Truly Real

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Techno sat in the mousetrap, quietly collecting his thoughts. He couldn't let his family fall in the trap.

He couldn't let Tommy suffer even more.

He looked for any escape route possible but he was let down. There was no way to escape.

It was feeble and meaningless attempts if you even tried to bash the cage.

He slowed his breathing and took a deep breath as he let himself relax.

He needed to calm himself down and this was the best way to do it.

He was suddenly launched into an unfamiliar section of his mind. He looked around seeing a familiar end of a hallway.

He looked down and was shocked to find his younger self hugging his mother.

"Mom..." he breathed.

Her eyes were softly closed and her arms were gently wrapped against the younger version of Techno. Techno looked around and saw Wilbur sprawled out on the floor slowly creeping towards Techno.

"Tech.." his soft whimpers echoed reaching out to Techno. His younger version slapped his hand away.

Techno felt a pain in his chest as he watched the scene unfold.

"Stay away from me, Wil..."
the younger one breathed between sobs.
Wilbur retracted his head and bowed his head down in sadness.
Techno felt his heart shatter.

I pushed you away...
he thought as suddenly the memory glitches.

He began to stumble and fell down, landing flat on his back. He groaned out as he lifted himself up and stared at the scene before him.

A little boy was balled up in front of him. His sniffles echoed throughout the void. He could feel the guilt and the regret emitting from his aura.

He was torn, broken, and lost.

Techno slowly lifted his hand toward him as he touched his strawberry blonde hair. The boy flinched as he looked around, scared of what had touched him.

Techno felt the wave of shock wash over him as he looked into red apple eyes.
Tommy was hyperventilating his breathing uneven and his body was trembling. Techno spoke.

"Tommy?" His voice croaked.
"T-techno..?" Tommy asked unsure as his eye kept gazing around the void.

"Tommy, infront of you.." he gestured as Tommy looked in front of him.

He reached his hand out and it passed through Techno. Tommy flickered on and off like a light bulb, Techno suddenly feeling like he was trying to disconnect himself.

"Your just another trick from them!!! YOUR NOT REAL!!"

"Tommy...I'm real.."


Techno let out a low growl.

"I AM REAL!!" He yelled back frightening Tommy. His facial features softened as he calmed himself down.

"Im sorry...I didn't mean to yell at you Wil..."

He spoke unconsciously causing Tommy to perk up at the name.

"I'm not Wilbur..." Techno looked up at Tommy's eyes. They had returned to a soft ocean blue.

"None of the other people mistaked me for are real..." he reached out but his hand phases through Techno again.

He sighed in defeat as he let his hand rest on his knees.

"Try again." Tommy looked at him.


"I want you to try and touch me..."

He held out his hand.

"Can you see me?"
"Well sorta...your kinda of all glowy and stuff..." "Try and reach for my hand..."

He extended his arm out. Tommy reached out.
He phased through it again.

"That's okay...try again Toms..."
Tommy tried one last time.

He closed his eyes as he didn't want to see his defeat. He felt a hope awaken within him though as he felt a cool surface touch the palm of his hand.

He opened one eye and saw his hand on Technos. He immediately opened both of his eyes wide.

He could feel Techno. He could feel him.

He smiled wide as he slowly reached his other hand out to Technos other hand.

At first it phased through but they were soon able to touch.

Techno softly smiled as Tommy felt his lip quiver and wrapped his arms around him.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." he apologized, holding back tears. Techno patted his head.

"It's okay Tommy...."

They stayed like that for a couple of moments. Just holding eachother for couple moments of silent before a light peeked behind Techno.

Tommy acknlodged it and immediately let go pointing to the circle of light. They both stood up and soon another disk of energy ignited.

Soon a pathway was made in a random direction. Tommy looked to Techno.

Techno felt like it was speaking to him.

"Show him the way..."

Techno looked back at Tommy.

"I'll be right behind you.." he encouraged as Tommy looked at the path.

It beckoned him with its call of the unknown. Tommy decided to answer the call of mystery.

"Lets follow it," he announced and took a cautious step forward Techno following right behind him.

It was an hour trip but it only felt like 5 minutes to them.

They hopscotched across the disk, did their best not to fall and ran until they finally met the finish line. The path stopped and Tommy looked behind him.

But Techno was no longer there.

He called out.


Tommy opened his eyes to find himself back where he had fled from.

He saw Tubbo and Ranboo peacefully sleeping under the wool blanket.

He walked over them and crawled into the blanket.
He must have imagined that.

That was just another trick from Them.

But what if it was truly real?


What are you thankful for?
What is something that makes you happy?
What are you grateful for?

Have a good day, and remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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