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Awoken abruptly in his sleep, beads of sweat dripped down Technos face as the voices crowded his mind and caused a massive headache.

He began wobbling his way towards the bathroom in his bedroom and made his way to the sink. He ran the cold water through his fingers before splashing a handful onto his face.

He kept doing that until he was able to get rid of the dizzy sensation.
What the hell.....why are they buzzing so much?

The voices in his head were just annoying him and talking all kinds of crap.
Tonight was different however.

This time they seemed to be growing anxious, their adrenaline seemed to be pumping.
Their feelings merged with his and he could feel what they felt.
That also meant they could feel what he felt though, and what he felt was frustration.

As they continued the bickering, Techno could only wonder what was brewing and what seemed to be amplifying their pride and hope. He decided to listen in on their conversations.

"I wonder when he will strike, wonder when the greed will get to him"
"Please he's a amateur, of course he's gonna let greed take over him, that's guys gonna get himself executed!"
"I'm so excited to meet him! When's the showcase again?"
"Isn't it today?"
"That's right! Ooh I wonder what he looks like!"
"Dumbass! He looks blonde with big blue bulging eyes! He's got nice clothes too!"
"A thief with nice things? He's even more promising than I thought!"

A thief?! A thief coming into the castle?!!

He knew it was bad news and he needed to warn everyone.
He decided to tell his father over breakfast.
So he waited for the sun to rise above the horizon.

The sunlight peeked through the window as morning arrived and he was finally able to head down the hall towards the dining room.
He made his way through the wooden door and sat down in his place while waiting for his father and brother to arrive.

As he waited, chefs and butlers began placing food on the table. There were sausages, eggs, and fruit. He continued waiting but no one showed.

He decided to dig into the meal anyway and began eating the food in front of him.
When he finished he made his way out of the room and saw that the hallways were filled with precious gems, jewels, and historic artifacts.

He began panicking as neither his father or brother came into sight. Soon the suns positions showed noon. The showcase was about to start.

The guard opened the gates and in came the villagers all scrambling in to inspect and take a glimpse at all the pretty jewels.
Dresses, dress shirts, baggy pants.
Different bracelets and necklaces could be seen all over the place.

Everyone was scrambling around the castle, all fascinated with all the different sparkly things. Techno made his way through the crowds as he tried searching for at least one of his family members. Where the hell are they?!

He was extremely stressed and agitated. He kept on getting stopped by random folks who just wanted to say hi or to thank him for the event.

He had to seem calm as he didn't want to alarm any villagers.
Luckily his emotions rarely showed on his face so no one seemed worried as he passed by.

He continued to push by but still no one was in sight. He became frantic and was becoming more irritated by the second.

Something strange started happening though. The floor seemed to be vanishing beneath his feet. Everything seemed to be disintegrating from sight.
Red bulbs of light surround him, their voices growing louder, and louder, and louder! He put his hands to cover his ears as the voices shrieked with joy.


They chanted, their voices erupting in his head. He let out a scream, the noises becoming too much, and found himself back in his room.

The sun seemed to be peeking through the window, the birds chirping loudly, and the familiar clatter of the maids and butlers outside his room filled his senses.

That....that was dream?
It had been a dream and he had not known.

He quickly jolted up from bed and looked out his window. The suns position indicated it to be noon. Shit, it's starting!

He quickly rummaged through his wardrobe as he found a dress shirt, some black pants, and black boots. He put them on as fast as he could then tied his hair in its regular tight braid.

He then put on his regular red cape and hurried out the door. He first checked his fathers office.

He wasn't there.

He then checked the dining room.

No one was there.

He heard the wailing of the gates open as he heard the excited chatter of the villagers filling the palace.

Everything was out on display as he pushed through many different families and folks. He was stopped occasionally by many people saying their hellos and giving their gratitude for hosting the event.

Like in his dream he did his best to remain calm and it worked. He kept on searching until he spotted a familiar head full of fluffy brown hair.

He seemed to be talking to some ladies, them enjoying every minute of it. He walked up to his brother and spoke in his regular monotone voice.

"Wilbur stop flerting, this is important." He said.

Wilbur looked to his brother and saw the urgency in his eyes.
He quickly nodded and ended the conversation between him and the others and followed Technoblade to a corner in the room, far away from the ears of everyone else.

"What's happening Tech?" He asked.

Silence filled the corner and the overlapping voices seemed to fill it as well.

Techno spoke. "Wil....we have an issue,"

he paused for a moment before he continued.

"A thief is here, at this very moment and I have a feeling he not just here to gaze at the treasures that surround him."

Wilburs eyes widened at the sound of thief and he began to run his mouth off asking questions.

"What does he look like? Do you know when they might show their face? Should we tell the guards? What will everyone think?!"

Techno released a heavy sigh and held up a hand to silence his brother.

"We will tell the guards to be on alert.
I do know that this guy has blonde hair with soft, blue eyes. We need to keep the panic to a minimum as we don't want to alarm any of the villagers, right?"

Wilbur nodded his head.
He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a shrill scream.

As soon as the words left her mouth, the duo knew that the thief was near.

And that thief knew that he was just busted.

Thanks for reading this chapter! I really hope you enjoyed this one! So now I can finally get on to the good stuff!

Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a good night rest, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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