Puzzle Pieces

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Tommy woke up, his eyes fluttering open. He stood up and walked towards a tree.

He touched its bark and ran his fingers along the smooth wood.

His lips curled into a malicious smile. He couldn't feel anything, he was numb to the touch. The hot tears that streamed down his face, the cuts and bruises that littered his skin, and the clothes that even touched his skin were all immobile.

He couldn't feel a single thing.

He could sense something on his back though. He reached his hand back. He couldn't feel it but he knew something was there.

He began walking through the forest, hoping to find a pond or river. He eventually found a river and sat on his knees at the edge of it. He leaned forward and stared at his reflection, his mind surprised at the sight he saw.

His eyes were just an empty stare. It's dark blood red illuminating his face. He blinked a couple of times before he realized something was stuck on his back.

He tried pulling at it but immediately flinched back. Whatever it was perked up. He looked at his hand and saw a feather. It was both red and golden. It was beautiful.

He turned it over in his hand as he suddenly saw an ember fly past him. He touched it and suddenly, he stood in the middle of desolate land. He looked around.

The trees seemed to just rot and seemed scorched. The grass beneath his fee had shriveled up and died. He looked towards the stream. All dried up.

He stood there, horrified at the monster he had become.

Maybe he couldn't feel with physical touch, but emotional was a whole different story.

Why was the world so cruel?

Puffy burned the hours away, the books pilling every minute in that library, her body beginning to malfunction.

She hadn't realized she missed dinner when she saw a plate be set next to her.

"Listen, I know you're worried, but please, let me-" she looked up to see a familiar creeper hybrid.

"Sam?" she asked in surprise.
"Puffy," he responded.

Puffy darted her eyes back to her book. She began mumbling the words to herself as her eyes began drooping.

"You know, you should really get some sleep,"
he said.
"Im very aware Sam, but I have to-"

"have to what? Prove that you can do everything on your own? You have to find Tommy? Damage yourself even more than you already are? Puffy you're not the only one who's worried. I know when people are trying to help but I also know when people need their rest," he said.

Puffy gritted her teeth.
She knew Sam was right, but it was hard to just standby.

She hadn't realized the tears that pricked against her eyes until she felt a droplet fall onto her hand. She quickly wiped them away as she put her hand on the cover. She then slowly closed it.

She pushed it off to the side as she sunk down in her seat. She looked towards the plate and Sam pushed it towards her.

She grabbed the fork and began munching on her meal. After some awkward silence, she spoke.

"I just had a theory.." she began. Sam looked at her.

"Something just stuck in my mind.........." she said.

"The day of the massacre, I believe......"
She paused.

"I believe a descendant.......a descendant of a certain creature was there...."
Sam looked at Puffy with curious eyes.

"And what creature might that be?" he asked, afraid of how Puffy might answer.
She took a deep breath then faced Sam.

"I believe the descendant of the Phoenix was there..."


Hello my cheeseburgers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So me being a rebel and quite the rule breaker, I got my phone taken away again, however, I will be posting chapters secretly because, I don't care anymore :D

I had gotten it taken away the moment I got it back so yeah. (Me being proud of myself 😎)

Anyways, Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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