What can I Handle?

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Ranboo appeared at the battlefield with the soldiers and King Eret by his side.

The arrival of the Pride Kingdom brought a wave of shock to King Philza and the soldiers on the ground as Eret blew the battle horn.

As they all charged into battle, Ranboo felt something in his stomach grow.

He knew immediately something was wrong.

What had happened while he was away?

He would soon find out but for now he only had one objective.


Tubbo shared the mutual feeling with Ranboo as he headbutted the opposing side, bleating a bit.

The Antarctic Kingdom was tired up to this point as it had seemed like hours of fighting.

Tubbo had lots of stamina from the fact that he's always been on the run for the past decade of his life so the effects of exhaustion was very little, even when he was ramming at full speed and power.

However, he noticed the effects of drowsiness befall Niki and Minx beside him as their breathing grew heavier and they could barely hold their own.

That's when the situation got difficult. Tubbo quickly surmised, analyzed, summarized, then executed.

He had to intervene in Minx and Niki's fight a couple of times.

He had analyzed their feeting draggin and the sweat that glistened and splattered onto the bare dirt below them.

He realized that he would need to split his perspective into half as well as time and stamina.

He couldn't just focus on himself anymore, he needed to help others.

But he didn't know if it was even possible to execute such a command. It seemed impossible at the least. No way to possibl-

"So are you going to keep being a nobody....or are you gonna finally be somebody?"

The flashback came back to him so quickly and purely, ringing through his ears and forming themselves into a feeling inside his stomach.

He chuckled softly, realizing he was having a main character moment with those words and looked back at the other side.

The cries of pride, grief, and adrenaline were evident, that was for sure.

The sounding of grunts, squeals, and clanking of armor was intensifying at the current moments ahead of him.

The dancing of souls felt present, like the dead were praising the living.

He knew how badly the vibes of the main character was starting to get to him but he was an extra in the background, nothing more.

Maybe even he could consider the option of...nothing less?

Kicking an arrow shot at his back, he redirected its angle and hit his target dead on.

"Not exactly the same as blades Tommy...but it's still efficient.."

Tommy was bashed into another wall again, his emotions all scrambled.
Dream hadn't given him time to grieve his friends death, using the amber to control his every movement.

His features were turning against him, his fingertips burning themselves and his wings dragging him across the sky without his consent.

After being bashed for what felt like forever he was strangely gently plucked down onto the ground, his eyes barely being able to open.

When he was able to slightly see the blurry figures in front of him, he felt terrified watching as Techno's bubblegum pink hair swished back and forth.

Techno, with no armor or barely any weapons, was battling it out with Dream.

His own entire head was bursting with pain and tears were spilling out slowly.

He couldn't take the mix of emotions he had warped himself into and didn't have any comfortable room to slowly digest it.

So, it all came tumbling out.

Shrill cries of pain were all that was there as fire engulfed him in a shell of protection.

He would have never he went from just a thief to all of this.

Never in a million years would he believe that he was phoenix, that he would meet the King, that he would befriend a baker, that he would reunite and make amends with his friends, and NEVER would he have believed that Drista was.....gone.

He was a kid.

How was he supposed to know how much he could take before he officially broke down?

He could barely contain his weeping as the spiraling blaze began to swirl and twirl.

Eventually, it sent out a blast of heat that sent everyone flying back and created a wave of light out in all directions.


He heard him.
He could hear Techno.

He called out, Tommy unraveling his arms.

"Techno?" He mumbled, standing up with palms facing out in front and behind him.

His fingertips were curled as the heat of his flames were being altered by himself and he could a loud grunt of pain.

"TOMMY! DRISTA POURED A POTION ON HIM AND I BELIEVE IT'S SEPARATING XD AND DREAM! WE NEED TO TRY AND ENCOURAGE IT!" Tommy shuddered at the mention of Drista, the battered body showing itself in his head.

"What does he mean?"
He mumbled to himself trying to think.

"DREAMS POSSESSED TOMMY, BY A GOD NAMED XD!" Techno added, almost as if he could read Tommy's mind or hear him.

Tommy wanted silence so bad right now. He needed the quiet.

He wanted everything to stop all at once and for it all to just slow down.

He needed a chance to think but he couldn't be granted one.

Until now. That's when he got an idea.


Okay, this is a really short chapter

I promise the next chapter will be longer since I've got a lot of time to write next week.

Schools been crazy I tell ya.

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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