Together We Rise

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" didn't agree with angry and lashed out....ended up hurting us in the end....and you history wouldn't repeat itself.."

Tubbo summarized, Tommy nodding along.

"Whenever I come along...I hurt those around me. The best and only solution that has being alone, severing ties, and cutting off all connections to people. I didn't want to, but it's the only way to keep those I care about safe. I want to be there...but I'm a curse Tubs...I can't be around if all I'm gonna do is cause trouble," he explained, Tubbo and Ranboo feeling there heart shatter.

"Tommy...the only way to hurt to leave us. You hurt us only because you left.
I don't know where the hell you got that idea but that is not true. You helped lifted our spirits higher than you could ever imagine...I...I don't know where that...where that came from..."

Tubbo trailed off looking down at himself, unsure of where those words had suddenly sprouted out from.

"We needed you, just as much as you needed us. Without you, we're not whole, incomplete." Ranboo justified, Tommy nodding as he did his best to pull himself together.

Life was so fucked up sometimes.

Tommy's journey was one of pain and endless struggling, no breaks.

But, he enjoyed these little moments.

Moments where he could breathe, get it off his shoulders, and relax.
He looked at the task ahead of them though, thinking.

"We need help." Tommy announced, Tubbo cocking an eyebrow.

"What? Isn't that what we're doing?" Tubbo asked, Tommy tilting his hand a bit.

"Sorta but we need to get the word out faster, we've just been wasting time. We need some kind of way for the people of this Kingdom to know fast and to pick what they want to do..."

"like a poll?" Ranboo asked, Tommy nodding.

"I can see it! We get the people to vote for there choice in the matter and whether or not they want to go to war with Dream. But, how do we even let them know there's a poll?"

Tubbo asked, all three of them stopping to think.

"Maybe I can help you with that..." All three of them turned around to be met with a familiar ram, standing sheepishly to the side, but still wearing a cocky grin.

Ranboo and Tommy at first stood on there guard, skeptical of the man but Tubbo smiled and stood up and ran to him.

He than did something that was about unexpected to both Tommy and Ranboo.

He hugged him.

He threw his arms open and gripped onto the man like he had known him for years.

"Hi Schlatt!" He sounded muffled as he buried his face into his shirt, Schlatt softly smiling as he looked at the other two.

"Tubbo? You trust him?" Ranboo asked, Tubbo looking back and nodding.

"He gives good advice...and plus he doesn't think that I'm stupid for learning all that cool math and science shit," he grinned, the other two smiling with him.

"Okay, but quick question, how can this bitch help?" Tommy asked, Schlatt just smirking.

"Isn't he just a guard?" Ranboo chimed in, Tubbo sighing and looking up at Schlatt who's cocky grin still hadn't faltered.

"Trust me kid, I can still do a whole lotta things as just a guard...even though I'm just a average one," He muttered the last part but with Tubbo's ears, he heard it perfectly.

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