One Hell Of A Day

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Tommy and Niki ventured further into town as they walked down the streets and into the bakery.

"Hi Miss Puffy!!" Tommy waved as Niki opened the door. "Hi Tommy!" She said.

She then looked at Niki.
"Niki! It's been awhile!" She greeted her.
"It has! Tommy wanted to stop by today!" Niki said.

Puffy grinned. "So did you like the cakes?"
She asked. Tommy began stuttering a bit.

"O-oh well um, you see, I Uh, I kinda gave them away, so I d-didn't really get to try one..."
he confessed. Puffy's smile didn't droop though. Instead she ruffled his hair.

"That's okay! I bet that you made a lot of peoples day, that's what matters," she beamed.

Tommy smiled. Puffy then led him a glass case next to her and showed his the delicious pastries in them.

Niki helped him read the labels and Tommy was able to do a little bit of schoolwork.

"A candy apple?" He asked, his tone pure confusion. Niki nodded.

"What's candy? And how did they get it on an apple? Did the candy and apple fuck each other or something?" He asked.

Puffy snorted out of laughter while Niki hastily tried to explain and try not to draw the attention of everyone.

Puffy had an idea.

"You want to know how a candy apple is made?"
She asked. Tommy nodded.

"Follow me to the back then! You can come along too if you want Niki," she said.

Tommy and Niki both followed Puffy to the back of the bakery and there, Tommy saw amazing machinery.

Metal was bent into all different shapes and sizes. The smell of fresh baked bread spread throughout the entire room.

His mouth water as he looked at all the sweetness that surrounded him.
Puffy then showed them over to a giant pot.

A red ooze was swirling around and was being heated from underneath.

"This bad boi is what melts and holds the sugar coating on the apple." She said.
She went to grab an apple and a stick.
She led them over to a table.

"We have to remove the stem so we cut a tiny circle down the middle. She took out a metal straw.
She then stabbed it through the center and
removed it.

She went back over to the pot and dipped the stick in then quickly rushed to placed it in the hole in the apple.
"Now we wait a little for it to dry so we can start covering the outer layer." She said.

(Btw if you guys are wondering, I'm making this whole process up, I'm too tired to look up how they are made. This is just a figment of my imagination ~Hinataz_PorkBunz)

They waited a good five minutes.
Soon, Puffy lifted up the apple and carried it over to the melted candy.

She gestured for both of them to observe her as she dunked it in.
She lifted it out then placed it on a bake sheet nearby.

"Now I place it in the freezer and wait for it to cool," she led them over to a gigantic freezer.
It was so big that she was able to walk in it.

Tommy stared in awe at all the other foods that were being stored in the frigid contraption as Puffy walked in and placed the apple on a shelf.

Puffy came out holding a tray with two candy apples.

"I luckily had some of these guys prepped so you can have a fresh one!" She said.
She led them back out front.

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