21 | Your Destiny

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"Dove", I heard a soothing voice call after me and I looked around.


That was all I could see.

"Dove", the voice called out again and I followed the sound, it led to a faint light.

"Who-who's there?" I asked, I sighted a lantern and noticed that was where the voice came from.

"Dove", I heard the voice from behind me and turned with a gasp.

A woman dressed in a long white gown looked at me with a loving smile on her face, "Dove", she bent down and cupped my cheeks planting a kiss on each one of them.

"Who... Are you?" I asked, still frightened.

"I am the moon goddess. I have come to tell you your destiny, child" she said and handed me her hand, I put mine in and she turned me around.

The lantern's light led a straight path to a huge door.

"A walk through memory lane" the 'moon goddess' said and led me towards the door that open slowly to reveal a garden, bright and full of flowers, trees and many people walking tho and fro happily through.

A beautiful lady with brown hair, dressed in a gown sat on a bench holding a flower, she sighed frustratingly.

"Goddess, will you ever grant me a child?" She asked and tears flowed down her eyes.

I felt a pain in my heart seeing the woman cry.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked her and she smiled at me but said nothing, we went on walking and it looked like we had been teleported to a beach at night.

The same woman I had seen before was sitting by the shore staring right at the moon.

"Goddess, why hast thou forsaken me?!" She yelled at the moon, "give me a child goddess! That is all I ask! A simple request!!"

She cupped her face and tears flowed freely as she sobbed, a man went towards her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" He asked and she turned to him and gasped.

"Human!" She said and got up, "what do you want from me?"

"I just want to make sure you're alright, you were crying"

The moon reflected on both of them and the moon goddess led us past them and we were transported to a graveyard at night.

I saw the man crying and yelling with a bouquet of flowers in his hand as he looked down on a grave, then he turned to the moon and yelled at it.

"She trusted you!! She had faith in you!! But you led her to death! You couldn't even gift her a child before her death! You are no goddess!" He cursed

A child's cry could be heard by the grave and he looked down to see a crying baby, the moon illuminated on the baby and his tears turned to laughter as he scooted down to pick up the baby.

"You couldn't let her see this! You are damned!" He yelled

We went on moving and I saw myself being beaten by my mom and the moon goddess pulled me out of that scene and led me to the graveyard again and I saw the moon goddess crouching down to hold the baby.

"Your mother loves you, child" she said cradling the baby, "she wasn't destined to be happy but you are, she never got a mate but you will and all the happiness she never experienced, you will. You'll grow to be the princess of..." She pulled me out of there again and brought me to see a woman looking like she was in her mid thirties crouched next to a grave crying.

"You failed me! You said I would experience happiness! What have I ever done to you?!" The woman yelled, "why did you take him away from me?" She yelled at the moon.

We were back outside the gate again and the moon goddess hugged me, "I'm always with you child, fulfill your destiny" she said and disappeared.

"Wait, I still have so many questions. I don't understand"

"Daughter" I heard a familiar voice say to me and I turned to see the lady from the garden who had died, she looked a little older now, "daughter", her voice broke and tears poured out from her eyes as she pulled me into a hug, "daughter"

"I love you so much" she said, "I wish I was with you physically to experience every moment of your life" she hugged me tight and I hugged her too, then she pulled away and cleaned her tears.

"I want this moment to last forever but... It can't, you have to leave! Now!..." She said something I couldn't decipher, "... Is coming, leave now!"

"But how?" I asked

"Follow your mate! Stand beside him! Follow your mate!" She said and pushed me around before disappearing.

"Dove? Dove?! Can you hear me?" I heard Lexus voice call after me and saw him far away from me, I ran to him.


My eyes flew open.


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