The Time's Advice

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There had always been such a chilling sensation when it came to his anger, something that burned more than fire itself.

It could be described more like an unrelenting frost bite, freezing his blood stream of all feeling until eventually, it was rendered useless and fell down.

Right now, he felt himself shaking as if he went outside without a coat.

He was shivering, his lips quivering along with the sinking feeling in his stomach.

He felt as if there was something he was missing, something that was misplacing itself.

His conscious was divided.

"Knowledge or Death? I wonder which is better all the time..."

What the...

He didn't recognize the voice at all. It sounded soft, yet tired as if it could simply fade away in an instant.
It made him feel like fluttering, as if he were butterfly being provided nectar.

"Trust me, I'm a bit new to this whole entire mind thing however I do understand the precious matter known as time.."

Tommy's frostbitten fury kept him in place, unsure of what to expect.

He felt like destroying him, burning him
into dust. But he felt it too cruel to splatter the white abyss of his mind with ashes of an enemy.

He already had enough blood on his hands.

How much more would stain him?

The very thing that brought him back to the honey dewdrop voice was the sprouting of the flowers beneath his knees.

"Don't be alarmed by the sudden flourish of colors, I've just been surrounded by this dull hue for so long that I wanted to spice things up a bit..." He apologized, Tommy feeling his legs stand him upright immediately.

"Tommy, I know you, I know Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Wilbur, Philza, and everyone else that comes to you're mind. And I know just how horrible the world is...but you can't forget the treasures it offers either..." Tommy stayed silent.

It wasn't a nature he was used too, but it felt right for this particular moment.

"What do you think matters at the end of the day? Power? Money? How big or strong you are physically? Now believe me, you've probably heard similar topics but if you can, just answer," He continued, the ground flourishing even more and growing numerous banana trees.

"Fear..." Tommy answered.
"And why is that?" The voice asked, making him to want to think deeper.

"It manipulates us, makes us do it's's a monster-"
"Or a misunderstood face."

That's what made Tommy pause.

That's what made Tommy lower his wings with no catch, no add-ons.

That's why he showed mercy on the man who hurt Niki,
caused the delusions in his head,
stabbed Techno,
made his entire life a lie.

Right here and right now, this man stood in front of him with a cracked facade.

All he truly had was his own greed to situate himself.

But did Tommy have the right to take the life of someone who's life had also been ruined?

Did he have the right to decide there fate?

XD on the outside was malicious, manipulative, cocky, and incredibly dangerous.

But what about the man that lurked on the inside. Who's heart was beneath the surface of insensitiveness? Who was Dream?

"It's only natural for bad things to happen, however it's unfortunate when such events continue to push the luck of those on their knees begging to be spared. Realize that right now you're deciding that very thing...What will you decide? Because time is running out.."

There was something strange about how he worded it, how he sounded it out.

He wasn't telling him what to do, he was pointing out the obvious. He wasn't even giving him options or choices to choose from, he was just stating what was happening but from the eyes of the outside. He was just telling him to decide.

But on what? What was there to think about?

Then he realized.

He's been thinking this whole fucking time.

"Choose Tommy.
Don't make me choose for you..."

The choice of Tommyinnit, the decision made by the very street rat that stumbled into the castle because of mere greed.

Bad things are supposed to sprout good things, like birds singing after every storm.

What was Tommy's choice?

XD's confusion was evident when Tommy had paused his movements. A shadow crossed his face as his eyes lids closed.

Beneath the lids, a transformation began to emerge.

The blood curdling red was replaced with an all to familiar determined ocean blue.

The fire had settled down and soon the temperature of the flames began to rise, the fire tint of golden red being altered to a midnight navy blue.

The heartbeat of a thousand creatures echoed within him, the pulses forming a melody purity, impurity, and ease.

The song of whimsical wonder began to play as he opened his eyes.

His transformation was complete.

The moment he opened his pupils, he felt himself be drained into a new world.

He felt the vortext of a kindling passion burn through him as he was sucked in.

Techno watched from a distance as XD and Tommy both fell from the sky, burning embers trailing behind Tommy.

XD crashed into the ground, not moving at all as Tommy slowly fell.

He softly landed with no trouble at the slightest and soon was what to appeared to be unconscious. His wings began to slowly fade away, retreating back into the unknown void of the world.

Before he completely lost sense with the world, he felt a gentle embrace squeeze his hand as it ushered him to further.

" okay..."

And then the pleads vanished.

Meanwhile, left in the sprouted void of Tommy's mind stood the figure that had talked.

The man carried a pocket watch and goggles were nestled neatly on his head. His hoodie was multicolored but was fading into a milky white with hints of grey fuzzes.

There a woman encased in crows appeared, walking beside him.

"My songbird..."


So...again, I did it again where I posted a promised chapter late-


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made sure to make it long and I hoped it was good!

Remember, drink plenty and of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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