If Only You Knew.....

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Wilbur immediately ran to the side of the bed and touched his head.

He saw that Tommy was whimpering and that something was bothering him.
Wilbur knew Tommy was having a Nightmare.

"Tommy, wake up," Wilbur gently said.
Tommy's eyes remained shut.

"Tommy. Wake up." He said again. Still closed tight. Wilbur shook him.

"Tommy! Come on! Wake up!" He began panicking. Tommy didn't know what was happening.

He was just lost in the void, his breaths echoing throughout the darkness.
He felt so cold, so lonely.


The tears started flooding down his face as the voices erupted into laughter.


Should I give in? Should I let them win?

He opened his eyes and saw Wilbur sitting next to him worried. He lifted his head and saw looked around the room. The hot tears dusted his face as he wiped them away.

Why can't I feel anything?

He looked towards Wilbur. He then patted his curly brown hair. He couldn't feel anything.

Wilbur turned on a lamp and his eyes widened in shock.
His eyes....

a blood moon red filled the once ocean-sky blue eyes. They were emotionless and just empty.

Wilbur put his hand on his cheek and Tommy touched the hand.

Why can't I feel you?

"W-Wil" he couldn't pronounce his words either. Wilbur looked at him.
"Tommy, are you ok?" He asked.
Tommy's head nodded.

What the hell?! I never told it to do that!?!!

Wilbur looked deeper into Tommy's eyes and Tommy looked deeper into Wilburs eyes.
Tommy couldn't control his body.

He couldn't feel anything. Physically or emotionally.

He stood up and picked up the dish near the doorway. He began eating it and Wilbur just sat down next to him.

"Tommy? What happened between you and Techno?" Wilbur asked.
"An argument.." he softly replied.

After he was finished eating he held out the plate and Wilbur took it.

Tommy then sat back down on the bed. Wilbur was quite confused about Tommy's actions.
Tommy laid back down and his eyes began to change. Wilbur saw how they went back to their bold blue colors before closing.

He pulled the covers back over Tommy and grabbed his plate. He took it back down to the dining room and one of the butlers took it away.

He then headed off to his room to think. He grabbed his guitar and strummed it a bit. He mindlessly strummed as his thoughts took over.

What just happened? Was I imagining that? Is Tommy ok? What nightmare could have triggered that?

A single word remained in his brain as he drifted off to sleep.


What the hell does Tommy mean? Out of all the words, why that one?

Oh Wilbur....

If only you knew.......

Thanks for reading!
Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a good night's rest, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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