You are my Son.

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"What the hell did you just say? Tell me..." Tommy whispered, voice rasp and quiet.

That's when Death took a deep breath.

XD was recovering from his clashes with Tommy and he would be back to attack any moment.

"I called son..." She repeated.

Tommy felt shock suffocate him in those few moments of silence.
He felt his eyes begin to tear up and blamed it on the abstract onions in the room.

"W-what does that make you a-again?"
He stuttered, body shuddering and tears spilling from either sadness or relief, which it was he himself couldn't tell.

"I am Death, Goddess of the Afterlife. But...I am, also..your mother, my songbird..." She smiled a bit as Tommy responded with silence.

The air thickened and she felt a lump form in her throat as Tommy slowly walked up to her. He asked her one last question.

"Well, that's a bit more complicated....however at the moment, I can't say much. XD is still on the verge and we must defeat him in order to gain the answers you seek.." She assured yet ordered him in a way like a general.

"We'll discuss when the time is right, for now, fight him!" On cue, a green energy beam shot from below their feet and both cleared out of the way almost instantly.

"Oh what a touching family reunion...Dear Death has finally revealed part of the puzzle. It won't matter anyway, SINCE YOU WON'T BE AROUND TO FINISH IT!!!" He sneered and blasted another energy ray at them.

Tommy shuddered, not from fear or the cold setting, but a painful feeling at his feet and hands.

"Oh? Are you just now noticing? You're starting to slowly fade away into my mind! THE HATCHLING, THE PHOENIX WILL DIE!!" He cackled, his body shaking like he was having a seizure.

He wasn't in any pain though, he was insane (Even though we already established that, it's still fun to reinforce).

It was a game, pure pleasure and delight for his sake. All mortals were his chess pieces to move, the world his board.

A rogue God that ignored their sacred duty to protect man-kind.

It absolutely annoyed the hell out of Tommy.

"I ain't dying yet you bastard..." he muttered. "YOU HEAR ME? I WON'T DIE!" He yelled at him.

I can't die...not when I can feel their heartbeats...

I hear your cries Wilbur...
I sense your faint heartbeat Techno
And I feel your love Philza...

He took a deep breath.

"Family...that's what you are to me..." He said out loud.


Tommy shot another fireball in XD's direction.

"Not you, ya old geezer..." Tommy clarified, aiming another fireball and igniting his ammo. He fired away and hit part of his target.

Drista's potion was working.

And with that, the golden honey hue eyes took control of Tommy's body.

"XD, our life was entrusted to Death....she held us in her embrace but we freed ourselves from rest. We are not ready to give in just yet. You will Perish for what you have done."

The void welcomed his ruminating thoughts graciously.

As did any other blank part of the world as he threw himself at XD.

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