked the front desk worker at the hospital."

"What did they say?"

"They said that you were busy at the moment taking care of a patient. I waited for a few minutes but then wasn't able to stay because I had to go practice for the match the next day. Sorry."

Even though he didn't show it, Chishiya once again felt a small anger bubble inside of him. He found his job rather inconvenient when he wanted to spend time with you. However, now that neither of you would be busy with jobs, he decided upon a new goal. He would make sure to keep you with him and refrain from putting you into any danger. Especially not when it came to games.

Chishiya knew that from now on, he would make himself go to all lengths to keep you for himself. This meant that the first step was to take you to the beach.


I need a man like him in my life oml

If this chapter was cringy I'm so sorry 

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