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When Tommy had appeared, at first, he wanted to keep things on the ground, since he wasn't used to the whole flying thing and all.

His plans were changed when he almost tumbled off the side of the volcano however.

Phil had luckily taken Wilbur to safety, keeping him restrained in the air and away from the energy blasts, giving Tommy the freedom to go wild.

He opened his palms and sparks began to emit from them, soon combining and exploding in front of Dream or otherwise known as XD.

They were full on I'm combat, aerial dynamics and all when he brought something up.

"Y'know, I can feel myself remembering so many different situations from this fight like....that day in the kingdom..."

Tommy ceased fire, hesitating as those words were spoken out of his mouth.
Soon enough, a green glow began to illuminate his mask, a sadistic smile curling up in the corners.

"You seem to have forgotten all about that, tried to erase it from history but guess what? You hurt hurt all of thought you saved them? You almost had blood on you're hands...more than just the girl's...The entire Antarctic Empire!"
He cackled at the end, freezing up Tommy badly and messing with his head.

That day was so fuzzy in everyone else's eyes and muffled in there ears.
Voices were missed and chaos had erupted. The day of the negotiation.
The day Tommy had left.

Everyone else was blinded, but it was still crystal clear in his head.

That's when XD took the moment to look around, spotting Drista and Techno, a calculated plan engraved in his head.
Tommy couldn't get out of his own.

The explosions, the screams, the all began to come back.

Way too soon and not to his liking at all.

Tubbo was down at the bottom, bashing and thrashing like a wild bull, bleating in victory as he practically swept the floor with his opponent.

He had been able to test his new gadget on the fields as well, having numerous test subjects to experiment with.

It was a dream come true, he just needed to perfect his mad scientist laugh.

One of his first few guys, he stopped his heart with one of his gadgets.
Next one was dissolved into a puddle, the process slow and painful.
The mobs didn't understand it but the horror on the few guards on Dream's side was enough to leave them quivering in there shiny boots.

He had to admit, tormenting people was a blast and it just kept on getting better.

"TUBBO!" He get himself get blasted up into the air, several feet off the ground, his ears ringing.

The entire process happened so fast, he could barely react.

He was starting to lose stamina rather quickly, never before holding out for so long against so many different enemies.

Clearly the women were kicking ass like it was nobody's business and he felt like a wuss compared to them.

Then again, an irresistible cute kid like him had a pass, so he realized there was nothing to be humiliated about there.

On his way back down, he braced for impact, closing his eyes and curling up his body.

He made sure to tucking in his limbs and protect his head as he came shooting down. That's when he felt another force collide with him, and looked up to see Minx's arm outstretched and holding him steady.

She was standing on a little dirt  mound, most likely burying the burnt corpse he had caused with one of his other tools.

"We could play king of the hill at this point!" Tubbo squealed, Dropping down into the ground and ramming into an unsuspecting victim to his left.

Minx just gave a laugh of approval.

When he lifted his head back up, he saw an arrow shoot by, grazing his cheek, letting a droplet of blood spill out.

"SORRY! I WAS BULLSEYING THE ONE BEHIND YOU!" Niki apologized, reloading and shooting behind her.
Tubbo gave a confused face before looking down behind him and jumping back at the dead body.

Lots of blood was seeping out and the eyes turned lifeless, signaling the very death of the soldier.

A life.

A life has been taken.

The true nature and reality of this world.

The inevitable end.

Death had taken him to the afterlife where he would be face with judgement.

Tubbo felt his stomach drop.
He would have to go there too eventually.
He would have to sit there and watch as life began to drain from him and death filled his filthy skin.

He realized exaclty where he was standing, the violence surrounding him.
The intensity and thirst for blood was changing him here.

He hated it.

He would prefer the honey of bees over the stinger from there corpse.
This was madness.
This was where he was.

A war.

One that could not be stopped anytime soon. He shook his head.

He needed to get out of it before he did something irrational and without thinking.

He couldn't work in the situation blindly anymore.

He had to calculate, rethink, and experiment. He needed to win.

Or else it was off with his head.

The memories had begun, the voices had come back, and the body had become still.

All was lost, all was beginning to scare him.

He couldn't think.

He was so sleepy..

When Niki had fallen from the cut of the blade, he could feel his whole head throb.

He felt like his eyes had decieved him, his mind lying straight to him.
It was real.
It was no fake setup or prank.

It truly was reality.

That's when he couldn't feel or think.

He just began to fall, his legs giving out as he crashed onto his knees. The glow of the amber began to shine brightly, blinding all nearby pedestrians.

He had awaken.

From his years of slumber, He has risen.

The Phoenix had come back.

First off, I would to apologize for another short chapter. School for me will be starting soon so it's kinda be chaotic around here, I hope you can forgive me for my forgetfulness and the short chapter.

Next chapter, I plan to write about what truly happened and go into more detail about what happened at the end of "One Hell of a Day" Chapter so another flashback in a character but this time is Tommy.

I want to take a moment and thank you all so much for the support, votes, reads, and comments you have put, I'm truly grateful for the community we have here.

It's an honor writing for you guys and I truly hope you have enjoyed my work here so far.
I hope you all had a great day and remember

Drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnights sleep, unless you wanna stay up ;)

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