Rage of Fury

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Tommy woke up to hear some shouting outside his door.

He rubbed his eyes and immediately jumped off his bed. He opened his door to see guards just laughing in front of his door. They all looked at him.

"So sorry, we didn't know a brat like you need your 'beauty rest' " they all snorted with laughter.
Tommy clenched his fist.

"Didn't know you needed yours either. I didn't know I cared that much to you, aw that's sweet!"
He teased. The guards growled at him.

"We don't care for you, nobody does, why don't you get that engraved on your forehead!"
They all laughed and walked away.

Tommy just stood there and shut the door.

He let his back rest against the smooth bark. He gritted his teeth as he picked up a book and threw it against the wall.

Damn bitches...

he took a deep breath in and calmed himself down. Relax...inner peace...deep breaths.. he told himself.

He decided to get dressed then go to the garden to calm himself down. He put on a random shirt in the closet along with black pants.

He strapped on some boots he found and walked out. He scurried down the hallways ignoring the muttering between the guards.

He soon found the familiar doorway and slammed the door. He sighed out of relief and headed towards a big oak tree.
He looked up at it then looked around.

He then climbed up the tree and made his way to the tippy top of the leaves. He gazed out into the sky, the clouds hovering above in their grand fluffy unique shapes.

He felt the wind brush against his cheek and the air filled his lungs. He closed his eyes and tried to relax but heard a banging noise.

He opened his eyes and peaked beneath the canopy. The guards had grabbed a drum and were banging it. He groaned and hopped down.

"Sorry, didn't you know you were here you nuisance!" They laughed.

He groaned and then headed inside.

All day the guards annoyed him and whenever he was around one of the princes they would act like goody two shoes which just made him fume.

He was with Techno at the current moment and they were working on their new dummy.

Techno showed Tommy how to make the Torso and they began to work. Tommy turned around to pick up another tool but he couldn't find it.

He searched for it everywhere but he couldn't find it. He began panicking and bolted inside the castle to see if it was somewhere in there. He looked in every room and wasted half the day looking for it. He groaned as he went back.

When he got back, Techno looked pissed and pointed to an object. His tool.
Tommy just sat there annoyed at himself.

It was here?! But!? How?! UGH!!!!

He picked it up and started working on the Torso with Techno.
He felt irritated and especially guilty at how he had wasted their day.

See? Your a nuisance Tommy! Just give in!

"Shut the fuck up..." he mumbled.
"I was just showing you how to do something but if you want me to just shut up, fine, I won't work with you anymore, In fact, you can finish the whole thing on your own." He snapped.

Tommy sat there in silence as Techno stood up and left him alone in the garden. He heard some giggling and saw the guards laughing their heads off.

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